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    George Lopez 10/19/04 8:30PM

    What did Carmen say Angie made her do before taking a bathroom break?
    Ask permission in French

    How did Max try to get George to play football with him?
    Came downstairs wearing a veil

    What did Angie say she was doing when George found her in the garage?
    Oxidizing her cells

    How did Carmen's school administrator know she hadn't been sick?
    Saw a missing persons flier

    What did Angie do when Carmen came downstairs for her first day of homeschooling?
    Rang bell to start class

    Why did Carmen say she didn't want to go to Catholic school?
    Didn't get along with girls

    Why did Angie mention that Carmen's ex-boyfriend was hot?
    Explained why Carmen had kissed him in public

    What did Angie say she did while Carmen took her test?
    Drank two glasses of wine

    What did George do that made Angie happy?
    Built her a home office

    What did George do when Carmen complained about her new schedule?
    NOT Threatened to teach her himself

    In a commercial during this show, what happened to a man who gave his daughters new cell phones and was then overshadowed by his hipper wife?
    Got left out of family hug
    Verizon Wireless
    Your family can call each other or any Verizon Wireless user for free without using your plan minutes

    In a DVD commercial during this show, what did a toddler and baby do with their parents as the parents discussed the importance of educational playtime?
    Watched safari animal video
    Baby Einstein: Baby Noah

    In a commercial during this show, what happened as an announcer said "passion for chocolate?" while it appeared in yellow letters and a man in a white coat and hat was seen with a bowl and mixer?
    Chocolate was shown as liquid and solid
    Lindt Excellence
    Made by master chocolatiers

    In a commercial during this show, what did a couple do in a store after a blonde girl was seen making a face and before two men in blue hats were seen measuring and exiting a room with a fireplace?
    Looked for carpeting
    Get 10% off any installed carpet

    In a commercial during this show, what did an announcer do as entreés of chicken, steak, and shrimp were shown, a man smiled, a hand squeezed a lemon slice, and then a woman smiled?
    Sang about available dishes at a restaurant
    Skillet Sensations

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    melissa_2000's Avatar
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    Re: George Lopez 10/19/04 8:30PM

    What did George do when Carmen complained about her new schedule?
    Pretended to be a nun
    Last edited by melissa_2000; 10-20-2004 at 04:25 PM.
    Be nice to your mail carrier,,put up a HUGE mailbox so it will hold all your freebies!!!!

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