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    Oct 2002
    Liverpool,NY "Remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
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    Charmed~8/27 "Sam I Am"

    what did sam say at the beginning of his discussion with paige?
    *"you hate me, don't you?"

    what did piper say about paige's first assignment?
    *referred to it as "supernatural jenny jones reunion"

    what did cole say about killing the two criminals?
    *considered it very easy and very natural

    what did cole do to persuade the tracker to help?
    *regenerated his amputated arm

    how did cole get into the house?
    *changed himself to look like sam

    why did cole ask the tracker to spare sam?
    *needed sam to heal paige & leo

    how did phoebe know that cole had killed the two men?
    *robbers were covered in burn marks

    what special event went on at piper's bar?
    *the flaming lips played intimate concert

    why didn't cole kill paige, piper,& phoebe?
    *wanted them to kill him

    what happened during the first nanny interview?
    *paige appeared with the tracker

    what did piper chide paige for?
    *used blender without lid on

    what did paige say about sam's apartment?
    *decided it looked very "shabby-chic"

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  3. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Liverpool,NY "Remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."
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    Re: Charmed~8/27 "Sam I Am"

    In a commercial during this show, what happened to a man after he ate a candy bar, helped a friend move a couch, and joined a boy band?
    Elected president
    Satisfies hunger

    In a movie commercial during this show, who was Reese Witherspoon?
    *Commoner who became an aristocrat
    *"Vanity Fair"

    In a commercial during this show, what did boys and girls do in a school after a principal and a female student discussed "values"?
    *Danced in hallways and gymnasium
    *Burlington Coat Factory
    *Save up to 60% off department store prices

    In a commercial during this show, what happened to a teenager after he questioned the existence of the rainbow he was sitting on with two friends?
    -Plunged to the ground
    -Has extraordinary taste

    in a commercial, what happened to a curly-haired girl as she rode back-and-forth through the clouds on a swing?
    *her outfits changed repeatedly
    *limited too
    *carries latest back-to-school styles

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