just out of curiosity, does anyone here (or anyone you know) keep honey bees? hubby started two years ago and this year we are expanding to over 100 hives.
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just out of curiosity, does anyone here (or anyone you know) keep honey bees? hubby started two years ago and this year we are expanding to over 100 hives.
That sounds very interesting. What do you do with them? Sell honey? Just for fun? I've always heard that honey bees are very important to the environment.
over a 100 hives~~~ yikes!
My nephew does this..He enjoys it so much..He said he has never been stung..he has been doing it for 3 yrs...
I'd be too scared... but I sure do love the honey!
My hubby makes mead so he goes through a lot of honey.
If you want to sell your honey check out www.gotmead.com That's a board for mead makers. If there's someone in your area you can pretty much guarantee yourself a pretty decent amount of sales as long as you are priced right.
Also try talking to allergy doctors in your area. I didn't have seasonal allergies until I moved here to Maine. I saw an allergy doctor and he advised me to try local honey to help with my allergies. He gave me the card of a local beekeeper and it helps. Mr. Strout wanted to show me his bees but my allergy to bees prevented that. Just wish it could work for the cat allergy too LOL
My son in law did about 8 yrs ago while living in NC. What is mead? Thanks
I put it in hot tea to sweeten,I also use it in place of sugar when I make small pitchers of sweet tea. I add a tsp to my morning oatmeal,in steamed baby carrots,I am a honey fiend LOL
Where in Maine are you? I live in Cape Elizabeth. It would be neat to meet up. Have you been to Wolfe's Neck State Park in Freeport? I love hiking and picnicking there.