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    Winter Driving, and blues...

    As a transplanted Texan in Ohio, I find that driving in winter is a bit unnerving. There was snow forecast for this evening, so I scurried to the grocery store to pick up a few things, and after dropping off the stuff at home, I went to the theater for rehearsal. The director was aware of the forecast and promised to get us out by 8 p.m. On my way to the theater, around 6 o'clock, I noticed a truck salting the roadway in anticipation - the forecast was being taken seriously.

    We ran through Act II, with only a few notes from the director, who mentioned that it had started snowing earlier. Holy cow! I had to brush snow off the back window, both side windows (to see the mirrors), the headlights, the tail lights, while the wipers pushed snow off the windshield. Also, I brushed a bunch off the hood, because I didn't want that stuff flying back up onto the windshield. So far, so good...

    It was small flakes, but it was thick - I've never been in a white-out, but this seemed pretty dang close. And I had to drive in it. My biggest concern was going over one overpass over a highway. I don't think the salting helped that much, but there was traffic, so I was trying to stay in the wheel tracks of previous vehicles. The snow had already started packing up on the back window, and I didn't know if there was a heating element in it (it's a convertible). Luckily, I could still see my side rear view mirrors pretty clearly, at least.

    Of course, the overpass was not a simple flat overpass - it was sloped up and down. I gritted my teeth and kept a steady speed, but still felt a little wiggle as I climbed up the slope - but no major fishtail, thank goodness. Still a bit of a white-knuckle experience....

    Made it to the main road I needed to get to my neighborhood. This road was a bit better - I think because it runs to a main trauma center a few blocks further down from our place. There was one clear lane running either direction - which is normally two lanes each way, plus a center turn lane, which I would need to turn towards home. Of course, it wasn't clear...but I managed to handle it. The street in the neighborhood was mostly undisturbed, and the next difficult part would be getting up the apron of the driveway, which as a good angle. Fingers crossed, a little more gas to climb it, only a slight slide, and I was able get in the garage and parked. Phew!

    I'm glad I don't have to go to work tomorrow - but I'm supposed to go in Saturday. The weather app on my phone shows possible snow on Friday and Sunday, but partly cloudy for Saturday. What do you think?
    Be Happy Now.

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    Glad you got home safely!

    I would think that Toledo would be pretty prepared when it comes to snow, considering how often they get it. I would hope the roads are somewhat clear by the morning. (Unless you're getting a really big snowstorm??)

    If you feel uncomfortable driving in it to work over the weekend, don't go. Not worth it. If it's going to be that bad, the store shouldn't be open anyhow. Not only do you have to ask yourself how bad is it going to be driving TO work, but how much worse will it be several hours when you want to go home?

    We have yet to get any snow. Haven't had any since Jan/Feb 2019. I'm not happy.

    We haven't had road salt in a few years. They've been treating the roads with a spray brine. Seems to work a lot better than those chunks of salt.

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    Snowing again this afternoon. Hooray - not. The weather app now says cloudy Saturday, not partly cloudy, with temperatures 26 high/21 low. Going to call my manager tomorrow and see what she finds out for Saturday. Supposed to go out Sunday to celebrate a friend's birthday, but more snow in the forecast. However, roads to and from the restaurant are all main streets, so they should be good (except in our immediate neighborhood).

    I'd send you some of this snow if I could, believe me!
    Be Happy Now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by magickay View Post

    I'd send you some of this snow if I could, believe me!
    Believe me.....I'd take it! lol

    What kind of car do you drive? Hopefully AWD or 4WD??

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    Quote Originally Posted by 3lilpigs View Post
    Believe me.....I'd take it! lol

    What kind of car do you drive? Hopefully AWD or 4WD??
    Don't think either car falls into those categories. Just going to have to muddle through with the Toyota or PT Cruiser. At least today is sunny (for now...)
    Be Happy Now.

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    And we have snow again....We cancelled our rehearsal tonight and moved it to Thursday because of the forecast. It probably would have been okay, because the snow started later than anticipated. We will see if Thursday driving conditions are improved. At least there should be more time to clear and salt roads before tomorrow evening. Hope driving to work in the morning is easy, but will leave earlier to build in time. At least I won't have to drive as much next week.
    Be Happy Now.

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    Started snowing again as we left rehearsal tonight, very wet and mixed with rain. Then it turned into more snow, layering everything in white - and probably ice now under that deceptive peaceful blanket. More snow predicted most of Wednesday; I have a hunch that rehearsal may be cancelled. Argh ��

    Edited to add: So after 24 hours, give or take, it looks like we got the 3-6 inches that were predicted (looks like at least 5 on our upper back porch). Driving home from rehearsal tonight was a white-knuckle experience, as the daytime melt was turning to ice again. There were some city trucks out there, starting to deal with it as I carefully crawled homeward. The driveway would be my downfall...after two unsuccessful attempts, I had to call Bill to come help. With both of us in the car, and with his additional effort, we managed to get the car in the garage. So relieved to finish that driving cycle.
    Last edited by magickay; 02-26-2020 at 11:55 PM.
    Be Happy Now.

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    Still no snow here. It was close to 50 yesterday. I guess I can just forget about it this year.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 3lilpigs View Post

    Still no snow here. It was close to 50 yesterday. I guess I can just forget about it this year.
    Believe me, if I could share, I would! The roads were better today, but I had to walk through ankle-deep snow to unlock the stage door. And of course, I parked where I had to step on an icy patch to get in and out of the car. We didn't get above freezing today.
    Be Happy Now.

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