First off, thanks to everyone who has supported me in this yo-yo trip with Penny & thanks for being understanding & not jumping down my throat for giving up on her so fast.
Eyore, the place in PG use to be owned by my old groomer before her & her husband moved down south after he got out of the military. I think her name was Deb, I really miss them even though I am very happy with me other groomer.
Anyhow, I was so shocked when someone set that place on fire but now I'm wondering if people think it's related to the people from HS? I don't know. But, when I heard it was going in down here in PG I got all excited because I wanted to do some volunteering up there when they do take dogs even though the hubby said he really didn't want me to because he knows how hard it would be on me to not bring a new pup home.
How close are they to getting things back on track?
04-12-2013 09:41 AM
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We all make mistakes, at least you corrected your mistake, not everyone would have tried to have gotten there pet back.
How in the world did your vet get involved with this? I am assuming you called the vets office, even if my vet was local I don't think I would have thought to call my vet.
I don't know, but I could ask my sis in law if she knows.
I can understand your husband saying that, I know I would want to bring all the animals home with me if I volunteered there.
I just sent her a email will let you know what I find out if anything.
Last edited by Eyore; 04-12-2013 at 10:23 AM.
OK, heard back from her, this is copied from what she said.
We were going to open shortly, however, we ran into a complication and we now are not sure
when we are going to open the dog kennel. I will keep you posted... I will know more next week
when I know when we are opening the dog area I will let you know.
I did mention that you were interested in maybe volunteering when they open it.
Thanks! I will go up there and see what I can do and maybe make them homemade snacks for when the dogs start coming in.
Yes, my vet's office helped me with getting Penny back. Day two and no accidents. I noticed something she does when she has to poop. I never saw it before because I'm usually in the kitchen when she has to go poop but this time I was in the living room with the Direct TV guy when I noticed she was acting strange. I took her out and she was a good girl!!!!!
Your welcome, as soon as I know when they are opening I will let you know.
Good for your vet for helping you out. Like I said I never would have thought of that.
Was it just pooping she was doing in the house or both? I'm glad she isn't going in the house maybe she is starting to settle in more and get more comfortable, I wonder if her trip to the SPCA has anything to do with it.
She was doing both but we are now on the 2nd day with no accidents.
I noticed something so does when she has to poop, she gets a bust of energy & acts silly while running around the livingroom, you have about a minute to get her out or she'll go in the house. I've never noticed this before because I'm usually in the kitchen or another room when it happens but I caught it today!!!!
I will take her out and walk her around the yard of up to an hour at a time & she'll wait until we come in & pee within 2 minutes. I think the HS scared her straight though because she isn't even shaking with fear when I put the leash on her now.

Originally Posted by
She was doing both but we are now on the 2nd day with no accidents.
I noticed something so does when she has to poop, she gets a bust of energy & acts silly while running around the livingroom, you have about a minute to get her out or she'll go in the house. I've never noticed this before because I'm usually in the kitchen or another room when it happens but I caught it today!!!!
I will take her out and walk her around the yard of up to an hour at a time & she'll wait until we come in & pee within 2 minutes. I think the HS scared her straight though because she isn't even shaking with fear when I put the leash on her now.
Maybe now she knows a good thing when she sees it?
What Goes Around, Comes Around
I was happy to know you were adopting, and sad that you gave Penny back - then thrilled to see that you are giving it another shot. Bless you for sharing your home
I really do think she now realizes that we are here to love and enjoy each other. I wish she would play more but I doubt that will ever change. I don't think she was ever given the chance to act like a silly little puppy. It's 8 more days until I pick up her nephew. He's now at 7 weeks, 2 days so while she lost the joys of playing maybe she can help the new pup to be a pup and have fun growing into this crazy household.
That's good that you are picking up on signs of her having to go out, that may keep lots of messes from happening.
Maybe the pup will teach her how to play.

Originally Posted by
First off, thanks to everyone who has supported me in this yo-yo trip with Penny & thanks for being understanding & not jumping down my throat for giving up on her so fast.
Eyore, the place in PG use to be owned by my old groomer before her & her husband moved down south after he got out of the military. I think her name was Deb, I really miss them even though I am very happy with me other groomer.
Anyhow, I was so shocked when someone set that place on fire but now I'm wondering if people think it's related to the people from HS? I don't know. But, when I heard it was going in down here in PG I got all excited because I wanted to do some volunteering up there when they do take dogs even though the hubby said he really didn't want me to because he knows how hard it would be on me to not bring a new pup home.
How close are they to getting things back on track?
I have to say that I'm proud of us. I do remember the day when threads like this were slammed, flamed, criticized, judged, etc and would eventually end up being closed and removed. I guess the folks who argued for the sake of it have obviously moved on to another forum and are making trouble there. Yay, us!!
What Goes Around, Comes Around