Just got out of the hospital...
I've had this stomach problem for a whole month, couldn't
keep anything down, or in if ya know what i mean...anyway,
last monday, i went to transfer from my wheelchair to the
toilet and i fainted...thank goodness a dear friend was with
me, she broke my fall. She called the ambulance, and it turned
out that i was completely malnourished, and severely dehydrated.
I just got released, last night. I was treated well there as i
am well known because of all the stays i have to make, until
this new charge nurse got on shift last night...jesse couldn't get off
work 'til 11:00 pm to pick me up, and everyone is use to me staying
in my room until he gets there...well, she wanted no part of it,
and wanted me to sit in the lobby...i wasn't even signed out on
the discharge papers yet! I gave her some choice words, got on
the phone with my hba thru my insurance, and man did they let
her have it! Lol! They said they don't pay partial days, and i have
til midnight in that room, and if i even farted...i could stay another
day if i wanted! Serious! It was on speakerphone! I haven't laughed
that hard in awhile. Needless to say, they are reporting her, and
i don't think she'll have that job title much longer.
Jesse got there and picked me up at 11:30 pm, and when i told him what
had happened, we stayed until 11:58 on purpose before he'd let me
sign out! Lol. Of course, she wouldn't make an appearance in front
of him...good thing too, jesse probably would have got arrested
for disorderly conduct or something.
01-26-2013 09:08 PM
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Carrolin, I am glad to hear that you are on the mend. You must take care of yourself. Don't let it go so far when you are feeling ill. You know that your would have forced one of your loved ones to see the Dr if they were 1/2 as sick as you were.
Take care of yourself woman!
Glad you are on the mend.
It stinks the nurse treated you like that.