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Thread: Amazon tax ?

  1. #12

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    He might have been mistaken I ordered one for that price and they didn't charge shipping or tax.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Amazon tax ?
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  3. #13
    FreeBnutt's Avatar
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    What state or states is based, if its NOT in your state as B&M store, tax should NOT be charged at all. Hate buying from one store and another store sends it, and 99% of the time its cheaper at the store that sends it, then at So I cancel out at amazom and go direct with 'that' store.

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  4. #14
    sunniekiss's Avatar
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    Nooo, you have to pay sales tax if your state requires a sales tax on those types of purchases. It does not matter whether or not the state the seller resides in has a state tax or not. I do sales tax at work. Last year we did an out of state job. let me tell you the nitemare it was for me to file sales tax for that state. We had to set-up an account for that state even though we will probably never do a job in that state again. We could not file PA sales tax because the merchandise was not going to stay in PA.

    Whenever I order from they charge me sales tax on clothing even though PA does not have a sales tax on clothing...yet. they do remove the charges upon shipping.
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  5. #15
    SLance68's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunniekiss View Post
    Nooo, you have to pay sales tax if your state requires a sales tax on those types of purchases. It does not matter whether or not the state the seller resides in has a state tax or not. I do sales tax at work. Last year we did an out of state job. let me tell you the nitemare it was for me to file sales tax for that state. We had to set-up an account for that state even though we will probably never do a job in that state again. We could not file PA sales tax because the merchandise was not going to stay in PA.

    Whenever I order from they charge me sales tax on clothing even though PA does not have a sales tax on clothing...yet. they do remove the charges upon shipping.
    Actually the sales tax is paid to the state where the materials/items are delivered from the supplier not where they are installed. I deal with this all the time. Believe it or not if you order something on the internet you are suppose to report and pay the sales tax to your state if it was not charged by the shipper. The shipper only has to collect and remit sales tax in the states they have brick & mortar stores/locations.

  6. #16
    FreeBnutt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SLance68 View Post
    The shipper only has to collect and remit sales tax in the states they have brick & mortar stores/locations.
    Sorry, after re-reading, mine was a little twisted, and I really should have stated what you said ->The shipper only has to collect and remit sales tax in the states they have brick & mortar stores/locations. YES I AGREE, must have a B&M in that state, or sales tax is NOT charged.

    So if an individual is 'collecting' a sales tax, they are in so much hot water then if turned in.

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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreeBnutt View Post
    Sorry, after re-reading, mine was a little twisted, and I really should have stated what you said ->The shipper only has to collect and remit sales tax in the states they have brick & mortar stores/locations. YES I AGREE, must have a B&M in that state, or sales tax is NOT charged.

    So if an individual is 'collecting' a sales tax, they are in so much hot water then if turned in.
    Oh yeah collecting and not remitting sales tax or over charging on sales tax is worse than not collecting and remitting it when you are suppose to.

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