Thread: Babysiting....

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    Qtxann315's Avatar
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    I babysit for a friend who has a toddler the same age as my son, who is 2. I have been doing it for free and it was good up until a few weeks ago. I am having trouble with two boys the same age, they fight over things and scream, not to mention double diaper duties on top of that a 6 year old who is my DD. My DD gets bored, so her friends comes over to play with her, so at days it is 4 kids for over 6 hours. The two 6 year old can take care of themselves, and once in a while will ask for food, or they want something. I think I am stressing myself out without even knowing it, taking care of two toddlers and two 6 years old is causing me to break down mentally. I am usually a person who doesn't cry to her husband for nothing, but last week I broke down in front of him and told him that I am stressing out. I don't know what to do...should I still babysit or should I stop?

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    3lilpigs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qtxann315 View Post
    I don't know what to do...should I still babysit or should I stop?
    Only you know the answer to that.

    If it's making you miserable, then stop. It's not worth it. Especially if you're not getting paid.

  4. #3
    BeanieLuvR's Avatar
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    If it were me I would stop. When my daughter was little I had a friend who had a son the same age. I let her know the only time I would babysit is if it were an emergency. I think I only babysat for her twice. If your nerves are shot it isn't fair to you or your family. Stress is not good on your health and can take a toll.

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    Oh yes it is time to quit babysitting. My girlfriend and I had 2 girls the same age and for a period of 6 months or so we just quit visiting each other and only visited by phone because the girls fought too much. It was at about age 2. If you were doing this for pay that you had to have to feed your family I would say try to buck up but you are doing this for free? I would quit. Tell your friend why and later if you decide after trying the boys together that they have matured a little and are ready to enjoy each other's company then consider babysitting again. It is not worth stressing yourself. You know the mood of the whole family depends on the mom. So it is affecting all of you.

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    Qtxann315's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies, I appreciate it, I will give her two weeks notice to find a daycare or another babysitter. I thought people in my shoe would understand what I am going through. Two years old are hard enough, not to mention two of them. Unless they grew up together, and saw each other everyday, then sharing is not a problem but if its a a two days a week, they fight over every thing. My friend's toddler keeps wanting the things my son has because he is the only child. When he was younger it was easier because they would play on their own, but as time flew by, it got harder. It is nice hearing that I can't be super mom/babysitter all the time. Sometimes I need to be selfish also.

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    Your only responsibility is to your own family!! What a generous friend you have been...but enough is enough!! I'm glad to hear that you are going to tell your friend that the free babysitting is over!
    Never argue with an idiot. It will bring you down to his level and he’ll win because of experience.

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