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  1. #12
    janelle's Avatar
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    I agree, it depends on the person. I like to have a female doctor so my hubby goes to my doctor as well. My hubby worked for 4 doctors once and the female gyno was a super B but she was like that to most everyone. I felt sorry for her husband.

    Patients would call in and ask for her partner, also female, not her. Those who did not know her would end up with her though because they don't know better. Her staff would quit like a revolving door---they quit or she fires them. She is a hot mess.

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    Circuit advertisement male vs female doctor
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  3. #13
    stresseater's Avatar
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    I prefer men over women. Especially for an ob/gyn. Men are generally more gentle than women IMO. They also don't look at you like you have 3 heads if you actually understand what is going on. lol
    **** The views and opinions stated by kids=stress are simply that. Views and opinions. They are not meant to slam anyone else or their views.To anyone whom I may have offended by this expression of my humble opinion, I hereby recognized and appologized to you publically.

  4. #14
    Sweetberries's Avatar
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    I prefer male doctors over females doctors I just have never felt comfortable with female doctors
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    We will meet again someday

  5. #15

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    It doesn't matter to me except for papsmears and things like that I'd rather have a female. My sister-in-law had an older male doctor that kept telling her when he was hurting he in her private area that women didn't hurt there. She told him he was crazy and found another doctor because he insisted that women didn't hurt there and kept doing what he was doing even when she told him he was hurting her.

  6. #16
    speedygirl's Avatar
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    In my experience at the practice I work at (it's OB-GYN) some of the females are less then empathetic. It seems that several of them have the attitude that because they're a woman they know exactly what you're going through. The problem is one doc frequently states that her C-sections aren't as painful as some complain about because she's had one. same goes with other ailments.
    The male docs don't have anything to compare that to on a personal level and tend not to downplay things as much.
    My male GYN is very gentle. I had a female OB-GYN and loved her but she moved half way across the country.
    “Your body is not a temple, it’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.” Anthony Bourdain

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