can you cover the wires with some plastic conduit or maybe metal to prevent the dogs from doing it again, our dogs did the same thing and that's what we did, also put a wire fence around the a/c unit in the back so it's harder to get at.
"Because days come and go, but my feelings for you are forever..." by Papa Roach
04-23-2009 02:57 PM
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Yeah its the dogs . Last year when we used the weed whacker it worked. Then this year no a/c. We put some conduit on it , but the piece we had wasnt big enough to go all the way down. I think he moved the dog house to block it so they couldnt fit thru. one of the dogs is a yellow lab, and the other mutant is 1/2 airedale terrier and 1/2 english shephard ... but he is almost 6 ft tall when he stands. The mutant is my son's and when he moves out after graduation next year, he is definately taking the mutant with him. I used to have a beautiful front yard. Not anymore. I bet my neighbor prays we move lol. Mine will eat everything but their dog food since I quit buying puppy chow. Now the birds eat it and the dogs eat everything else. I cant get normal dogs oh nooooo I have to get the biggest dorks there are.
If ya ain't careful, this flea will bite your arse!
I thought my puppy Ichabod had chewed through the wiring on our air conditioner compressor outside,but after the AC guy came out and took off the top,we found out it was mice! They had hoarded food in there and chewed through the wiring leading to our home. I had a hard time thinking he did it,because the only time he is outside is when we are out there with him. Dang rats shacking up in our compressor unit LOL
A dog is not almost human , I know of no greater insult to a canine than to describe it as such.
My motor just went out on mind, I turned it on but it didn't do anything went out and looked at it and it won't turn, now have to find someone to take the motor out so I can get it fixed, so far it hasn't been that hot

Originally Posted by
LOL My 3 like CAT POOP!! Yuck! I swear they can sniff it out anywhere in the yard.
MINE too!!! they say thats when they are lacking something. But wholly cow my dogs eat all the time and we don't buy the cheap stuff!

Originally Posted by
And crayons! Nothing is odder than multi-colored weiner poop.
Okay this just cracked me up. Are you checking it out afterwards. lol
At least it beats the usual brown. If you live in the country and don't pick it up it gives your yard color. lol
My "adopted" brother. Gone but not forgotten. 8/23/09

Glad your DH was able to fix it. I had to turn our AC on today. The first time I ever remember having to run it in April. I can't handle anything over 75 and it was in the mid 80's here today.