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Thread: Oh mods?

  1. #12

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    I'm confused, wobblypops. I received this e-mail a couple of times. You are saying you were the person reported in the e-mail who actually did this or you were going out to do it? How could you be sure you were going to find a homeless person with the sign and a waiter with the same tie?
    Never argue with an idiot. It will bring you down to his level and he’ll win because of experience.

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    Circuit advertisement Oh mods?
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  4. #13

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    Ya..sounds like BS to me..but really I wouldn't want to be the one claiming that instead of giving their server their hard earned tip, I gave it to some guy that was dirty and looked like he needed a shower..probably some drunk. Seriously..waiters and waitresses earn their tips and it is part of their pay for their job..that is just sickening to not give it to them and intead give it to some dirty drunk. Hopefully whoever the server was that didn't get their tip doesn't have kids waiting to be fed at home. I think what the future POTUS meant was instead of buying something that you don't really need, give the money to someone that really needs it. Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.

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  6. #14
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    Read the thread that Hippy was nice enough to bump up for me since I was having trouble finding it. I have it marked in RED that it was an email but it gave me an idea to do for my day off.

    I also called my mortgage company & asked them for a bailout & gave our health insurance provider a new butthole over something that they were (notice how I said/wrote the word "WERE") trying to screw us over on.

    I had a blast today

  7. #15

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    i'm a waitress i personally work hard for my tips-if you re saying you did this,well i have to say,what you did to your waiter was wrong,if you thought he was worth 10.00 and then you gave it to a pan handler-are you saying the waiter wasnt worth the tip? he must have done good by you in order for you to tip 10.00? i'm lost by this one-i think that was totally mean of you to do-the least you could have done is split the 10-between the two!!!! wow!

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  9. #16
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    I'm calling shenanigans.. Everyone get your brooms...  4765

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  11. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by msmom79 View Post
    i'm a waitress i personally work hard for my tips-if you re saying you did this,well i have to say,what you did to your waiter was wrong,if you thought he was worth 10.00 and then you gave it to a pan handler-are you saying the waiter wasnt worth the tip? he must have done good by you in order for you to tip 10.00? i'm lost by this one-i think that was totally mean of you to do-the least you could have done is split the 10-between the two!!!! wow!
    Exactly! I'm a server/bartender as well. We only get paid $2.35 hourly wage. With the economy the way it is today, some days I'm lucky to walk out of their with $50 in tips in my pocket which I have to pay taxes on at the end of the year just like everyone else.

    I think this is cruel and heartless. If you dislike someone so much but yet the person who's working does like them, doesn't mean they should be penalized for it. It's a matter of personal likes and dislikes and shouldn't be taken to a personal level.

    This little ha ha isn't that funny at all.

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  13. #18
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    No, it isn't funny, but it isn't going to be funny either when those with money have to fork it over in order to support those without money. See, you guys totally miss the point that is being made here.
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  15. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by tngirl View Post
    No, it isn't funny, but it isn't going to be funny either when those with money have to fork it over in order to support those without money. See, you guys totally miss the point that is being made here.
    No I don't believe we miss the point at all. But it seems you miss the point that those of us who don't make a lot of money, STILL pay taxes as well. I'd rather my money help someone who needs the help than help those of you who have plenty of money that have worked hard for it. I work hard for MY money that I make as well except I just don't make as much to make me not be able to worry about it.

    I mean gosh it sounds like only people who have money fork it over. Not so.
    Last edited by Fiabug; 10-31-2008 at 04:44 AM.

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  17. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fiabug View Post
    No I don't believe we miss the point at all. But it seems you miss the point that those of us who don't make a lot of money, STILL pay taxes as well. I'd rather my money help someone who needs the help than help those of you who have plenty of money that have worked hard for it. I work hard for MY money that I make as well except I just don't make as much to make me not be able to worry about it.
    Most people that do not make a lot of money DO NOT pay taxes. Maybe it comes out of your check, but at tax time you get most of it (if not all of it) back, plus you also get that thing called EIC. So, come again about how people that don't make much money still pay taxes? Just because you get a payroll deduction does not mean you pay taxes, especially when you get back double or triple of what you actually pay in.

    Me personally, I do not believe in the social services. When I was growing up, people actually helped each other...VOLUNTARILY! Now, it is a ME mentality that rules and everyone expects the government to bail them out of their financial mess. Yes, taxes go to support the government but, those taxes have gotten out of hand because the government has grown too big. I'm sorry, I don't need a government agency to tell me how to live my life and to be a "good" person.

    I do not begrudge people that make a lot of money for what they have worked and earned by a honest days work. I personally do not want the government taking my money to support Joe Blow down the street or Betsy Metsy sitting on her arse at home popping out babies. I do not want my tax dollars going to support those that just want to play the system because they are too lazy to go out and work. And I am sorry, this happens too much of the time. How many people here are drawing SSI? What are you drawing it for? A person that is at risk of dying cannot get help, but for some odd reason, "I'm bipolar" gets an instant check.

    Our government is all f*ck*d up and throwing good money after bad is NOT going to solve the problem. It is already too big and sticking its nose into our everyday lives where it does NOT belong.
    It is the Right of the People to Alter or Abolish Government

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  19. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by wobblypops View Post
    Ok, I get it. Even though I didn't see it posted on here & I led in with a personal note about my plans it still can't be posted.

    No sense on sharing my day if I can't give credit to where credit is due & without being about to share that post, my day won't make too much sense to others.

    Galeane, your response didn't answer anything since I cannot see a deleted post. If I was that good, to see things that aren't there, i'd be able to be rich!
    I was just posting the updated rules where hippie said she had to delete a few threads....that's all.

  20. #22
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    Wow but you know what people don't help out all people voluntarily any more. This isn't back in your day this is 2008 almost 2009.

    I'm a server, the tips I make, are taxed that I have to pay for at the end of the YEAR. I have to give money back to the government. So YES I DO pay taxes! I don't get money back at the end of the year. I'm by far not rich either.

    And why bring the bipolar in to this? My father worked for over 30 years. He was forced to resign. He is a severe bipolar who will be on lithium for the rest of his life. My father was well off before he was forced into resignation. He paid his taxes, paid for SS, paid for medicare. Now because of his severe bipolar he's unable to work. My father is no longer the man he once use to be, cocky, go-getter, got up at 6 am, went to work. HE paid for the disability he's getting right now, not just you or everyone else. He didn't want to go on disability. It took years for us and his doctor (his doctor was the one initially who kept trying over and over to file) to convince him to do so because he was broke, his early pension wasn't even enough for him to survive each month let alone allow him to get his prescriptions with. My father isn't crazy, he's bipolar. Bipolar isn't always an excuse for someone NOT to work. If my father could work he would, however he really is unable too.

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