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    Getting to know you surveys

    My daughter wants some of these. Can someone post some of them here if you've seen any recently? Thanks in advance.

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    janelle's Avatar
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    Not sure what they are. ????? If you are talking about the personal question surveys, we have had a lot of them posted on here.

  4. #3
    MistyWolf's Avatar
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    [ZERO] Who was your last text from?

    [ONE] Where was your default pic taken?

    [THREE] Your relationship status?

    [FOUR] Have you ever lost a close friend?

    [FIVE] What is your current mood?

    [SIX] What's your brother's name?

    [SEVEN ] What's your favorite color(s)?

    [EIGHT​] Where do you wish you were right now?

    [NINE] Have you ever been in trouble with the cops?

    [TEN] Ever had a near death experience?

    [ELEVE​N] Something you do a lot.

    [TWELVE] Angry at anyone?

    [THIRTEEN] What's stopping you from going for the person you like?

    [FOURTEEN] When was the last time you cried?

    [FIFTEEN] Is there anyone you would do anything for?

    [SIXTEEN] What do you think about when you are falling asleep?

    [SEVENTEEN] Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

    [EIGHTEEN] What is your favorite song?

    [NINETEEN] What are you doing right now?

    [TWENTY] Who do you trust right now?

    [TWENTY-ONE] Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?

    [TWENTY-TWO] Who did you hold hands with last? Did it mean anything?

    [TWENTY-THREE] What is your lucky numbers?

    [TWENTY- FOUR] Who is your friend that is closest to you?

    TWENTY- FIVE] Describe your life in one word

    [TWENTY- SIX] Have you ever kissed in the rain?

    [TWENTY-SEVEN] Who are you thinking of right now?

    [TWENTY- EIGHT] What should you be doing right now?

    [THIRTY] What are you listening to?

    [THIRTY- ONE] Who was the last person you hugged?

    [THIRTY- TWO] What do you hate at this moment?

    [THIRTY-THREE] Do you act differently around the person you like?

    [THIRTY-FOUR] What is your natural hair color?

    [THIRTY- FIVE] Who was the last person to make you laugh
    They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them. Distance and time may separate us but friendship and memories won't.
    ~When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure~

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    I think you could design one yourself based on your daughter's age. If she is young, in elementary school, your questions will be more basic. like...

    1- Name?
    3-Phone number?
    4-Who do you live with?
    5-Brothers names?
    6-Sisters name?
    7-Favorite color?
    8-Favorite number?
    9-Best friend?
    11-Teacher this yr ?
    12-Favorite teacher of all times?
    13-Favorite place you've lived?
    14-Favorite subject?
    15-Favorite game?
    age related
    16-Have you ever kissed a boy?
    17-Who was it?
    18-Have you ever smoked?
    19-Do you have a computer? email address?
    20-Do you have a cell phone? number?

    You get the idea. You and your daughter can sit down and make a slap book together. That is what we used to call them. You fold the question page back. Then answered question pages are folded back. Teachers would confiscate these books. I have one of these books from the 5th grade packed around somewhere in this house. My kids are going to either think they are in h*ll or have a fun time when they clean out my house after I am gone.

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