Kodak Easyshare printer dock
Anyone have one? I lost the recharging cord for my camera. Instead of buying a new cord I thought I would just buy the dock because I can recharge the camera with that too. But there seem to be several, and I mean a lot, of different ones to chose from. I want a cheap one but I want a fairly good one too. I am talking less that $100 and preferably around $50.
Does anyone have any recommendations of kind and where to buy it? Thanks.
I have a v series camera.
05-27-2008 10:57 AM
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I also lost the cord for my camera, and I had a dock given to me. The dock works great for printing pictures and all, but it does not charge my camera. So be careful of what you buy. Make sure that it will actually charge it and not just be a high priced photo printer.
Gene Police: You!! Out Of The Pool! 
I was so lucky. I found a docking printer at Office Max. It was on line for $49. It also comes with a new battery. It does recharge the battery, transfers the pictures to the computer and prints. We have an Office Max near here so I called them to be sure it did what all I wanted it to do. And they had it in stock for $39. So I think I lucked out. Thanks for your help because you are right , they have dockers that do everything.