Shes effin gone!!! W00000000000000000000000000000000000000t!!!
The 16 yr old tossed the lying little tramp last week.. Yesterday and this morning he made it perfectly clear that he is done with her. So now I don't need to dent my car running her over. I will however, will need to find an eyeball for my rear view
*doing happy dance until the next weirdo he dates
04-08-2008 05:42 AM
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I did that happy dance on Valentine's Day when the nutcase and my son broke up.
I did not tear up, or even have a heart flutter of pain.
So, I will join the toast: until he brings home another whacked out girl he thinks he can help.

Originally Posted by
*doing happy dance until the next weirdo he dates
and being a teen that wont be long lol
Mom I miss you already
January 16, 1940 to April 29, 2009
Isn't that a great feeling?? YAY for your son!

Originally Posted by
*doing happy dance until the next weirdo he dates
Ahahahaha!!!! (My time is coming to deal w/ this I'm sure! lol)
Don't hold your breath, my 19 yr old dumped his crazy one and said it was over and he even went out with another girl, BUT a month later they are back together and all in "love" again! UGH! To quote Stephen King...."Sometimes They Come Back" LOL!

Originally Posted by
To quote Stephen King...."Sometimes They Come Back" LOL!
NO!!! Take that back.
We are celebrating her happiness today. Do not be a party pooper.
We are going to look at the bright side at this party for ElleGee.
So, get a drink, dance a little and do not pop the bubble
LOL well YAH for him and you

If you don't want dumb answers, don't ask dumb questions

Originally Posted by
Don't hold your breath, my 19 yr old dumped his crazy one and said it was over and he even went out with another girl, BUT a month later they are back together and all in "love" again! UGH! To quote Stephen King...."Sometimes They Come Back" LOL!
*lalalalalallalalala* I can't hear you!
I know you're probably right. Maybe not with this one but on the next one. or the next.. or the next..
That's it.. spiking the coffee (j/k)
CONGRATS!! My son has brought home some real losers over the years! But now he's married to a real sweetheart. Not sure HE deserves HER. j/k
Apparently I missed the beginning of this story, but it terrifies me for when Matt starts dating!