Putting a security freeze on your credit report?
Today I decided to look at my credit report and see there are like 15 different companies listed who have requested my credit report, (some multiples times throughout the year) mostly banks probably to send me their damn "pre approved" spam credit card offers. Anyways I see that I can put a freeze on my acct. so these companies cannot just up and look at it, I'm curious, who all has this and the pros and cons of it? Like let's say I apply for a credit card or a loan in the future will it be relatively easy w/ the freeze on there or would I have to jump through hoops?
also, they have an address for me listed that I have never lived at, hell I didn't even know where it was located until I mapquested it today, if I send the certified letter telling them I've never lived there will that get it off or what would I need to do? TIA
If you don't want dumb answers, don't ask dumb questions
04-04-2008 03:23 PM
Circuit advertisement
You should be able to report the address on line or send a letter (doesn't have to be certified) to the credit bureau. As far as freezing your reports - it is NOT free. Each reporting service gets a fee for doing this service - so make sure you do it on all 3 agencies even if it does cost more if you really want to do that. Basically they make it so that you are notified before the info is released. I don't remember what I did several years ago but I no longer get those credit offers and my credit report & score are very high but I don't want or need anymore credit cards. Here is a link to Suze Orman's website that has some info on removing yourself from mailing lists.
thank you, it didn't mention anything about a fee, just said I needed to send a certified letter asking them to freeze it, but will definitely look into that and check out that website. will definitely send to all three as well.
Is there a place where you can get your credit score for free? I always see the freecreditreport.com commercials but if I remember right that is not free, there is a catch... or at least a cheap place to get a credit score? Again TIA
If you don't want dumb answers, don't ask dumb questions
No place to get a free FICO score. There are some that say free but you have to sign up for their credit monitoring service - which by the way wrecks your score.
Anyone else have experience w/ this? Thanks
If you don't want dumb answers, don't ask dumb questions
you can get a free credit report from all 3 agencies once a year ,equifax,transunion and cant think of the other one . I did this recently and if you do it online you only have 30 days to look at it at each site so maybe you can print it out or you can call and request one. and I have contacted the 3 credit unions because I had some questionable content on my report and I reported it online and even though I went through the companies who said I owed them the money(places Ive never ordered from before pr dealt with) its still on my report even though theres no record of me owing it. they didnt take anything off I asked them too that I know is not mine.also the bill collector from these companies sent me a letter stating even though I reported it I still owed it which I dont so good luck with getting something removed from your report.