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  1. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepperpot View Post
    I've never heard of this
    My nose stayed in a corner. I can't believe that I almost forgot about those days.They also locked us out of the house during the summer because we went in and out too much. I remember hearing were you born in a barn, do you think we own the OG&E(electric company)?

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    ahippiechic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by okie View Post
    I remember hearing were you born in a barn, do you think we own the OG&E(electric company)?

    My 1st grade teacher had me spend a lot of time with my nose in a circle she had drawn on the chalkboard. I had to tiptoe to get my nose in that circle!

  4. #25
    YankeeMary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by okie View Post
    I was raised by my grandparents. I can't remember my grandmother ever spanking us but I'm sure she did at some point. My grandfather on the other hand would spank us with his belt, one time a small tree branch and a switch that was a bunch of rubber strips(the kind that are around your car windows). That hurt like hell and left welt marks. I didn't piss him off too often! I got yelled at, grounded, things taken away, sent to my room and so on. I remember now, grandma would make us stick our nose in the corner.
    Thanks for the chuckle. I remember me and my baby brother, Brady, would get in trouble, our mom would make us stand in a corner with our nose stuck in it. She'd go in the other room and we would giggle and giggle and finally she just let us
    I was very lucky, I was never overly punished or beat. My mom tried to "spank" us and we would just laugh cause it didn't hurt, and she would being crying cause she didn't want to whip us, that made us laugh harder. My poor mom...she was a single mom. Me and my baby brother wore her out.
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  5. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahippiechic View Post

    My 1st grade teacher had me spend a lot of time with my nose in a circle she had drawn on the chalkboard. I had to tiptoe to get my nose in that circle!
    I got spanked the first day of 1st grade by my principal. The teacher told me to quit talking and I just wouldn't shut up! I was quiet the rest of the year, even raised my hand before talking. There was a rumor that went around the school that the principal had an electric paddle and I was scared to death when I got sent to her office. I got another spanking from my grandfather when I got home because the principal had called him.

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    Quote Originally Posted by okie View Post
    I got spanked the first day of 1st grade by my principal. The teacher told me to quit talking and I just wouldn't shut up! I was quiet the rest of the year, even raised my hand before talking. There was a rumor that went around the school that the principal had an electric paddle and I was scared to death when I got sent to her office. I got another spanking from my grandfather when I got home because the principal had called him.
    OMG the electric paddle...we thought our principal had one
    The more you complain, the longer God makes you live.

  7. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by YankeeMary View Post
    Thanks for the chuckle. I remember me and my baby brother, Brady, would get in trouble, our mom would make us stand in a corner with our nose stuck in it. She'd go in the other room and we would giggle and giggle and finally she just let us
    I was very lucky, I was never overly punished or beat. My mom tried to "spank" us and we would just laugh cause it didn't hurt, and she would being crying cause she didn't want to whip us, that made us laugh harder. My poor mom...she was a single mom. Me and my baby brother wore her out.
    I don't know why, because my grandmother didn't spank that hard, but she was working and she told us(me,sister and cousin) to go bend over the couch so that she could spank us. She is a beautician and she works out of her home. Anyway, she was busy working and before she could come in the living room we all went in the bathroom and put toilet paper in our panties. When she realized it wasn't hurting us she made us pull down our pants and we got caught!

  8. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by YankeeMary View Post
    OMG the electric paddle...we thought our principal had one

  9. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by okie View Post
    I don't know why, because my grandmother didn't spank that hard, but she was working and she told us(me,sister and cousin) to go bend over the couch so that she could spank us. She is a beautician and she works out of her home. Anyway, she was busy working and before she could come in the living room we all went in the bathroom and put toilet paper in our panties. When she realized it wasn't hurting us she made us pull down our pants and we got caught!
    LOL...tried that, got busted also...haha. I remember when my mom would be on the phone my brother and I would always show out...why? I have no clue, she would say "when I get off here, you are gonna get it" (meaning a spanking)...I remember us hiding when we heard her say good I remember hiding numerous times in the dryer and me and Brady would fight because that was the best hiding place...haha.
    The more you complain, the longer God makes you live.

  10. #31
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    I was only whipped once with a belt by my dad. He used to whip my brothers pretty bad. They were older than me. My mom told him if he ever hit me again she would leave. He never did. She slapped me across the mouth once when I was 16 because I sassed at her. She did switch my niece when she cussed at her. She used a Willow switch.

  11. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by YankeeMary View Post
    LOL...tried that, got busted also...haha. I remember when my mom would be on the phone my brother and I would always show out...why? I have no clue, she would say "when I get off here, you are gonna get it" (meaning a spanking)...I remember us hiding when we heard her say good I remember hiding numerous times in the dryer and me and Brady would fight because that was the best hiding place...haha.
    That's what I tell my kids now. I don't think that I would have fit in the dryer.

  12. #33
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    I have heard of the "switch" - never met up with it. My mom was more the your grounded type.
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