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    I can't be the only one...

    who finds this hilarious.... a little background first:

    A man from here (Tulsa) escaped from prison 10 years ago taking the wardens wife with him. They were both found in texas last monday. The escapee has apparently been telling the FBI everything about the last 10 years, including the following:

    Dial Was In Tulsa For Book Signing While On The Run
    Thursday April 07, 2005 11:02am

    Tulsa - Escaped killer Randolph Dial made several trips into Oklahoma during his ten years on the run, including a trip to Tulsa to have an author sign a book about his life.

    Charles Sasser is a former Tulsa homicide detective. In 1998, four years after Dial's escape from the Oklahoma State Reformatory in Granite, Sasser wrote "At Large: The Life and Crimes of Randolph Franklin Dial".

    Sasser was visited in Tulsa by Dial at a book signing, but apparently didn't know the infamous fugitive was right in front of him.

    In 2001, Sasser was called by Dial, who told him his book was accurate. Sasser told the FBI of the telephone conversation, but agents were unable to trace the call.

    It wasn't until Monday, when a tip from a viewer of "America's Most Wanted" led authorities to Campti, Texas, where Dial was found. Bobbi Parker, the prison warden's wife that Dial allegedly kidnapped, was also found.

    Dial has now been returned to a prison cell in McAlester. He's back in Oklahoma, where he says he made several trips to sell some of his artwork during his time on the run.

    He hasn't been charged with any new crimes yet, but charges of escape and kidnapping may soon be filed.
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    Re: I can't be the only one...

    Makes me wonder if the victim went willingly or not.

    So sad for the entire victim's family too.

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    Re: I can't be the only one...

    Makes me wonder if the victim went willingly or not.
    I guess not, the guy who kidnapped her says she didn't.
    **** The views and opinions stated by kids=stress are simply that. Views and opinions. They are not meant to slam anyone else or their views.To anyone whom I may have offended by this expression of my humble opinion, I hereby recognized and appologized to you publically.

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    Re: I can't be the only one...

    Yea.. I have my own thoughts on that. (just for the record, thats not the part I thought was funny) You can read all of the stories here:


    I know that the media only gets so much information, but the lady who was taken was working away from the convict when they found her. Her employer said that she even took care of him when he was sick with heart problems. There are several stories about it. She was reunited with her husband and 2 children on Monday. The FBI says she was a victim and not going to be charged, but it all stinks to me.

    There are about 5 things wrong with the picture, but no one may never know the truth except for the convict and the wife. He was shown on video saying that he threatened her, but if they were in a realtionship, he could have been protecting her.

    Can you imagine being her husband and kids? I am sure they thought she was dead and he has probably moved on with his life after 10 years (no stories on that yet) and then all of the sudden the missing wife shows up.
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    Re: I can't be the only one...

    Fugitive Case Confounds Texas Town
    April 7, 2005
    By Lianne Hart and Scott Gold Times Staff Writers

    CAMPTI, Texas — Bobbi Parker was a little shy and always in a bit of hurry, "like she had left a cake in the oven," one acquaintance said.

    But she was an independent woman, or so it seemed to the people she encountered in the Piney Woods of rural Texas. Every few weeks, she stopped to buy supplies for a local chicken farm. She cashed her paychecks at a convenience store and bought beer for the man she called her husband. She was always alone.

    If she had wanted to leave, said James Chandler, who works at the farm supply store, "all she had to do was just keep on driving."

    This week, police stormed Parker's mobile home and arrested Randolph Dial, convicted in the 1981 murder of a karate teacher in Oklahoma. Dial had been in hiding for 11 years, ever since escaping from prison by holding a knife to Parker's throat while she drove him to freedom. She was the deputy warden's wife.

    Authorities say they believe Parker's contention that she had been held against her will all along — not physically, but by threat of violence. Some of her acquaintances aren't so convinced.

    And an event that Chandler called the "biggest thing to ever hit" this isolated pocket of East Texas had people pondering questions that seemed preposterous just days ago.

    Was Parker, 42, worried that Dial, 60, might harm her real family if she tried to escape?

    Did she suffer from Stockholm syndrome, where kidnap victims become sympathetic to their abductors?

    Or had the polite mother of two simply fallen for a blue-eyed, smooth-talking, professed hit man?

    "In the last two days, I've heard so much stuff that I don't know what to believe anymore," Chandler said. "But I wonder about it. In 11 years, you would think she could have done something."

    In 1986, a drunken Dial confessed to the unsolved murder of Kelly Hogan. Five years earlier, Dial told investigators, he had knocked on Hogan's door and shot him in the chest with a .38-caliber pistol.

    Dial said that the mob had paid him $5,000, but investigators never figured out who, if anyone, had orchestrated the murder or why Hogan might have been the target.

    Dial's wife at the time told investigators that he had turned her into a "robot," unable to think for herself, and tricked her into helping him kill Hogan. She was shot and killed four months later; her murder was never solved.

    Imprisoned in Granite, Okla., Dial was seen as a braggart and a storyteller, but was a model inmate, officials said. The former art teacher, who made delicate sculptures of women's figures and painted scenes of sailboats and landscapes, soon gained trusty status; he persuaded officials to let him start an art program to make money for the prison and to help rehabilitate inmates.

    Much of the project involved pottery, said Oklahoma Department of Corrections spokesman Jerry Massie. Dial was given regular, unsupervised access to a kiln in Deputy Warden Randy Parker's garage. Dial became a fixture in the Parker household. He and Bobbi were friendly, and she volunteered to work on his art program.

    On the morning of Aug. 30, 1994, Bobbi Parker told her husband she was going shopping. When Randy Parker left for work, Dial was in the garage. By the end of the day, both he and Bobbi Parker were missing. So was the Parkers' red minivan.

    That night, Bobbi Parker called her mother and passed along a message to her daughters, who were 8 and 10. "Tell the kids I'll see them soon," she said. She called twice more in the next few days, but was never heard from after that. Randy Parker, Massie said, "never gave up hope that she was alive."

    Together, Dial said during a news conference after his arrest, he and Bobbi Parker moved around Texas — first to Houston, where he worked as a security guard, then south of Dallas. Five years ago, they ended up in Campti, which is little more than a collection of twisting, red-dirt roads and mobile homes on the Texas-Louisiana border.

    They lived and worked on a 25-acre broiler farm, where chickens are raised until they are big enough to be taken to a processing plant. In exchange for their work, the pair received $500 a week and lived rent-free, said Shelby County Chief Deputy Kent Shaffer.

    Dial told reporters it was an "honest living," although it appeared to folks here that Parker did most of the work. "I never hardly saw them," said Harold Bloodgood, 59, a logger who lives nearby. "They were way back in the woods."

    Dial, who told authorities that he never forgot that he was a fugitive, rarely left the farm. He attended a nearby Pentecostal church periodically with Parker, and once drove to Oklahoma City to attend an event held for the release of a book about his disappearance. Without making any effort to disguise himself, Dial got the author to autograph a copy for him. Undetected, he went back home.

    Mostly, Dial left the shopping and driving duties to Parker. He made up a Social Security number and started going by the name Richard Deahl.

    At some point, Parker began signing her receipts at the farm supply store "Samantha Deahl" and referred to him as her husband. She fretted to acquaintances about Dial's heart condition, one of the few pieces of her life she ever discussed.

    But Josephine Nichols, 61, who lived across the road, said she thought something was amiss. Parker never talked about herself, Nichols said, just her chickens. And when they spoke, the conversation was brief. Parker was always looking over her shoulder — apparently for Dial, who was rarely seen without his shotgun. "She told me he was very jealous and that she was not allowed to talk to anybody," Nichols said. "She never looked very happy. She never smiled. And why should she? She had nothing to look forward to."

    On Monday afternoon, acting on an anonymous tip from someone who saw Dial's picture on the website for the television series "America's Most Wanted," authorities swarmed the farm. Dial had a loaded pistol on the table and his shotgun by the door, but he was taken into custody without a struggle, said FBI Special Agent Gary Johnson.

    Dial was cooking lunch and watching a golf tournament when authorities arrived. He chuckled, Shaffer said, with sheriff's deputies when he was led away from the house: "I was wondering when you were all going to get here."

    Despite the contention from some in the community that Parker had not been held against her will, Dial said that he viewed himself as a kidnapper and that he had been "working on her." He said he threatened to harm her or her daughters if she fled — although, he said, he never meant it.

    Shaffer said that though investigators found her story hard to believe, it did appear Dial had used "reverse psychology" to keep her from running. "He said he made the good guys look bad and the bad guys look good," Shaffer said.

    Dial has been charged with escaping from a penal institution, said Greer County, Okla., Dist. Atty. John Wampler. Additional charges related to the abduction are likely. Dial is being held at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary in McAlester.

    Wampler said there were no plans to charge Parker with a crime, provided her version of the events holds up. "There is a question there that a lot of people have problems with, and that is why she didn't call or contact someone," he said. "The investigation is still open."

    Randy Parker is now the warden at the minimum-security William S. Key Correction Center in Fort Supply, Okla. He declined to comment through a spokesman.

    The Parkers were reunited Tuesday in Nacogdoches, Texas, and they returned to Oklahoma together on Wednesday. The two embraced, wept and seemed no different than any other husband and wife who had been apart for a long time, said the officers who were there. "The reunion went well," the FBI's Johnson said.

    Dial was given a chance to say goodbye to Parker. "Be good to yourself," he said he told her. "You've got it coming."

    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Re: I can't be the only one...

    Randolph Dial made several trips into Oklahoma during his ten years on the run, including a trip to Tulsa to have an author sign a book about his life.

    Charles Sasser is a former Tulsa homicide detective. In 1998, four years after Dial's escape from the Oklahoma State Reformatory in Granite, Sasser wrote "At Large: The Life and Crimes of Randolph Franklin Dial".

    Sasser was visited in Tulsa by Dial at a book signing, but apparently didn't know the infamous fugitive was right in front of him.

    That is funny -- the Great Detective is not so observant ... but who would think Dial would have the nerve to show up in the guy's face ??
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Re: I can't be the only one...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge
    That is funny -- the Great Detective is not so observant ... but who would think Dial would have the nerve to show up in the guy's face ??
    I agree!! Some people will do it.
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    Re: I can't be the only one...

    Thanks for that article Jolie. Thats more info than our local news has reported.
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    Re: I can't be the only one...

    I feel very sorry for her. She must have felt that something terrible would happen if she left him and that's why she didn't. It's almost cultish in the way that she stayed even though she had the opportunity to escape. He must have done a good job of brainwashing her into believing that he would harm her family.
    I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.

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