Thread: Need Opinions!

  1. #1

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    Need Opinions!

    OK, after 8 years with my employer, our whole building (500 people) is being laid off. I have already started applying for jobs. Here's my question I pose to ya'll.
    Do you go with a company where the job is probably not what I'd prefer to do (inbound call center, which is what I have been doing the last 8 years), but has excellent benefits, has probably the least amount of turn over I've ever heard of in a large company, is supposedly a fantastic place to work, and the company's reputation is flawless. The company isn't going anywhere & I can't see the jobs being shipped overseas (as my job was). This job is going to be a killer communte every day.

    Option B, not taking inbound calls (anyone who has worked in a call center knows how delightful this thought is), less pay, good benefits, am told very good chance for advancement. It is much closer to home. I have no idea what the security on this job is. the company is well-known, but I have no idea if this job is secure in the Phoenix area.


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    Re: Need Opinions!

    My Opinion: Option B

    Option A is probably the better deal-or seems like it-nothing's guaranteed.
    The long commute is what would bother me.
    Time is money & it's hard on you to be traveling long distances to & from work.

    Good Luck in whatever you choose!
    Last edited by roseanntx; 02-23-2005 at 09:48 PM.

  4. #3

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    Re: Need Opinions!

    look at how much further is the commute for you. then look at the cost of gas for the extra mileage you would drive. Subtract the cost of additional gas from the higher pay and see where that puts you in comparison to option b. Additionally how much more time would it take for you to get to and from work, ie 15 minutes vs 45? What would you be able to do with the extra time you wouldnt spend in traffic
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