Baby update
Well I went to the Dr. yesterday and I am at 70% and 2cm. Been having contractions on and off for the past few days, about 20 min apart. Still supposed to have a little over 2 weeks left but I dont think we will go that long. She is in position and ready to go. LOL. Now if I can just get all the stuff around here done before she decides she is ready! LOL. My mom is out of town till Sunday so I hope she doesn't decide to come before then but we will see. I just cant wait to finally get to see her and hold her!
Mom to Brandon Connor (11) and Charity Alana (5)
12-31-2004 05:04 AM
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Re: Baby update
aww i was 4 cm and 90 % for a month with bruce, and then when he came, he kinda just slipped out lol! good luck
Re: Baby update
Heres hoping she stays put till Sun. and then like Disneymoms she slides right out..lol. My son will be 9 on the 2nd, get used to being totally dumbfounded on what to get her for her birthday, being right after christmas.
Re: Baby update

Originally Posted by
Heres hoping she stays put till Sun. and then like Disneymoms she slides right out..lol. My son will be 9 on the 2nd, get used to being totally dumbfounded on what to get her for her birthday, being right after christmas.
ack i know the girls bdays are 1/15 and 1/24
Re: Baby update
My sons bday is 1/24 and mine is 1/20 hubbys in 12/1 so we are all right near christmas. we are just so excited we tried for 3 years and then gave up and bamm. I just cant wait for her to get here! I talked to mom this am and she told me to rest all weekend long no walking cleaning nothing! LOL
Mom to Brandon Connor (11) and Charity Alana (5)
Re: Baby update
Keep us posted!
Hope you can hold off until Sunday, dear.
Re: Baby update

Originally Posted by
My sons bday is 1/24 and mine is 1/20 hubbys in 12/1 so we are all right near christmas. we are just so excited we tried for 3 years and then gave up and bamm. I just cant wait for her to get here! I talked to mom this am and she told me to rest all weekend long no walking cleaning nothing! LOL
hi could you pm me your addy i would like to send your son and you a bady card
stay still lol, take moms advice
Re: Baby update
Well, stayed still all weekend. No baby yet. still having contractions. They are getting closer and stronger but not close enough! LOL I figure by the end of the week we will have a baby crossing fingers anyway! The past couple of days it had felt like she is punching me in the cervix! OUCH! My friend that we are naming her after keeps telling me that she is trying to punch her way out cause she is ready to come play! Will keep you all updated if things change.
Mom to Brandon Connor (11) and Charity Alana (5)
Re: Baby update
aww she is gonna be a lil fighter.....
Proud Mama of 3
Re: Baby update
I was stuck at 2 cms for weeks, then stuck at 3 cms for days before they induced me for other complications. Good luck with the new baby; I just had a little girl myself, on December 7, 2004. Can't believe she's almost a month old already!