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    What would you do????

    I had someone win somehting from me on ebay on the 23rd and i have it clearly stated that no contact within 7 days, i will leave - feedback and file a complaint. So i have been emailing this person and havent gotten any replys. I get a offline this morning after i left - feedback, apparently from her mother, this is what she said

    hi there hun my daughter made a bid on your item and won it to my understanding and from the nasty note you sent. im sorry if you didn't recive anything from her she has been in ny for a few days she lost her husband and had to go to a funeral. (he was in iraq) but i will remind her when she gets home.

    i didnt leave a naty note, my feedback stated when she won and still have not gotten payment, beware. Ive seen worse - feedback

    she said her daughter will be back in a couple days. she has no other feedback but mine.

    If the story is true, i am truly sorry and feel for her but how do u know??? The mom states that the daughter called her and gave her the log in info to take care of her ebay stuff. help
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    Re: What would you do????

    its not your fault. i had someone leave me bad feedback when id mailed the money order out, and they hadnt recived it. i sent them the number off the money order, and they still left bad feedback saying i didnt pay..however...the next day...they got my money order..surpise....and theres no way to change it. now my numbers are lower, from that..and im still trying to get my numbers back up. but you honestly cant know, if she bid...and you didnt hear anything...thats not your fault. if her mom had her sign in information..and didnt get in touch with you..thats the moms fault. but dont be too hard on yourself.

    sorry this happend to you
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    my feedback thread http://forums.bigbigsavings.com/showthread.php3?s=&threadid=277080&highlight=joesb aby
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    Re: What would you do????

    thanks, i talked to her mom on aol for a long time and her mom is really cool. she stated that her daughter left a couple days ago for the funeral, guess im still confused on what to do. U can get rid of the - feedback if both parties agree to withdraw, go to my ebay and find the thing that staes withdraw and u put in there y u want to and thye will send it to the other person and then its gone. Ive done it before so thats how i know
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    Re: What would you do????

    If in fact the story is true I feel deeply sorry for the family, but how are you to know? I wouldn't do anything and relist the item. There is no way you could have possibly have known the situation.
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    Re: What would you do????

    yeah i would relist the item too. it's a shame about the circumstances but you are dealing with the internet and you don't know if what is being told to you is true. what's done is done. i don't think the feedback you left was nasty.

  7. #6
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    Re: What would you do????

    get his name and check the casuality list, if its true he should be in it and it would say his hometown, i know it sounds awful, but you get so many sob stories anymore who can ya believe?

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