Thread: Kids/Naps

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    Just a few quick questions I could really use some answers for. Any advice would be great. Thanks

    How young is too young to stop taking naps?
    How long did your kids nap? How many naps did they take/at what ages?
    How did you get them to nap?

    My DD is almost a year and refuses to nap except when we go on long car rides. I can tell she needs a nap b/c she gets tired & cranky long before bed time. I have tried rocking her, just putting her down, a quiet room, music, you name it. She is not sick or teething.

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    Re: Kids/Naps

    I really think that there is no set age to stop naps. It can depend highly on your family situation (strict or flexible schedules) My 9 y/o stopped taking naps on her own around 1.5, she just wasn't tired. I stopped the naps for my 7 y/o when she was 2 because when she took a nap, she would be up really late and didn't want to go to bed at night.

    If she won't take a nap, but is tired and cranky, maybe you can set aside 10-15 minutes and turn everything off (radios and tv) and read a book, she may or may not take a nap, but either way she will be getting some rest.
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    nanajoanie's Avatar
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    Re: Kids/Naps

    Kids should take naps everyday until they are old enough to leave home That's the only time I could get anything done

    "My DD is almost a year and refuses to nap except when we go on long car rides. I can tell she needs a nap b/c she gets tired & cranky long before bed time. I have tried rocking her, just putting her down, a quiet room, music, you name it. She is not sick or teething."

    Sounds like she already has you figured out. If she doesn't take a nap Mommy rocks her, tries to do everything fussing over her. Don't mean to sound cruel, but put her in her bed, shut the door, and don't go back in for awhile or she will learn that Mommy will rescue her. It's difficult not to give into our babies but we have to be the adults and be in charge, not the other way around. Babies can't talk but they are smart and figure out minipulating at a mighty young age. If all that fails, have you considered calling the pediatrician?
    Last edited by nanajoanie; 11-08-2004 at 06:05 PM.
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    Re: Kids/Naps

    Mine had naps up until kindergarten.

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    JKATHERINE's Avatar
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    Re: Kids/Naps

    Great advice, Nana!

    I used to work at a daycare center. It was policy there that all children under four years of age go down for a nap. Some children that were four and still needed a nap went down too. It did not mean we forced them to sleep, but they did have to lay quietly and there was no talking. 9 times out of 10, ALL of the children slept. Sometimes they would try and talk to each other or talk to me when I was the attendant. By being consistent and standing firm in not letting any talking/noise go on in the room, the children quickly learned what was expected of them.

    Show your daughter you mean business and do as Nana says, even though it will be trying at first. She'll get the idea soon enough. She still needs rest time even if it's not a full-blown nap.
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    Re: Kids/Naps

    Well I am 40 and still love my naps, I can get cranky too if I dont get one. I look forward to one after work every day for about 1/2 hr then I can get some stuff done.

  8. #7
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    Re: Kids/Naps

    Can I ask if you have a night time ritual? Like reading her a book or rocking her? How do you get her to sleep at night? My oldest just turned 5 and she doesn't take a nap everyday, but mostly she still does and sleeps for about 2 hours!!

    My 9 month old on the other hand, fights sleep like nobody's business. I usually feed him a bottle and hold him snuggly in my lap, but that's usually how he goes to sleep everytime.

    If you dont have a ritual that works I'd suggest a quiet place or this may sound crazy, but my daughter slept in her swing until she was a year old. Maybe the rocking motion would help a little(if you still have your swing!) And then there's always the crying it out...but I personally can't do that!

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    Re: Kids/Naps

    My little girl is 4 years old and she still takes a nap everyday after pre-school. We have a routine (since she was 2). I tell her its nap time and she jumps up on the couch and I turn the tv to cartoons/ tuck her in/ and give her a kiss. She is out within 10-15 minutes.
    My neice is the same age and my sister is always saying she can't get her to take a nap. Yet when she is at my house she knows that when its nap time, she has to lay on the couch and can't get up until nap time is over. 9 times out of 10 she falls asleep. I think it just has somthing to do with the routine (when it comes to my daughter) yet with my neice I think she just regards me as the "meanie" and knows I won't let her get up so she just gives in..
    You child is still young - I would think a nap was still needed - but then again what time does she go to bed? If she goes to bed early and sleeps in mornings she may not need one..
    My little girl goes to bed at 8:30, but she is up by 6am - so she still gets tired during the day..(can you beleive her doctor said kids need 10-12 hours sleep a night! I would be happy with 8....)
    I am sure you know your child better than anyone else and you know what she needs best of all.
    Good Luck

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    Re: Kids/Naps

    Quote Originally Posted by Out2Lunch
    Can I ask if you have a night time ritual? Like reading her a book or rocking her? How do you get her to sleep at night? My oldest just turned 5 and she doesn't take a nap everyday, but mostly she still does and sleeps for about 2 hours!!
    Yes, she gets a bath, then bottle, then bed. She will sleep all night, usually about 10 hours and is awake most days at 6am.

    I have tried leaving her in her crib to 'cry it out' but she will stand there and scream. Sometimes she will fall asleep but most of the time you could probably leave her in there for an hour + and she wouldn't go down (I have never waited that long).

    I am going to mention it to her pediatrition when we go in for her next apt.

    Thanks for all the replies!

  11. #10
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    Re: Kids/Naps

    I know just how you feel. My 15 month old only takes about a 15 min nap a day and sometimes goes without one all together. Both my sons gave up naps by the time they were 18 months. They all sleep very well at night. I tried the letting them scream thing too, they puked, I cleaned it up they puked again...screamed for almost 2 hours....forget it. I think each child is different. My 20 year old took a nap everyday for 4 years for at least an hour..raised them all the same.

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    Re: Kids/Naps

    Quote Originally Posted by Night Wolf

    I have tried leaving her in her crib to 'cry it out' but she will stand there and scream. Sometimes she will fall asleep but most of the time you could probably leave her in there for an hour + and she wouldn't go down (I have never waited that long).

    I know what you mean...everyone told me to just leave her in her crib to cry it out. I tried it and like you said about your daughter, she'd cry forever if you let her!! I think it was a phase for my dd around that age...hopefully she will take naps again for you soon!! Good Luck!!

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