Re: shewwwww
The Columbus area had trick or treating night on Thursday!! My area is doing it tonight from 5:30 - 7:30 or something like that. When I was growing up we always went on Halloween no matter what day of the week it was.
I do like the kids going tonight instead of tomorrow night so I don't feel so rushed to get them home and ready for school the next morning. lol The city I live in has some kind of city ordinance (sp?) that states if Halloween falls on a Sunday that the "beggers night" would be on Saturday.
10-30-2004 09:00 AM
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Re: shewwwww
I moved to Mo from Manchester NH and there they have Halloween on the last Sunday of Oct no matter what day Halloween is on..and its from 1-4pm so the kids are trick or treatin in daylight.
Here in MO its halloween night!
I finally found the one man not like all the rest!
Re: shewwwww
[QUOTE=Patchouli]Who is it that makes that decision though? It is it a written law? Being the nonconformist that I am I would go on Halloween anyway. I'm sure there are a lot of people who would.[/QUO
I really don't know, but I am figuring the town council or the cops....
freebies are like potato chips....you can't have just one!!
Re: shewwwww
Our town posts it on stationary signboards that share weekly event news.
It's Sunday 5 to 8:30.
When I was growing-up, always had the big costume party at school K - 6th grade,
with a parade around the neighborhood,
the room mothers baked cupcakes or cookies & we had Koolaid to drink,
then 2 evenings of trick or treating all over the town.
It's much different now.
Happy Halloween, Oct. 31st!
& it's my sis's BD too.
Happy All Saints' Day, Nov. 1st!
Re: shewwwww
Kids will be going to night they say for safety reasons. It is not law just suggestion. So a few kids are going to be doing it tonight and tomarrow.lol oh well for the main tricksters they get the good candy tonight tomarrow is what I have left and what my kids don't eat. Then I have a couple bags hidden that DH likes.lol I put the good stuff away and if I need it then I bring it out. lol I did find the reeses white choclate today I grabed a bag and put it in the freezer so I can have it for a while.lol Have fun everyone.