Can anyone help me??
I looked online but cant seem to find the right answers for my aunt. If you have 2 parents who are both 0 positive, how many and what blood types can their children have.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with this.
10-29-2004 06:21 PM
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Re: Can anyone help me??
are you typing the letter "O", or the number 0 (Zero). The actual blood type is the letter... "O Positive"
Re: Can anyone help me??
I don't know if this will help or not. It shows what types of blood a person can receive and for people who are O+ they can receive blood from people with O+ and O- blood. I don't know if that means their children would have either O+ or O- though. The graph is at the bottom of the page.
Re: Can anyone help me??
This sounds like it might help you. Fromhttp://www.drgreene.com/21_59.html :
Are they really my parents?
If both of my parents have O positive blood, is it possible for me to have O negative blood? I have been told that it is not possible, that one parent would have to have the negative factor. I have been researching this question for some time with no good answer. I would really appreciate your help in answering this.
Debbie Howlett Farmington, New Mexico
Genetics can be so confusing! I can easily see how after much research the issue would still appear murky.
The modern science of genetics had its start in 1866 when an Austrian monk named Gregor Mendel provided a simple yet powerful description of how traits are passed on from one generation to another. Mendel's work was unappreciated until 1900 -- more than fifteen years after his death. In his initial formulation, he described how sexual beings get two genes for each trait, one from each parent. The trait expressed, or visible, is a result of the interplay between these two genes. Specifically, he recognized that some genes are dominant and some are recessive. If you have one copy of a dominant gene you will express that trait, regardless of the other gene. In order to express a recessive trait you must have two recessive genes.
Mendel's first experiments, though simple, were quite profound. He worked with peas, which had easily distinguishable traits, such as green versus yellow seeds. Each pea has two seed-color genes, one from each parent. The peas with two yellow genes were yellow. Those with a yellow and a green gene were also yellow; only those with two green genes turned out to be to green. Thus yellow was dominant over the recessive green gene.
The situation with human blood genetics is far more complex, since at each point there are multiple possible characteristics. Nevertheless, the genetics of human blood is far better understood than that of any other human tissue.
First, let's look at the ABO blood types. Each person receives an A, B, or O gene from each parent. In this system, the A and B genes are co-dominant and the O gene is recessive. Thus, a person whose genetic type is either AA or AO will have blood type A, those with genetic type BB or BO will have blood type B, and only those genetic type OO will have blood type O. This means that a child with type O blood could have parents with type A, type B, or type O blood (but not with type AB). Conversely, if two parents both have type O blood, all their children will have type O blood.
Another medically important blood type is described in the Rh system. These genes were first discovered in the rhesus monkey, hence the designation Rh. The Rh system is actually far more complex than the ABO system in that there are 35 different possibilities that one could inherit from each parent. These, however, are roughly grouped into positive and negative types. In this system the positive are dominant over the negative. If your genetic type is ++ or +-, your blood type will be Rh positive. Only if your genetic type is -- will you be Rh negative. This means that if both parents have Rh+ blood with the +- genes, they could have children who are ++, +-, or --. In other words, their children could be either Rh positive or Rh negative. Children who are Rh negative can have parents who are either Rh positive or Rh negative.
Two parents who have O positive blood could easily have a child who is O negative. In fact, most children who are O negative have parents who are positive, since the +- combination is so much more common than the -- combination.
As it turns out, there are more than a dozen complete blood group systems other than the ABO system and the Rh system. This makes great precision possible in looking at inheritance and family trees.
There is no reason, based on your blood type, to suspect that your parents might not really be your parents. If questions linger for other reasons, specific tests are available through blood banks that can settle the issue. Given the billions of unique people on this planet, the power and precision of genetic testing are amazing.
"I am dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you ought to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're about to do something incredibly stupid." CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow
Re: Can anyone help me??
This page has a chart with possibly an easier to understand explanation.
Good Luck!
"I am dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you ought to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're about to do something incredibly stupid." CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow
Re: Can anyone help me??
I found the answer thanks everyone!!
Re: Can anyone help me??
I always thought that 2 positive parents had to have positive children until last year when my 37 yr old dr found out while she was pregnant that she is negative. I knew she was ours without a doubt. I knew all my children belonged to my husband and I didn't think there was a hospital switch since she looks just like me. Also my husband has blue eyes. I have light hazel eyes and our son looks just like my husband except he has the darkest brown eyes like my grandmother!! My husband did look at me cross eyed when our son's eyes got so dark until he saw how much our son looked ike him. LOL
Re: Can anyone help me??
There may be a recessive gene in your family or his, that after a few generatuions cam eout.
Ask your parents and his what their blood is, if possible, find out what your grandparents are as well.
My mom is O+ as is my dad, my brother is A+. Turns out, so was my granddad.
My brother married a O-, and their children are A-, O+, and A+