Infant Toy Help Please!!!!!!!!!
I am wondering if any experienced mommies out there could help me find some good toys for my new son. There are SSOooooooooo many out there that I would love for someone to tell me what their child enjoyed for more than a month or two so I can start thinking Christmas & Easter gifts. And those musical, noise making types- are they the deafening, annoying ones or are there really some cute, educational ones out there??????????
Stacey =)
Supporting our Troops and our President!
10-26-2004 11:05 PM
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Re: Infant Toy Help Please!!!!!!!!!
Blocks are always good. I saw a really cute set at BJs about a month ago, it was the big ones that look like Legos but way bigger. They had a Pooh set and a Disney Princess set.
My kids liked things that made noise, like talking animals and stuff like that.
They also had a VTech thing that was like a laptop. It had 4 or 5 buttons on it that were different shapes and colors. They played withthat for a long time. It think it was called a See me Learn Laptop. It was for ages 6-18 months I think.
They really liked those stupid sets of keys too.
I got one of the little girls I babysat a little steering wheel thing that had a few buttons on it, one sounded like a car and made the whole steering wheel vibrate, like a car revving. She carried it around for a good year.
Some mornings it's not worth the effort of chewing through the restraints.
Come on Spring!!
Re: Infant Toy Help Please!!!!!!!!!
Both of mine really like things they can hold in their hands, especially the brighter the better. Jakob likes the soft teething book that crinkles and had crew things on each corner of each page. He also REALLY likes is bed aquarium...he has learned how to turn it on and off and he will lay in his bed and play with that for awhile!!! He will soon be 6 months old. He also REALLY likes to be in his walker and boy can he go!!!
Re: Infant Toy Help Please!!!!!!!!!
lamaze makes some really good toys that are fun and educational. melissa and doug also make some great wooden toys. blocks are good, rattles, books that are plastic or coated so when they bite them they are not going to rip and fall apart. ummmmmmmmmmm, fisher price makes a cute aquarium that you put balls in and it makes music, it is really sweet. they also make an air-tivity table that is fun for lots of years, but kinda loud. i know there are more, but that is enough for your first yearLOL
just me....
Re: Infant Toy Help Please!!!!!!!!!
Look into Discovery Toys, they last forever, I used to be a dealer, but that was only so I could earn all the toys. They are all in still good enough condition that the grandkids can play with them ...when I get grandkids!
Re: Infant Toy Help Please!!!!!!!!!
has anyone purchased anything like that new activity center that has musical buttons and other things on it and then they can either sit or stand at it and their feet also activate sounds? That is actually what spurred my post (lol) as I think it seems cute but is it over the top????????? I never had any of the fancy stuff like that w/ my first son but happily I did save his favorite things like the block type set up that is a car and then you can stack the little people shapes on top of one another and some of the plastic books that never give out. I totally forgot those key sets- my nephew LOVED those! And I know the driver toy I think if it is a Wally one as I checked those out, a Vtech Little Driver or Smart Driver or something like that: sounds like a good Christmas gift!
I wonder what type of mobiles did your kids like? I bought one of the aquarium type hanging crib toys you guys mentioned so I am happy that was a good buy! He is outgrowing his bassinette so I had better get the mobile and anything else crib related soon so he can get use out of it. I understand why they say no crib bumpers but it sure makes for some boring looking for the lil ones.
Thanks again for all the great suggestions and help!
Stacey =)
Supporting our Troops and our President!
Re: Infant Toy Help Please!!!!!!!!!
If this is the one you are talking about my DD has it and she loves it. It was kind of pricey though....it was her christmas gift last year. Als o Chloe loves board books....she can sit for quite a while and just flip back and forth.
Re: Infant Toy Help Please!!!!!!!!!
Thanks everyone...spent a ton at Walmart yesterday =) Got little guy's stuff all lined up for his big move to the crib starting Monday if I can get it all organized for him.
Thanks again!
Stacey =)
Supporting our Troops and our President!