Re: UPDATE: to child support issues
I really must liven this up. WHEN you get the money, will you have a BBQ for all of us? We can bring some side dishes. And desserts. And beverages. And plates and glasses/cups. Condiments. Smiles. High fives!! Just let us know the date
09-29-2004 06:48 PM
Circuit advertisement
Re: UPDATE: to child support issues
woo hoo for you and your tot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: UPDATE: to child support issues
Congrats it is about time a dead beat dad looses his money. I am so happy for you and your family.
Re: UPDATE: to child support issues

Originally Posted by
woo hoo for you and your tot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes too bad it took me over ten years to collect support for my "Tots" huh...they're now 16 & 21..........lol
I finally found the one man not like all the rest!
Re: UPDATE: to child support issues
It's a shame it has taken this long.
Just out of curiousity, who is SupportKids and why on earth are they entitled to 1/3 of YOUR money???? The child support office in your state should have handled all of that for free. Especially if you were ever receiving assistance because them some of the money would be going to them. It may take quite a few phone calls to get it accomplished, but it could have saved you $18K.
Some mornings it's not worth the effort of chewing through the restraints.
Re: UPDATE: to child support issues
Also wanted to add, with him being that far behind he should have had his driver's license suspended, any business licenses he had suspended, his income tax intercepted, gone to jail........
Some mornings it's not worth the effort of chewing through the restraints.
Re: UPDATE: to child support issues
Congratulations! That is great when things finally come through.
Re: UPDATE: to child support issues
Supportkids.com is a child support agency out of Texas who fights for you when you are owed support as long as you are NOT recieving State aid(which i dont....foodstamps are not considered state aid...any family making under $1100 a month can get them) They have been my child support team since 2000.
I have let the states i live in try to collect support and nothing is ever done...period!
Supportkids has appeared in court in Calif on my behalf and has really worked their end of all this so i am more than ok with them taking thier share....without them doing this i would still be "support less"....they have earned it trust me!
Supportkids has had a lein on him since 2001 and they have suspended his license(like no one drives after their suspended right) He goes to court to get it back...agrees to start paying and then doesnt but has his license back!!!
Tax returns....lol....his wife works and claims him as a dependant since he stays home and plays Mr Mom while she works so they cant attach her...i've tried!
He hasnt workd "legally" since 1995 but has had jobs under the table i hear.
I have fought long and hard to get anything out of this lowlife and i am happy to take anything supportkids can get me!
Last edited by MamaFairal; 09-30-2004 at 07:33 AM.
I finally found the one man not like all the rest!