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    Warning I got a great idea!

    I've got a new idea, why can't we just get rid of the offices of President and VP altogether, also the senate. I think we should take the money saved by this and create a program to provide every home with a computer then we would all have to vote on the issues. New laws would be worked out by the congress and once a month we would all go to our computers and cast our vote. No lobbyists, no large corporations having more of a say than the common man. Now of course we would have to have someone meet all those visiting heads of state, we could have an election for that too. Just imagine and election where people run on how well they deal with protocol and manners, how much they know about world events, or even how much better looking they are than the other candidates. This way we would all have a voice into what happened in our lives instead of what we currently have. Anyone like my idea? Feel free to add to it.

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    Re: Warning I got a great idea!

    My opinion---you can't run the country by committee. Someone would have to moniter the computers to see if there was one vote per person. I can just see people voting hundreds of times going to others computers who are unable to vote.

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    nanajoanie's Avatar
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    Re: Warning I got a great idea!

    I think the Pres. and VP should be elected on the most votes in each party. That way there would be a Republican and a Democrat running the country. Especially fair after the last election being so close. Leaving out Independents, Green Party and all the others unless they were tops in the voting.
    Toodles, Nanajoanie

  5. #4
    Kyla Kym's Avatar
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    Re: Warning I got a great idea!

    I don't think we should mess with the system. It has worked for a long time. And we are the greatest country in the world. So we must be doing something right.
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    Re: Warning I got a great idea!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyla Kym
    I don't think we should mess with the system. It has worked for a long time. And we are the greatest country in the world. So we must be doing something right.
    Thanks for trying to let me down easy but, I'm not really thinking it would ever happen, but it would be cool to have all the people vote on everything instead of whats going on now.

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