Question for the Coupon Experts
I have recently started to try and save extra on our grocery bills by clipping and using coupons. If it's stuff I use anyway, I can save quite a bit. But here's my question. How do you all organize them so that you can find the ones you need? When you've got upwards of 100 coupons, how do you keep from going insane in the grocery aisle? What is the tried and true method that YOU use?
And by the way. Heads up for anyone that is using the Parker Brother's Certificates for free games. All the items listed as needed to purchase to receive you free game are on sale this week at Kroger. PLUS we had coupons this morning in the paper for all of those items. Hope this is in your area, too. Looks like you can get what you need for $5 or less. Not a bad deal.
If the mailman knew that my heart races when the UPS man comes by, would he still bring me freebies?
10-19-2003 08:33 AM
Circuit advertisement
Great ideas, Ravenlost! I especially like the idea about using a recipe box! That sounds a whole lot easier than a big ol' wad of coupons in my purse!
If the mailman knew that my heart races when the UPS man comes by, would he still bring me freebies?
I also have a coupon organizer. It's one that I bought at the store and it has dividers so that I can organize all the coupons. Every once in a while I will go through it and take out any of the ones that have expired. Before I go to the store I always look through the flyer to see what's on sale and then I look to see if I have any coupons for those items and I will put them in the front of my organizer to make it easier.
I keep the main supply in a shoebox-size, Rubbermaid-type container. (You can usually get these for a dollar). I keep them alphabetized within each of the categories.
I have an envelope that I keep with me that has coupons for good current deals and for the excellent ones that are about to expire.
Dear Lord, please give me the strength to not slap an idiot today......Amen.
I use a photo album, the kind with pockets. Label the pockets according to the isles at the store you shop at most. Saves alot of time that way.
I also have a clip that clips in the front for the "free" items or the ones that are going to expire, that way I don't miss them.