Very Important Please read
Below is an email that should be fwd to EVERYONE YOU KNOW.
All Americans need to be aware of this !
Purchase of UPS uniforms: BE ALERT!!!!
From: Samuel C. Johnson III, Assistant Commissioner
Office of Homeland Security and
Emergency Services
FW: Force Protection Warning
There has been a huge purchase, $32,000 worth, of United Parcel Service (UPS) uniforms on eBay over the last 30 days. This could represent a serious threat as bogus drivers can drop off anything to anyone with deadly consequences! If you have ANY questions when a UPS driver appears at your door, they should be able to furnish VALID I.D.. Additionally, if someone in a UPS uniform comes to make a drop off or pick up, make absolutely sure they are driving a UPS truck. UPS doesn't make deliveries or pickups in anything except a company vehicle. If you have a problem, IMM! EDIATELY call your local law enforcement agency right away! TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY! Tell everyone in your office, family, friends, etc. Make people aware so that we can prepare and/or avoid terrorist attacks on our people! Thank you for your time in reviewing this and PLEASE send to EVERYONE on your list, even if they are friend or foe. We should all be aware!
Tony N.James Sr.
Directorate of Plans, Operations, and Security
DSN: 655-3372
COM: (703) 805-3372
FAX: DSN 655-3775/COM (703) 805-3775
E-Mail:[email protected]
07-09-2003 11:48 AM
Circuit advertisement
There was a thread on this topic "On A Serious Note Here...anybody Else Get This Email?" by tsquared :
with some information....
[quote]Posted by puffy on 07-06-2003 02:30 PM:
Posted by tsquared on 07-06-2003 02:40 PM:
Customers who are concerned about the legitimacy of any UPS delivery can call 1-800-PICK UPS to verify it, according to the company's spokesman.
Laissez les bon temps rouler!
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT!
Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?
UPS Uniform purchase
Thank you for the alert. Just to be sure, I checked Snopes.com, the hoax/legend site, and they say this is a false rumor spread via e-mail and the internet. Here is the link:
A friend is a second self
You never can be sure~of anything anymore
Thanks for taking the time to post this 
Better to be safe than sorry
To know the true value of a friend~lose one