Question about the Depo shot....
Is anyone on the Depo shot? I just got it today, and I am wondering if anyone has had any side effects. I immediately started my "monthly visitor" after getting it even though I am not due for another week. I've heard wonderful things about it, then HORRIBLE things...anyone have any experience with it?
The Lizard Queen sees and knows all. Do not tempt her wrath!
07-08-2003 07:54 PM
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^Sleepy Switchplate Queen
aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NONONO
I will never ever do that again!!! I swear I gained 40 pounds in 6 months after taking that shot.I also must warn you that it is double birth control...you will not only be protected when you have sex,but you will NEVER EVER want to have sex again.This shot killed my sex drive completely.After I went back to the pill (after a few years) I had more sex in one month than I had in a whole year on that depo shot.Good luck to you honey...maybe you will be luckier than I was.
Once upon a time......
nasty nasty nasty shot. Have heard some people love it. Gained 40 lbs in 6 months. Spotted entire time I was on it.
Same here!!! I gained 60 lbs and my sex drive went right down the drain! I only took 2 rounds of it too... I don't recommend it to anyone!!
Gaining weight is my # 1 fear. I talked to my doctor and she said that it is a possibility, but hopefully I am one of the 65% that doesn't gain any weight and if I do gain anything, I will immediately go off of it. I have lost so much weight and I will not deal with gaining it...and It better not hurt my sex drive b/c I am a maniac as it is...lol, that's the way I like it...lol
The Lizard Queen sees and knows all. Do not tempt her wrath!
Once upon a time......
Then don't get it!!! not worth the risk of second shot. You'll know by the time for it if you are having issues
Re: aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NONONO
Originally posted by aprilwine2000
I will never ever do that again!!! I swear I gained 40 pounds in 6 months after taking that shot.I also must warn you that it is double birth control...you will not only be protected when you have sex,but you will NEVER EVER want to have sex again.This shot killed my sex drive completely.After I went back to the pill (after a few years) I had more sex in one month than I had in a whole year on that depo shot.Good luck to you honey...maybe you will be luckier than I was.
I had the opposite effect. I lost weight, my sex drive was......well let's just say dh was very happy, and my monthly visitor never visited.
my monthly visitor was there the ENTIRE 3 MONTHS, so i said heck no, just defeats the purpose of the birthcontrol lmao.
I know this is a strange question, but how did everyone gain the weight? Did you eat more, or did it just come about? I'm scared to death of gaining weight...
The Lizard Queen sees and knows all. Do not tempt her wrath!
that's another one of my fears...I mean it was automatic, they gave me the shot today, and now, bam, its there...I HOPE IT GOES AWAY...
The Lizard Queen sees and knows all. Do not tempt her wrath!
I would never get the depo again!!!!!! I got a non hormonal IUD put in a few months ago and I love it. I was on depo for so long, when I went off of it perminatly, i felt like I was starting puberty all over again. Super bad acne, major hair growth on my face. and Losing weight was really really hard!!! I think that I may have became polycystic because of depo and that is the reason for the acne and hair growth and my face and losing the hair on my head, but I cut all white sugars and flours out of my diet and I am just starting to feel better. And I have been losing weight really well now. But I will NEVER get the depo again!!!!!!
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