Does Anyone Sell Cutco Cutlery?
I'm invited to a demonstration, and I know nothing about this product. Is it good? Is it expensive? Is it worth the money? I hate walking into these sort of "parties" not knowing what to expect.
If the mailman knew that my heart races when the UPS man comes by, would he still bring me freebies?
07-08-2003 06:43 PM
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I used to sell it. I thought it was good, but it is expensive. I think it is worth money. You can go to www.cutco.com and get information on them before you go if you want.
I love mine!! Bought it over 25 years ago and it still cuts like new! It is expensive now, but if you want a really good knife you cant go wrong with the paring one. Can be used for many things.
I was just asked about these knives over the weekend, I am having a man show me some in a few days. They look & sound great so I will probably get a few.
they are incredible knives, I use to sell them but never had time for the presentations. They are SUPER expensice though. The homemaker set will run u 800 +
I bought myself the galley set, look into that one, its great..
The homemaker has a few knifes the same, the only difference is that some knives aren't repeated. Let me know if you have any questions. I still have the catalog and pricing list so you can make up ur mind without the pressure
My Mom bought a set of these when her and Dad were first married. I love those knives. Hubby and I have nice ones but nothing cuts like Cutco.
when this man comes to my home, will he have everything that is on that website? It's so hard to tell what you are looking at on a screen.
Registered User
He will have some of them, but probably not all. When I sold them he had to buy the galley set, the scissors, some steak knives, and a couple of the kitchen utensiles. He might have more, it will all depend on which products he has purchased to show people.