Thread: Job Corp help?

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    Job Corp help?

    Does anyone have any info on the Job Corp?, The Navy says my son has to go there for a while before going into the Navy??? He didn't finish school.....I am just curious, whats it like???? Any idea????
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    My youngest son is attending Job Corp now.

    Your son would be able to receive both a GED and a high school diploma from Job Corp....and training that might be useful for his Navy training.

    It is sort of a combo between college and the military....there are rules and regulations to adhere to while attending. They stay in a dorm type living area (males totally separate from females) and they have to be in the dorms by a certain time each night.

    Your son would receive a biweekly pay check while attending. They also have "clothing chits" that they receive after so many months and they can go to certain stores in order to purchase their clothing (they wear noraml street type clothes with a minimum of restrictions as to what type of clothing).

    At the completion of Job Corp, your son would also receive 1250.00 to help him get a start with job hunting, apartment, etc. Since he is looking at going into the Navy he could put it in savings and use it later on.

    The Job Corp website is

    If you want, you can PM me and I can have my son to answer some of the questions you may have.
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    Thanks adair....It's very nice to meet you and I would appreciate any help I could get....This is so new to me....The Navy recruiter is suppose to come pick him up in the morning for a meeting, how long will it take for him to go to job corp? any idea?
    Amy fun better half of evil twin sister Amber done!


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    I went to the one here in Oklahoma.I got my high school diploma and went to nursing school.As a teenager it was fun but as a responsible adult i would not send my child there,jmho.There was a lot of drinking and partying going on at the one i was at,there was also a riot.They may be different now but when i was there 10 years ago it was a pretty tough place to be.If your son is the type that can stay out of trouble it might work for him but if he is already in trouble or whatever i would highly persuade him not to go.So i would have to say, no i wouldn't let my son attend any Job Corp. based on what i know goes on there first hand.Again,this is my opinion.

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    Hi okie, thanks so much for responding....He will be going to the one in Texas, if he goes at all....I will talk to recruit about it tomorrow.....So far he hasn't been in any trouble at all.....But I would'nt want it to start either....Hmmm, now ya got me wondering what to do.....
    Amy fun better half of evil twin sister Amber done!


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    I don't know much about it, but I do have a friend who got pregnant while she was in Job Corps. She said it was "party central" ...that yes they did work and all, but they had LOTS of free time to get into trouble.
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    Thanks Sharinbo, thats all I need....LOL Man, what to do, what to do.....Does anyone know about the one in San Marcos Texas???? That is the one the recruiter wants to send him too.....
    Amy fun better half of evil twin sister Amber done!


  9. #8

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    I personally had a Very Positive experience in Job Corps. I earned a business and clerical degree for general clerk, I learned job and leadership skills as a senior cadet in their security dept cadet program, I got my drivers license, I got a year of college courses(using Pell grants) in criminal justice at the community college nearby all the while getting free room and board and an allowance.
    The main thing to remember is that he will get as much out of Job Corps as he puts into it. If he goes there to party and play, he won't last long. But if he goes to learn he will be kept quite busy-there are ALOT of opportunities at Job Corps. They have great career advisers.
    My advice to you is to research the different Job Corps centers nation-wide( you can get on a waiting list for any job Corps, not just the nearest one or the one in your state), (research the different vo-eds offered(there were like 26 offered when I went, although not all centers offer the same ones), call and talk to different recruiters, Request a ratings list of the centers you're interested in(all centers are rated on performance, ect..) go to one of the open houses they have sometimes at the center(you can also request a tour at some)
    I was at the center in Astoria, Oregon 1985 from 1988 and at the time it had the second highest rating in the entire U.S.A .
    I guess the most important thing to remember about it is that it is FREE SCHOOLING- It is open to students 16 to 24. Once you are past 24 , this free opportunity to learn a real vocation is gone.

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