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    Arrow Looking to buy a TV -Opinions

    Looking for some input/opinions

    I need a new television, the old one died and the cost to repair it is more than $400 with no assurances that it will last another day after repairs. So I am looking to buy a new TV.

    I am considering a High Defintion Digital Plasma TV I can get one for about $3700, This will meet the signal change over requirements due to take effect in 2007 and it has the correct aspect ratio to eliminate the letter box effect or clipping of sceens that will occur with old fashioned analog TV's

    I can get HD non plasma units for about $1200 but they are HUGE
    they weigh up to 200 lbs and can be up to 3 feet deep (About the size of an old console TV) and require an additional TV stand sized to fit them to sit on.

    The cost is really not an issue as I can either pay cash or finance the TV. I am looking for some thoughts and opinions on this.


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    Re: Looking to buy a TV -Opinions

    Originally posted by the fugative

    I am considering a High Defintion Digital Plasma TV I can get one for about $3700, This will meet the signal change over requirements due to take effect in 2007 and it has the correct aspect ratio to eliminate the letter box effect or clipping of sceens that will occur with old fashioned analog TV's
    Get it!! If you can afford it, I don't see why you wouldn't. That's the type we're thinking of buying.

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