Stray Cat...
Oh what unhappy twist of fate
has brought you homeless to my gate?
The gate where once another stood
to beg for shelter, warmth and food-
For from that day I ceased to be
the master of my destiny.
While he, with purr and velvet paw
became within my house the law.
He scratched the furniture and shed
and claimed the middle of my bed.
He ruled in arrogance and pride
and broke my heart the day he died.
So if you really think, Oh Cat,
I'd willingly relive all that
because you come forlorn and thin
don't just stand there..
Come on in.
Francis Whitham.
06-30-2003 09:39 PM
Circuit advertisement
How true! A stray has just adopted me this week!!
Thank you for sharing this! I have always said that we have a "no vacancy" outside sometimes.
This really brought tears to my eyes. When I was little my mom let me have a cat, she wasn't overly thrilled about it, she didn't like the hair or the litter box, but because she knew I loved the cat she let me keep it. Shortly before my dad passed, a raggy little orange kitten showed up on their doorstep. She felt sorry for it and started feeding it. It wasn't long before Charlie was inside having his meals. Pretty soon I was being called asked to babysit when she was out of town.....his milk had to be warmed in the microwave and his food had to be soaked in warm milk too. When my mom was sick and being transferred from home to the hospital we put "Prince Charles" in the ambulance with her so she could say goodbye.....we even were allowed to bring him into the hospital for an afternoon to visit her. She is gone now, but I know just how much that one little raggy stray touched her heart.
Our house is the "drop off" around here. We had at one time about 25 cats that just hung out. People DO NOT think sometimes about their pets. We are down to a few outside cats now and they arent as ill.
Poor kitties
Every day I live I am more convinced that the waste of life lies in the love we have not given, the powers we have not used, the selfish prudence that will risk nothing and which, shirking pain, misses happiness as well.
{{{Hugs}} Thanks for sharing your story. It is truly amazing what pets bring into a person's life. I've always felt cats and dogs were angels loaned by God as lessons to teach people how to give and receive love and responsibility. I'm glad the rest of you enjoyed it too. Would you believe I found this poem taped to the wall of a little diner years ago where I stopped for coffee late one night in Oregon, years ago? I've never seen it anywhere else.
I had a stray adopt me a few weeks ago. I said I wasn't keeping her but she's still here.
That is such a sweet poem.. thank you for sharing that!!!!
Real women don't have hot flashes, they have POWER SURGES!!
How sweet! All of my family's cats have been acquired that way, they find us and decide to move in.
From the olden days and up through all the years
from Arcadia to the stone fields of Inisheer
Some say the Gods are just a myth
but guess who I've been dancing with
The Great God Pan is alive!
-the Waterboys
That makes me want to cry
.. My cat Clyde who is 9 this month disappeared while I was on vacation last week. Husband said he was outside (they go out in the summer but not winter) when he woke up for work early Monday morning and that was the last time he was seen. I am going to the animal shelter tomorrow and putting signs up in the area .. I just hope if someone does have him that they take really good care of him.
I think he may be p/o'd cause while I was gone, hubby found a ferret in the yard and now he is gone .. so hopefully he is just mad and will be back soon!
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them. Distance and time may separate us but friendship and memories won't.
~When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure~