When I was a kid, we had a cat named Oden, it was a really creepy cat. It scared me!
How about Honey, Ponch, or Frodo?
Justice is considered to mean equality, It does mean equality- but equality for those who are equal, and not for all.
06-30-2003 11:43 PM
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In bed my real love has always been the sleep that rescued me by allowing me to dream.
* Luigi Pirandello
I think Angel is cute if a girl. Take it to the vet and find out for sure. you are going to get it fixed aren't you? They do it around six months but it will need it'a shots before then.
Why don't you wait for your kitty to name itself? When the personality comes out. My sister's kitty was named squeeky cause it just squeeks instead of meows but I always want to call her patches cause she looks just like someone threw paint on her. Spots all over, even on her face. No pattern just like they are haphazard---patches. LOL
Registered User
Thanks to everyone for the names! Thanks for the links IAhawkeye!
I think, its a girl cause the "wee wee" and the bottom r close together after today's in inspection. 
This kitty has the strangest meow. It's hoarse r something. Yes, we r going to get Maggie(the abused stray we have now) and the kitty fixed. The vet wants Maggie out of heat for 2 weeks. Also, they said they r booked up for 2 weeks for vaccinations. 
I am trying to find a lower cost than $160 for just the spading for Maggie. Any ideas?
In bed my real love has always been the sleep that rescued me by allowing me to dream.
* Luigi Pirandello
Originally posted by Ravenlost
My new kitten's name is Harley and it fits him to a T. How about Marmalade? Or Rusty.
Or how about Mike (Mike and the Mechanics) since you found he/she in the garage!
My son Michael would have a fit. Also, my father Mike never got over his aunt naming one of her dogs Mike. hahahhaa
In bed my real love has always been the sleep that rescued me by allowing me to dream.
* Luigi Pirandello
Registered User
finding spay program in your area
Last edited by IAhawkeye; 07-01-2003 at 12:31 PM.
Registered User
[QUOTE]Originally posted by sarasmiles
[B]Thanks to everyone for the names! Thanks for the links IAhawkeye!
I think, its a girl cause the "wee wee" and the bottom r close together after today's in inspection. 
This kitty has the strangest meow. It's hoarse r something.
Maybe you should name her after a famous lady with a distictive voice like SUZANNE for Miss Plechette or KATHLEEN for Miss Turner.
Don't blame me; I voted for Kerry!
Registered User
Need to clean your pm box here...it is FULL.
how about Pumpkin if its a girl and jack if its a boy(jack o lantern)??lol
we've got a Kacie and a snowball here at my house and my moms got stoney and bandit up there.
Real women don't have hot flashes, they have POWER SURGES!!