My due date was June 30th, was induced on August 16th?? Not sure if it was a misdiagnosis or not? baby lost weight in the last month
06-24-2003 08:47 PM
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Yep. 10 days overdue was as long as they would let me go. My oldest was due on May 10th and I had him on May 20th. They had to do a c-section. He was lucky 7lbs 7ozs
Last edited by Donnagg123; 06-24-2003 at 09:19 PM.
Freebies make my goody parts **~TINGLE!~**
I was due August 20th, went in to be induced on August 26th & My DD was born on August 29th.
I was in the hospital for too long - increasing the ptosisin (sp) in the morning, decreasing it at night so I could rest (yeah, right!). I honestly do not know exactly how long I was in labor!! At least 2 of the 3 days.
She was born 8 lbs 12 oz.
I didn't think she was ever going to come out!
"I am dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you ought to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're about to do something incredibly stupid." CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow
Originally posted by CABANN
My hardest was my 2nd. He was a month early at 8 lbs 4 oz but I swear he had the head of a basketball.
Me, too. My youngest was ten days late, they induced me, and he was born weighing 8 lb 8 oz. EXCEPT, I lost 30 lbs while I was pregnant. His head was the same size as a 12-13 lb babys head. 
My oldest was 6 days late, little bitty 7 lb even baby. His head was no bigger than my fist.
Registered User
My boys were all born on their due dates. Vince was 7lbs 14oz 21in, Andrew was 9lbs 5oz 22in and Tyler was 8lbs 15oz 21.5in. Tyler almost made his appearance on the freeway.
Sydney Raven 3/08/04-4/08/04
Forever Our Angel
We Miss You Sweetie
As of this morning still no signs of the baby wanting to be born. Tara is going stir crazy. She is now 10 days over due. When she goes into the doctor tomorrow we will find out if they are going to induce.
One Happy Mommy...
I had my first daughter 4 weeks early and I delivered my 2nd daughter 2weeks and 1 day late...She came out a whopping 10lbs. 3oz.!!!!
"Inside me is a thin woman screaming to get out, I usually shut her up with chocolate"
Originally posted by Ravenlost
Cabann, how is your sister doing?
I owe you an email!
Thanks for asking Raven, Cathy went to a new doctor yesterday and has a bone marrow test scheduled for monday. He put her back on the chemo shots and is preparing her for the possibity of a bone marrow transplant. After her last doctor took her off her shots, a couple weeks ago, she started feeling better and had more energy. She was pretty upset that they started the shots up again. But with the baby coming, she has had a more positive outlook. Cathy and Tara stopped by here yesterday afternoon and my sister looked the best she has looked in months. But I think that was because she wasn't having any side effects from the chemo after being off of it for a couple weeks.
Wow!!! Sha, that was one big baby
Last edited by CABANN; 06-25-2003 at 11:17 AM.
Come on Spring!!
My due date was the 15th of November and I didn't have my daughter until the 24th of November. I was having false labor for a month before I had her. Funny thing is I went in for a stress test and all was normal except that I was having contractions 5 monutes apart and lucky me, I didn't even feel them. That was 9 am and at 4:46 pm, she was in my arms!!!