Thank you secret pal!!!!!
thank you to my secret pal! she sent me the greatest birthday pkg!! it had lots of great stuff in it!! i am fixing to redo my kitchen ( if i ever get the money,lol) in americana and it had things in there that will definately go in there. also a great dreamscicle and tshirt! lots of great stuff!!!
thank you
thank you!!!!!!
Proudly support our Troops and Leaders!
mom of: haleigh 10 becca 7 sammy 2
06-23-2003 06:50 PM
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Congrats, and happy birthday!!!
thank you, my bday is not until july 13th but she sent it early so i could have the the usa stuff for the fourth. it was a great box!!!!
Proudly support our Troops and Leaders!
mom of: haleigh 10 becca 7 sammy 2