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    Thumbs down Unsuspecting Computer Users Relay Spam



    At first, it looked as if some students at the Flint Hills School, a prep academy in Oakton, Va., had found a lucrative alternative to an after-school job. Late last year, technicians at America Online traced a new torrent of spam, or unsolicited e-mail advertisements, to the school's computer network.

    On further inquiry, though, AOL determined that the spammers were not enterprising students. Instead, a spam-flinging hacker — who still has not been found — had exploited a software vulnerability to use Flint Hills' computers to relay spam while hiding the e-mail's true origins.

    It was not an isolated incident. The remote hijacking of the Flint Hills computer system is but one example among hundreds of thousands of a nefarious technique that has become the most common way for spammers to send billions of junk e-mail messages coursing through the global Internet each day.

    As spam has proliferated — and with it the attempts by big Internet providers to block messages sent from the addresses of known spammers — many mass e-mailers have become more clever in avoiding the blockades by aggressively bouncing messages off the computers of unaware third parties.

    In the last two years, more than 200,000 computers worldwide have been hijacked without the owners' knowledge and are currently being used to forward spam, according to AOL and other Internet service providers. And each day thousands of additional PC's are compromised at companies, institutions and — most commonly of all — homes with high-speed Internet connections shared by two or more computers.

    "The spammers have mutated their techniques," said Ronald F. Guilmette, a computer consultant in Roseville, Calif., who has developed a list of computers that are forwarding spam. "Today, if you are trying to do a really mass spamming, it is de rigueur to do it in an underhanded manner."

    Just last Thursday, 17 law enforcement agencies and the Federal Trade Commission issued a public warning about some of the ways spammers now commandeer computers to evade detection. The officials translated the warning into 11 languages because many of the exploited computers are known to be in China, South Korea, Japan and other countries with heavy Internet use.

    Mostly, the spammers are exploiting security holes in existing software, but increasingly they are covertly installing e-mail forwarding software, much like a computer virus. For some, hacking is no longer about pranks, but making a profit.

    "This is not about a hacker trying to show off, or give you a hard time," said William Hancock, chief security officer for Cable and Wireless, the British telecommunications company. "This is about money. As long as there are people who want spam to go out, this is not going to go away."

    Spam fighters say that some software is too easy to exploit and should be fixed. Moreover, computer users can take technical precautions to safeguard their machines. But not everyone will bother to take those steps, even if he or she discovers having been dragooned into the spammers' global army.

    To begin with, most users do not see much effect when their computer has been co-opted. Surfing the Web from the victimized computer may be slower than usual but that is not always easy to detect. In most cases, the owners' e-mail addresses are not added to the spammed messages, so there is no need to worry that friends and associates will think the PC owners have suddenly started peddling herbal Viagra.

    Indeed, the only way most users even become aware of such hijackings is when they receive telephone calls or e-mail from their Internet service providers saying a piece of spam was traced back to their machines.

    "People are shocked," said Bobby Arnold, a network abuse engineer at Earthlink, the big Internet provider. "Someone will say, `I thought my computer was running a little slow, but I had no idea it was being used to send spam.' "

    Some of the victims of the hidden spammers are revolted to learn, Mr. Arnold said, that they are aiding the hucksters and pornographers responsible for what many Internet users consider the medium's great blight. The truly offended rush to safeguard their machines.

    But others, who see no direct impact to themselves, simply shrug off the problem, Internet providers say. Intent on reducing their network clutter, the providers then often try to cajole them into cooperating — and, if that fails, will sometimes cut off a user's service.

    Sometimes people do find that someone has been sending spam and using their e-mail address as the sender, but this does not mean that their computers were used. Nothing on the Internet verifies that an e-mail message was actually sent by the person listed in the "From" address, which is one reason fighting spam is so hard.

    And spammers like to send e-mail that appears to be from their enemies or names chosen at random. The legitimate owners of those addresses are often left to clean out hundreds or thousands of complaints from their e-mailboxes.

    When a computer receives an e-mail message, it does record a code number, called an Internet protocol address, that can be traced to the computer that is connecting to it. But often e-mail is passed from one machine to another and the identity of the original sender cannot be verified.

    Indeed, the rapid rise in the number of spammers trying to hijack innocent computers is a direct result of their desire to hide their own Internet protocol addresses from spam blockers. Most commonly, they are taking advantage of a backdoor in much of the software that office users or people with high-speed connections at home often install to share an Internet link among several computers — or so-called proxy servers. Some other types of e-mail and Web surfing software, typically run by larger companies, can also be taken advantage of if security features are not properly set up.

    Because it essentially enables one computer to masquerade as another, a proxy server is an ideal tool for anyone seeking to use the Internet anonymously. So proxy servers are used by people in some countries to visit Web sites blocked by government censors. They are also used by hackers trying to attack other machines. And they are perfect for spammers trying to avoid filters.

    None of these uses would be possible if the owners of the proxy servers made sure to configure them for access only by authorized users. But whether from laziness or ignorance, many users of proxy servers leave them open to anyone on the Internet.

    AnalogX Proxy, a free proxy-server program that has been downloaded by more than a million people, is automatically in the open state when it is first installed. Mark Thompson, the author of AnalogX, said he had rebuffed the requests of many antispam activists to distribute the software with the security features already activated because doing so would make it harder to set up.

    "The biggest plug for the proxy is it is really easy to get it running," he explained. Mr. Thompson said he did try to achieve a compromise by revising the program to give people a warning about security problems every time it starts.

    Even so, Wirehub, a Dutch Internet service provider, says that 45,000 of the 150,000 open proxy servers it has identified as sending spam appear to be using AnalogX.

    To find all these vulnerable machines, spammers and other hackers deploy computers that do nothing more than try to connect to millions of computers across the Internet, looking for open proxy servers to exploit.

    At the Flint Hills School, "it was pretty amazing how fast our vulnerability was picked up by the spammers," Robert Hampton, the school's director of technology, said recently. Once the problem was identified, the school was able to fix it immediately.

    Spammers and hackers trade or sell lists of open proxy servers on dozens of Web sites. And other sites sell software a would-be spammer can use to find new servers.

    In the last six months, an increasingly common trick has been for spammers to attach rogue e-mail-forwarding software to other e-mail messages or hide it in files that are meant to emulate songs on music sharing sites like KaZaA.

    As with all such hacker contraptions, and much spam, it is difficult to figure out who is behind these programs. But there is some evidence that one of the major spam-sending programs, known as Jeem, originated in Russia, which has been a fertile ground for both spammers and hackers.

    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Last October, Michael Tokarev, a Russian computer programmer active in the worldwide antispam effort, noticed a lot of spam in Russian that offerred bulk-mailing services. The messages were identical, but they came from many different computers. He investigated and found they were forwarded by a program, calling itself Jeem, that had not been seen before.

    Mr. Tokarev said that in December, a Russian forum for spammers called Carderplanet.com contained a posting offering to sell the Internet addresses of open proxy servers, for $1 each, that appeared to be machines infected with Jeem. "Since the last week of December, several big U.S. spammers started to use those Jeems, too," Mr. Tokarev wrote in an instant message interview last week.

    Machines infected with Jeem, which is especially hard to find because it keeps switching its identity on the computers it borrows, seem to be used these days mostly by spammers selling pornography, David Ritz, a volunteer spam fighter, said. Using a software monitoring tool he helps run, Mr. Ritz last week examined the messages sent to Internet news groups from just one home computer infected with Jeem. On one day last week, this computer sent 773 pornographic news postings with subjects like "Lolita paradise" and "N.U.D.E —— L,O,L,I,T,A,S."

    "Open proxies are the single greatest threat to the integrity of the network that we see now," he said.

    AOL, which has made fighting spam a central part of its marketing thrust, is taking what some see as radical action against open proxy servers. It will no longer accept any incoming e-mail sent directly from the computers of individual home users with high-speed service. This will not affect most home users because they typically do not run e-mail servers on their own computers but connect their e-mail programs to servers run by their Internet providers. But a handful of advanced users and small businesses do run their own e-mail servers connected to high-speed lines, and they no longer can send e-mail to AOL users.

    Road Runner, the high-speed service of Time Warner cable, is taking a different approach. It is actively running the same sort of scanning program used by the spammers to find out whether any of its customers have open proxy servers. Those that do are asked to close them. Many other service providers shy away from such scanning because it appears to be an invasion of privacy.

    "It's a race," said Mark Harrick, Road Runner's director of network security. "There are malicious individuals scanning our users looking for vulnerabilities every day, and we want to find them first."

    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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