What's the cutest thing your kid(s) did this X-mas?
This was the first year that Ben, my 2 yr old, was really able to understand presents, he just enjoyed tearing off the paper, lol. He kept hearing Bobby, his 6 yr old bro., and his 7 yr old cousin saying "I got this! I got that!", so when he opened a package, he yelled out at the top of his lungs, "I GOT A BOX!! LOOK, MOMMY, A BOX!!!" he was thrilled to pieces at receiving a clothing box!! It was soooooooo damn cute!! Then later, my BIL was bringing out some more gifts, Ben stands in the middle of the room and, I kid you not, was vibrating with excitement, going "MORE, I WANT MORE!!!" rotflmao, he didn't care what was in it, he just wanted to tear the paper off! I hope everyone else had a wonderful holiday!
12-25-2002 11:07 PM
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That is cute! 
Mine aren't quite 2 yet. (will be next month) and one of the toys they got was a basketball goal for little kids. They already know what to do with it!! It's alittle taller than them and my daughter has made a basket quite a few times!
She goes up to it and pushes the ball over the rim with her finger tips. Then jumps up and down and claps. LOL!! Ryan would much rather you pick him up so he can slam dunk it. LOL!!
My little guy will be 3 in February...sighhhhh....well anyway, we have a small chalk bored that has ______ days till Christmas, and you fill in the days. He told me he wanted it to write daddy's name on, and I told him no that that isn't what it is for. So he looked at me so innocently, and says "Santa would be proud for me" I lost it, and squeezed and hugged, and give it to him anyway..lol
PROUD mom of Bradyn Marshall 02-15-00 and Haley Ryann 12-3-03
Lord, Help me remember that being a Mommy is the most important thing I will do today.
When we all got up and went to see what santa brought my son ran out and yelled "Mom Santas the coolest" (he got a bike) And my daughter says "Oh yeah This is sweeeeet" while doing a little dance lol
The cutest thing my 3 year old did was when she opened a box with panties and socks she said "Oh My God, I got panties" and she was so thrilled about it. And then my dad got her a play microwave and she said OMG it's a cook me....she is too darn cute.
Mom to:
Amanda 3-4-89, Jessie 7-14-92 and Kali 10-22-99
1st time Grandma to Alicia Rose 1-17-10
omg my cousin goes "I got a vacuum cleaner" and when he opened the box he goes "that isn't a vacuum cleaner" lmao!
Isabel's cutest thing, maybe sleeping through all the presents
on christmas morning my 5 year old was in the living room laying on the floor in front of the heater and i asked him what he was doing why arn't you opening your gifts under the tree and, this is soooo
sweet he said i'm waiting for my brother to wake up so we can open the gifts together.
i spread myself so thin, how can i be so fat?
a smart woman learns from her mistakes
a wise woman learns them from others
Originally posted by honeybear39429
Christmas Eve, my sis, bil and nephew came over so we could open gifts, of course the kids were excited, my oldest (7) got so excite she opened her dad's new boots, she had such a shocked look on her face. It was like wtf did you get me boots for? The expression was priceless
OMG, I can't stop laughing, that is too funny!! I can just picture it, LMAO!!!
Okay it wasn't on Christmas, but when my son had their Christmas play we were waiting for it to start. My 3 yr old kept asking where Michael (his brother) was and my hubby told him to wait a few minutes as they were getting ready to start the play. He turns and asks us, "Is it loading?"
too much computer and games ya think?
Oh and I forgot my 7 yr old got some NU gi oh (or whatever) stuff at my dad's and proceeds to scream Allright and Halleleujah (sp?)
Sarah was sitting in front of the Christmas tree yesterday when we were opening gifts. My mom, sister & her husband, Brian & Chelle, Rob (Sarah's b/f) and Chuck & I were all there. She got up to hand out a present, sat back down and said, "Oh sh*t, I broke Moses!" She said on the nativity I have under our tree and landed smack on Joseph. Poor guy never even saw it coming. Of course the funniest bit was that she called him Moses. That started an entire bibical lesson for her! Was pretty funny. Hmmm, guess you had to be there, and you have to remember Sarah's nearly 23. Things aren't as funny as they get older I suppose!
But Christmas Eve night she blew up marshmellows in the microwave. THAT was pretty funny. Like the StaPuf man got nuked. Wasn't so funny her & I cleaning it up at midnight though...
Pacifist: Someone who has the nutty idea that killing people is a bad thing.