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  1. #23

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    I think this is a great idea. I want to quit so bad, I tried several times, but nothing seemed to work. I would want to join this.
    Let me know what I need to do.
    [email protected]
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  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement BBS OWN Stop Smoking SUPPORT thread:)
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  3. #24
    heartlvrs's Avatar
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    Ok I am so thrilled!! My suggestion is for those making the decision to quit, or that just wants to be a buddy to someone email me. I am setting up a email addy just for this I will post it very watch for it!
    R.I.P. Hannah Girl Girl mommy misses you already. I love you!

  4. #25
    heartlvrs's Avatar
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    Okies here ya go!

    For those that are quitting, or wants to be a support buddy email me here!

    [email protected]

    You may want to set yourselves one here..there are alot of good things on the site...

    Once I get a full list of names we can assign people to each other

    WE can and WILL do this
    Our motto... If you slurp you wont toke!
    R.I.P. Hannah Girl Girl mommy misses you already. I love you!

  5. #26

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    not the middle of nowhere but I can see it from here.
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    GOOD LUCK to all you guys, I am smoke free for about 5 weeks now maybe 6 not really sure. Everybody quits differently, for me I curl up and almost mourn for about 3 days and then gradually build new habits. Its hard to let go of a habit and an addiction even when you know its bad for you. But just stay determined and if one way doesn't work find another way, just remember the longer you are smoke free the easier it gets and eventually you won't even want a cigarette and then you are home free and a whole lot richer in health and in your pocketbook. I know if I can do it you can too.

  6. #27
    dcut4's Avatar
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    hey heartlvrs add me to the email support list. You have my addy...this is so cool!!!! If we can help just one person it will be worth it. I know you helped me more than you will ever realize!!!

    2 WEEKS AND COUNTING SINCE MY LAST NASTY CIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FREE AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I FEEL SO GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    yes it was one of the hardest things I have ever quit. But now two weeks later I can also say it was one of the best things I have ever done! Good luck to all on June first!

  7. #28
    heartlvrs's Avatar
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    mesue - THanks hon for support I reached my 3 weeks smoke free today! Keep up the great work! and hang in there

    dcut4 - Adding you hon and Thanks!!!

    Sunee - I got your email - and responded-

    Anyone else??
    R.I.P. Hannah Girl Girl mommy misses you already. I love you!

  8. #29

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    Me. Not a smoker but glad to help in any way I can.
    525,600 minutes: How do measure a year in the life?
    In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee, in inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife? Measure your life in love...

  9. #30

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    i think this is a wonderful thread! i am doing fine with the non-smoking thing....hope everyone else gets through it.

    I noticed a few things that might give you some inspiration... teeth are looking whiter.

    2..i can go on long walks with my dog without feeling like crap. contacts are not as dry as they were before.

    4..i spend less time at 7-11.

    5..i am feeling a bit more energetic. breath has improved.

    7..people are so proud of me for quitting.

    8..i no longer worry about smelling like an ashtray...

    well, there you go...i know it is tough...hang in there everyone. we can all do it. we just have to remember the good things about why we are doing it.
    What? Me Crazy? Surely, you jest!
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    always on the lookout for me CARROLIN

  10. #31
    HaveKids,LostMind's Avatar
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    Just wanted to run in and say.........................

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!

    You have made it this far! Dont pick up another ciggy!
    ♥Be careful who you hate, it may be someone you love.♥

  11. #32
    heartlvrs's Avatar
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    To date this is what I have - Please let me know if this is correct

    Soon to be EX smokers

    ahippiechic - Begin date - June 1rst 2002

    trufflez - date?

    Sunee - Begin date - June 1rst 2002

    esoteric - Begin date - June 1rst 2002 (?)

    jcowgirl77 - ??

    Katinky - ??

    Supporters/Buddy and/or Ex Smokers

    fishmanbetrhalf - Exsmoker & supporter/buddy

    dcut4 - Exsmoker & supporter/buddy

    heartlvrs - Exsmoker & supporter/buddy

    juliegirl78 - Supporter/buddy

    smartkarie - Supporter/buddy

    Now! Onto some things that may help may be something to make you laugh, a helpful tip or similar. I will try my best to post something new everyday The biggest thing is DONT GIVE UP on YOURSELF!!! IF you slip, dont beat yourself up...this will not help..INSTEAD reward yourself in little ways everyday! For me, its been going to the grocery store and buying myself a bouquest of cut flowers because I love flowers. So lets go!!!

    To get your day started:

    TIPS: (TY habitrol)

    You may be faced with high risk tempting situations that you couldn't plan ahead for. Remember to:

    AVOID the situation

    LEAVE the situation

    DISTRACT yourself from the craving

    DELAY taking that cigarette (the urge will pass within five minutes)


    DRINK lots of water!! It will help your body rid itself of the toxins...and if you experience a craving or urge..DRINK DRINK DRINK water!!!!

    As well as the above I think it would be beneficial to post daily stats! You can do this either first thing in the morning or in the evening..your choice! But since I KNOW we ALL CAN do it...I cant wait to see them!

    So my stats for the day:

    Todays Date: 05/28/2002
    My Quit Date: 05/06/2002
    Smoke-Free Days: 22
    Cigarettes Not Smoked: 671
    Amount Saved: $198
    Life Gained:
    Days: 2 Hrs: 8 Mins: 17 Seconds: 12


    ahippiechick & Sunee (If you havent already done so, please exchange your email addys. Do WHATEVER is necessary to keep each other boosted!! I like to send emails, ecards or whatever! You are not limited to emails...feel free to do snail mail if you so choose But DO keep us posted here!! If you are having a craving, need to vent or whatever come on in here! That way if your buddy isnt in their email accounts they will see it here and come running to your aid! And if you need me please feel free to email me at [email protected] anytime!

    esoteric and FishmansBetrHalf (If you havent already done so, please exchange your email addys. Do WHATEVER is necessary to keep each other boosted!! I like to send emails, ecards or whatever! You are not limited to emails...feel free to do snail mail if you so choose But DO keep us posted here!! If you are having a craving, need to vent or whatever come on in here! That way if your buddy isnt in their email accounts they will see it here and come running to your aid! And if you need me please feel free to email me at [email protected] anytime!

    jcowgirl77 and smartkarie (If you havent already done so, please exchange your email addys. Do WHATEVER is necessary to keep each other boosted!! I like to send emails, ecards or whatever! You are not limited to emails...feel free to do snail mail if you so choose But DO keep us posted here!! If you are having a craving, need to vent or whatever come on in here! That way if your buddy isnt in their email accounts they will see it here and come running to your aid! And if you need me please feel free to email me at [email protected] anytime!

    katinky and juliegirl78 (If you havent already done so, please exchange your email addys. Do WHATEVER is necessary to keep each other boosted!! I like to send emails, ecards or whatever! You are not limited to emails...feel free to do snail mail if you so choose But DO keep us posted here!! If you are having a craving, need to vent or whatever come on in here! That way if your buddy isnt in their email accounts they will see it here and come running to your aid! And if you need me please feel free to email me at [email protected] anytime!

    trufflez and dcut4 (If you havent already done so, please exchange your email addys. Do WHATEVER is necessary to keep each other boosted!! I like to send emails, ecards or whatever! You are not limited to emails...feel free to do snail mail if you so choose But DO keep us posted here!! If you are having a craving, need to vent or whatever come on in here! That way if your buddy isnt in their email accounts they will see it here and come running to your aid! And if you need me please feel free to email me at [email protected] anytime!

    Good Luck!!

    If we have more that sign up we will take care of them as well

    Quote for the day

    "A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence."
    Jim Watkins
    Last edited by heartlvrs; 05-28-2002 at 08:20 AM.
    R.I.P. Hannah Girl Girl mommy misses you already. I love you!

  12. #33

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    Thanks everyone for the suppoet and tips. I need all the help i can get. I am trying to cut down before my quit date. (June 1st). I am so mentally addicted to smoking, I think that going to be my biggest problem. But the thought of being able to breathe again will make it all worth while.~thanks everyone~
    [email protected]

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