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  1. #78
    heartlvrs's Avatar
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    I considered today that sometimes there are things that are needed to really kick us in the rear and put us in the right gear. The other day I looked at the website that mistywolf(Thank you) put here the other day. I looked at it again earlier today and yes its terrible, yes its so terribly sad..but do you want to know what stuck with me..its all I could think of today...and I told other people about it.

    Ok, you are asking, well I will tell you, first though, I have seen some post here about the terrible illnesses they cope with or have had to cope with, the effects of smoking on them. So, I decided that this would really jumpstart some of you. Yes, as I said before I smoked 3-4 packs a day..did I feel the effects? YES!!!I would go up steps and get short of breath, or make quick movements and found myself breathing yeah I felt them...did it make me quit..NO...fine you say, what did make me take the plunge? Back in the winter I had a really bad chest cold, it was terrible, I couldnt breathe...I felt my chest was tight, so the doctor gave me a breathing test...what he said made an effect upon me..he said you know its sad that a 38 year old woman was breathing like a 60 year old woman 60!! Yikes! So I pondered awhile, and I called him, said ok, I want to quit..but there was alot going on here..and it was the he said lets get thru this then we are going to do it..I got thru it..but again life got busy...then I had my yearly checkup and the dr (different one) asked me if I was still smoking..he offered the zyban anytime I wanted it..I considered it for about a month or two...and now here I am..smoke free for a month...but anyways..I am sure you are wondering what on that web page made an impression on me so it is...a few brief words but a VERY powerful strong it scared it should you...I will put them here along with a poignant card and that will be it until tomorrow (or someone needs me tonite) and I want ALL of you to consider it...then USE it! Its strong with out further delay. I also will not do this type of post often...but felt the need today after reading on that webpage pretty much guarantees I am a lifetime QUITTER!

    The words I read
    "If it hurts, it is already too late"

    R.I.P. Hannah Girl Girl mommy misses you already. I love you!

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  3. #79

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    Well, here I am, 6 days later. I have not been online much because thats when I smoked the most, but it is getting a little easier. For the first 4 days or so, I was so consumed by wanting a cigarette I could not think of anything else, even at times when I normally would not have been smoking anyway. Was anyone else like this, or am I just a freak? The 3rd day was by far the most excrutiating. I wanted to cry, the craving was SO bad, but at the same time I did not want to have to admit defeat. SO I sucked it up and ate about a zillion pistachios. I still crave cigarettes now, but not as bad as I did before. I went to Wal-Mart tonite and bought potpourri crocks, potpourri, incense, candles, essential oil, etc to make my house smell good. I always hated that my house did not smell good like people's houses that dont smoke. I cleaned out my car too. Well, here are my "stats" Hope everyone is doing well.

    Todays Date: 06/02/2002
    My Quit Date: 05/27/2002
    Smoke-Free Days: 6
    Cigarettes Not Smoked: 69
    Amount Saved: $10.34
    Life Gained:
    Days: 1 Hrs: 8 Mins: 46 Seconds: 39
    Some mornings it's not worth the effort of chewing through the restraints.

  4. #80
    heartlvrs's Avatar
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    Well, here I am, 6 days later. I have not been online much because thats when I smoked the most, but it is getting a little easier. For the first 4 days or so, I was so consumed by wanting a cigarette I could not think of anything else, even at times when I normally would not have been smoking anyway. Was anyone else like this, or am I just a freak? The 3rd day was by far the most excrutiating. I wanted to cry, the craving was SO bad, but at the same time I did not want to have to admit defeat. SO I sucked it up and ate about a zillion pistachios. I still crave cigarettes now, but not as bad as I did before. I went to Wal-Mart tonite and bought potpourri crocks, potpourri, incense, candles, essential oil, etc to make my house smell good. I always hated that my house did not smell good like people's houses that dont smoke. I cleaned out my car too. Well, here are my "stats" Hope everyone is doing well.

    You are doing so great!! And yes now that you have this far.."de-smoke" your home, car and everywhere else that you smoked...and those old ashtrays...plant them! make a bird feeder with them...anything but "use" them I am very proud of you! And nope..NO going back now!!! And I know that feeling about wanting my house to smell like others!! Now if my DH would quit and my boss....hmmm

    R.I.P. Hannah Girl Girl mommy misses you already. I love you!

  5. #81
    jerseybarb's Avatar
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    Angry #@#@# gum

    I am trying to get myself off nicotine gum and its not going too well. I will NOT go back to smoking, but nicotine has been my "best friend" for so long. Tobacco smoke has 4000 toxic chemicals, nicotine gum only has 1 chemical, so I know its far better than smoking. I am on a schedule of 1 piece every 3 hours and I've done that (or even went longer) but I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT HAVING ANOTHER PIECE OF GUM. I went to the Habitrol site and took the nicotine dependecy test and I was rated very highly dependent upon nicotine. I've been smoke free for over a year, and want to be nicotine free too. Am I doomed to chew the gum the rest of my life? I would do that if I had to, but I dont want to. I visited that site about the woman who died at 33 from cigarette smoking, and I cried, it was so sad.

    It will be a week for me being on the every 3 hour schedule on tommorrow. I wonder if it will get better

  6. #82
    MistyWolf's Avatar
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    Way To Go :)

    For all of us who made it through yet another wonderful day smoke free!

    I too had to tell everyone about that site when I first seen it. I couldn't help it .. it left quite an impression. Another thing that struck home was I think the last cigarette to click on .. it lets you pick out your funeral! Talk about an eye-opener

    Here to a successful tomorrow for everyone!! Continued good luck and be strong cause we can all do it.
    They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them. Distance and time may separate us but friendship and memories won't.
    ~When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure~

  7. #83

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    I'm sorry y'all, I BLEW IT! I smoked 5 cigarettes today. I smoke about 2 pks a day normally, but I still blew it today. The craving was just too much!

    My daughter wanted me to take the baby tonight, and I had to tell her NO WAY. I am stressing beyond belief. My husband actually went into the other room and shut the door, I thought I was gonna kill him! He didn't really do anything, he was just grating on my last nerves, and without a smoke, it was really, really BAD.

    I guess I should try this frame of mind. I smoked 5 today, tomorrow I can go less, the next day less. I am really trying hard y'all, and I am honestly pretty disappointed in myself.

    Heartlvrs, you have been wonderful! You have such encouraging words. Sorry I let ya down I'll try harder tomorrow....
    Hellooooooo Peggy Sue!!! (Waving frantically!)

    Peekin' around the auction block, waiting to pounce on MissMac!

    TRYING to out-bid Dianainaz. Back off my auction girl! (lol)

    HOWDY KylaKym! LOL

    Don't cry because it's over. SMILE because it happened.

  8. #84
    MistyWolf's Avatar
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    Okie .. tomorrow is another day. Just try to start over again and don't let the cravings get the best of you. You have to change your total way of thinking. Tell yourself over and over again you are a non-smoker. Trick your brain into thinking you never picked up a cigarette .. believe and it will happen. Don't be a victim, be a survivor
    They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them. Distance and time may separate us but friendship and memories won't.
    ~When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure~

  9. #85

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    Originally posted by MistyWolf
    Okie .. tomorrow is another day. Just try to start over again and don't let the cravings get the best of you. You have to change your total way of thinking. Tell yourself over and over again you are a non-smoker. Trick your brain into thinking you never picked up a cigarette .. believe and it will happen. Don't be a victim, be a survivor
    Thanks Misty, I am gonna try harder. I don't wanna die early from smoking, I have too much to live for. That website really did it for me, it was horrible! Sad! I don't wanna be there. Thanks for your kind words.

    Hellooooooo Peggy Sue!!! (Waving frantically!)

    Peekin' around the auction block, waiting to pounce on MissMac!

    TRYING to out-bid Dianainaz. Back off my auction girl! (lol)

    HOWDY KylaKym! LOL

    Don't cry because it's over. SMILE because it happened.

  10. #86
    dcut4's Avatar
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    Just checking in...have been off most of last week due to a whole housefull of are my stats...THREE WEEKS TODAY!!!!!!

    Todays Date: 06/03/2002
    My Quit Date: 05/13/2002
    Smoke-Free Days: 21
    Cigarettes Not Smoked: 430
    Amount Saved: $71.82
    Life Gained:
    Days: 2 Hrs: 7 Mins: 10 Seconds: 55

    I havn't had the chance to look through the thread to see how all the June first quitters are doing...hang tight everyone, it gets easier and easier, if you slip get back on the horse...this is the hardest yet best thing you will ever do.

    Ok one bad note...I have gained 8 pounds in three weeks, I also went on the pill this month and that makes me gain weight today I started fishrmnsbettrhalfs 3 day diet (yuck grapefruit). God if its not the smoking its the weight oh well I told myself when I stopped if I had to gain 10-20 pounds to do it, so be it. Not gonna die a slow painful death from 10-20 pounds but will from a pack and half a day 28 year smoking habit.

    WE CAN DO THIS>>WE ARE STRONGER THAN THE CIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. #87
    heartlvrs's Avatar
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    Just a Lil Ole' OKIE
    I'm sorry y'all, I BLEW IT! I smoked 5 cigarettes today. I smoke about 2 pks a day normally, but I still blew it today. The craving was just too much!

    My daughter wanted me to take the baby tonight, and I had to tell her NO WAY. I am stressing beyond belief. My husband actually went into the other room and shut the door, I thought I was gonna kill him! He didn't really do anything, he was just grating on my last nerves, and without a smoke, it was really, really BAD.

    I guess I should try this frame of mind. I smoked 5 today, tomorrow I can go less, the next day less. I am really trying hard y'all, and I am honestly pretty disappointed in myself.

    Heartlvrs, you have been wonderful! You have such encouraging words. Sorry I let ya down I'll try harder tomorrow....
    1. YOU are doing great hon!! I am very proud of you!!
    2. You cannot disappoint me ...because I know you WILL succeed..and Thank you
    R.I.P. Hannah Girl Girl mommy misses you already. I love you!

  12. #88

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    Just dropping in with smilies for everyone! I know that each and every one of you can do this! Don't give up!
    'Cause it's all smiles and business these days...
    Ben Folds, "Evaporated"

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