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    Ok Thanks! I went and registered and my user name is the same as here. Aunt Nanny
    I really do need the support as I have tried and failed so many times. I really don't want to this time. Thanks again!
    [email protected]

    In Loving Memory of our Fallen Cowboy CHRIS 05/22/02

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement BBS OWN Stop Smoking SUPPORT thread:)
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  3. #255

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    Help! I just signed up at the stop smoking center and it asks me to enter into a contract with someone. Would somebody (that will keep their foot up my arse)LOL willing to enter into this with me?
    Here is a copy of the contract;
    Quit Smoking Support Contract

    I, ________________________________ (name of support person) promise to do everything I can to help ______________________________ (name of person quitting) to achieve her/his goal of quitting smoking.

    We have agreed that I will help in the following ways:

    If he/she reaches their goal of remaining smoke-free for ____ (number) months, we will celebrate this milestone together by:

    __________________________________________________ _______
    (reward or special event).

    Signature: ___________________ (support person) Date: __________________________

    You don't have to reward me just threaten me along the way. LOL
    Quitting will be my own best reward.
    If anyone can help please e-mail me.
    And if not I understand.
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    In Loving Memory of our Fallen Cowboy CHRIS 05/22/02

  4. #256
    heartlvrs's Avatar
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    I will help you hon

    So how did it go today? Please post and let us know!! And how about all you others out there? HUH???? Comeon!!

    Chosen to be smoke free for:

    Ten months, six days, 20 hours, 39 minutes and 27 seconds. 21760 cigarettes not smoked, saving $3,068.60. Life saved: 10 weeks, 5 days, 13 hours, 20 minutes.
    R.I.P. Hannah Girl Girl mommy misses you already. I love you!

  5. #257
    kimp67's Avatar
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    How are ya doin auntnanny????? Are you quitting cold turkey, or with help? In case you didn't read back in the threads, I used the patch,,,,IMHO it works wonders!!!!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! THINK HOW NICE YOU & YOUR HOUSE WILL SMELL!!!!!!!

    Congrats on 2 years Char,,,,,,

    As always, thanks for all the support heartlvrs

    Keep up the good work cab 92 & EricsnKy!!!!!

    My stats as of today:

    smoke-free days: 70, cigarettes NOT smoked: 2127!!!!Amount saved: $350, Life gained: 6 days, 15 hours, 0 minutes, 27 seconds



  6. #258
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    kimp67 those are GREAT stats....and yes I love being able to smell AND taste!!!

    Auntnanny I posted to you at the stopsmokingcenter:
    R.I.P. Hannah Girl Girl mommy misses you already. I love you!

  7. #259
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    Also if any of you would fee like helping me to win a t-shirt and keychain there as a supporter..please help me by going here:

    R.I.P. Hannah Girl Girl mommy misses you already. I love you!

  8. #260

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    Not as good as I meant for it too. The day started out bad and got worse. I wound up smoking 5 cigarettes and decided I had failed my quit date so I woul start again another day. Then I realized that I had promised to quit on the 12th and that it was still the 12th. So as of 4:30 p.m. on 03/12 I have been smoke free. I really want to make it this time!
    I posted this on the stop smoking center board as well. Thanks for setting that up for me. I really need lots of support to be able to make it through the first couple of weeks anyway.
    I was beginning to feel alone at this yesterday and then I couldn't get into the boards. But thanks for the posts and the encouragement!
    [email protected]

    In Loving Memory of our Fallen Cowboy CHRIS 05/22/02

  9. #261
    heartlvrs's Avatar
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    Not as good as I meant for it too. The day started out bad and got worse. I wound up smoking 5 cigarettes and decided I had failed my quit date so I woul start again another day. Then I realized that I had promised to quit on the 12th and that it was still the 12th. So as of 4:30 p.m. on 03/12 I have been smoke free. I really want to make it this time!
    I posted this on the stop smoking center board as well. Thanks for setting that up for me. I really need lots of support to be able to make it through the first couple of weeks anyway.
    I was beginning to feel alone at this yesterday and then I couldn't get into the boards. But thanks for the posts and the encouragement!

    Its did not fail, you just delayed...remember that old phrase "Better Late than never"?

    Your attitude towards this is right on were right..the day wasnt over nor is your QUIT...I am more than happy to help you and any other person through read my story I am sure, I have been there, and I HAVE done it YOU can and YOU will. If you slip and have one..its ok..go forward..dont look back...Do like I did if you can, if you feel the urge, grab lots of water, some carrots or similar munchie..and start writing poems...did you see mine? LOL Come here or the other forum...and type away...I will check there and here for you Remember the first week is HELL week...set your mind on other things...find things to occupy your mind, if you have to change your regular schedule..especially those things where you know you USED to smoke at

    CAB92 - You too are doing very well!! You just keep putting one foot in front of the other..and you will be fine!! I am proud of you!!

    Daily Cartoon

    Daily Tip
    Dealing With Withdrawal

    Withdrawal from nicotine has two parts, the physical and the psychological. The physical symptoms, while annoying, are not life threatening. Nicotine replacement can help reduce many of these physical symptoms. But most smokers find that the bigger challenge is the psychological part of quitting.

    If you have been smoking for any length of time, smoking has become linked with nearly everything you do—waking up in the morning, eating, reading, watching TV, and drinking coffee, etc. It will take time to "un-link" smoking from these activities. That is why, even if you are using a nicotine replacement, you may still have strong urges to smoke.

    One way to overcome these urges or cravings is to identify rationalizations as they come up. A rationalization is a mistaken belief that seems to make sense at the time but is not based on facts. If you have tried to quit before, you will probably recognize many of these common rationalizations.

    I'll just have one to get through this rough spot. (Does a smoker ever stop with just one?)
    Today is not a good day; I'll quit tomorrow. (We've heard that one before.)
    It's my only vice.
    How bad is smoking, really? Uncle Harry smoked all his life and he lived to be over 90. Air pollution is probably just as bad.
    You've got to die of something.
    Life is no fun without smoking.
    You probably can add more to the list. As you go through the first few days without smoking, write down any rationalizations as they come up and recognize them for what they are: messages that can trap you into going back to smoking. Use the ideas below to help you keep your commitment to quitting.

    Avoid people and places where you are tempted to smoke. Later on you will be able to handle these with more confidence.

    Activities. Exercise or do hobbies that keep your hands busy (needlework, woodworking, etc.) and can help distract you from the urge to smoke.

    Deep breathing. When you were smoking, you breathed deeply as you inhaled the smoke. When the urge strikes now, breathe deeply and picture your lungs filling with fresh, clean air. Remind yourself of your reasons for quitting and the benefits you'll gain as an ex-smoker.

    Delay. If you feel that you are about to light up, delay. Tell yourself you must wait at least 10 minutes. Often this simple trick will allow you to move beyond the acute urge to smoke.

    What you're doing is not easy, so you deserve a reward. Put the money you would have spent on tobacco in a jar every day and then buy yourself a weekly treat. Buy a magazine, go out to eat, call a friend long-distance. Or save the money for a major purchase. You can also reward yourself in ways that don't cost money: take time out to read, work on a hobby, or take a relaxing bath.

    I have chosen to be smoke free for:
    Ten months, one week, 19 hours, 19 minutes and 23 seconds. 21826 cigarettes not smoked, saving $3,077.93. Life saved: 10 weeks, 5 days, 18 hours, 50 minutes.
    Last edited by heartlvrs; 03-13-2003 at 07:05 PM.
    R.I.P. Hannah Girl Girl mommy misses you already. I love you!

  10. #262

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    I have read your posts on this board but cannot find your "story". You mentioned something in one thread about a thread titled "hillbilly or something like that. Anyway that day when I read it I did a search and couldnt find it.
    Today was ok. I didn't smoke. I wanted to and almost went and bought some several times. I was a ***** all day long and I don't like to be. I wanted to cut my DH's head off and shove it up his arse. I cried and wanted to talk to someone but didn't know who to talk to. I feel stupid that such a little thing as a cigarette has me under such a spell. I wanted to sleep but couldn't because I watch the grandbaby. I am thinking of going to bed VERY EARLY tonight.
    [email protected]

    In Loving Memory of our Fallen Cowboy CHRIS 05/22/02

  11. #263
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    Here is a phone number of an agency that may have a local support number for you that you can call Please let me know if it does...
    Telephone counseling is also more convenient for many people. It doesn't require transportation or childcare and it's available nights and weekends. Counselors may recommend a combination of methods including stop-smoking medicines, local classes, self-help brochures, and/or a network of family and friends. In South Dakota, the state Quitline even pays for nicotine patches and Zyban. Smokers can get help finding a Quitline in their area by calling ACS at 1-800-ACS-2345.

    My story:
    R.I.P. Hannah Girl Girl mommy misses you already. I love you!

  12. #264

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    Originally posted by cab92
    If I can do it anyone can. I smoked for a VERY long time. DH quit the same time I did and went back after nearly 5 weeks. I'm so steamed at him. He wasn't even having bad cravings or anything, just went for a few beers, picked them up and started back.

    Good luck!
    Doesn't that just steam you? My DH used to do stupid stuff like that. He quit 3 times and picked them back up for no real reason. The thing that **sses me off is that my DH quit after MANY MANY years cold turkey and NO withdrawal symptoms! So he doesn't really understand why I want to slap the **it out of him for just looking at me right now. Oh and his answer! I'll go get you some cigarettes hon, it's no big deal to me if you quit or not. HE's my MAIN reason for quitting just being diagnosed with COPD!!!!!!. (Sorry when I am not trying to rid my body of addicting substances I love my DH more than anything and I guarantee you he is a sweety! But nicotine Withdrawals shows him in a different light! LOL)

    deedee01: Hello! and welcome! I can try and help you any way that I can. This is great that you want to quit! Come tell us how you are doing! E-mail me if you want/need too!

    [email protected]

    In Loving Memory of our Fallen Cowboy CHRIS 05/22/02

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