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    2016 SuperPAC Donations to...

    ...we'll there is only one exception, and he is being accused of doing a 'FundRaiser' or 'non-FundRaiser' so he will not have a noose around his neck, and no more then $100 dollars will be accepted, since people want to help Mr. Billionaire, because they believe in him.

    For Donald there is: Hispanic Citizens for Donald Trump $0 monies.

    Both non-political contenders Carson, and Fiorina have close to if not over $5 Million in PAC funds they are using. Tons more then the typical Politician. Ted Cruz has multi-PACS (11).


    There's even a PAC fund waiting for Biden to join the race.

    Means they all have nooses around their necks to do things other then what they are campaigning for. Figures.

    Suggest a 'find on page' search for who you are looking for, or interested in.

    Going Off the Grid!

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