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    A Planned Parenthood executive plots harvesting of "intact" fetuses that are considered born-alive infants under federal law - and warns "they're probably going to get caught" if they try it in anti-abortion states, a new undercover video by the Center for Medical Progress shows.

    Actors posed as representatives from a human biologics company in the video. They meet with Dr. Savita Ginde, Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains' Vice President and Medical Director. The meeting took place at the Denver abortion-clinic headquarters.

    “Sometimes, if we get, if someone delivers before we get to see them for a procedure, then we are intact,” Ginde says in the video. “We’d have to do a little bit of training with the providers or something to make sure that they don’t crush”

    For 2nd trimester procedures, Planned Parenthood does not use feticide or digoxin. This means that intact deliveries can possibly be born-alive infants according to 1 USC 8 of federal law.

    Later in the video, Ginde engages in negotiations for harvested organs. She says, “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”

    Perhaps, the most atrocious statements reveal that Planned Parenthood knows what they are doing is illegal and efforts are needed to conceal their program. “Putting it under ‘research’ gives us a little bit of an overhang over the whole thing,” Ginde remarks. “If you have someone in a really anti state who’s going to be doing this for you, they’re probably going to get caught.”

    Referencing Planned Parenthood lawyer Kevin Paul, Ginde says, “He’s got it figured out that he knows that even if, because we talked to him in the beginning, you know, we were like, ‘We don’t want to get called on,’ you know, ‘selling fetal parts across states.’” The buyers then ask, “And you feel confident that they’re building those layers?” to which Ginde responds, “I’m confident that our Legal will make sure we’re not put in that situation.”

    Sad thing is ... if we said this was happening to kittens, or puppies, people would lose their minds... but it is just baby humans...
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 07-30-2015 at 08:12 AM.
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    Circuit advertisement Planned Parenthood Profits from sale of body parts
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    ‘IT’S ANOTHER BOY!': 4th Planned Parenthood video released and they just keep getting worse [video]

    You should watch the video to see how the doc mockingly cheers "It's a boy!" while they fish through his parts:

    "we have to be a little more gentle... Not with the baby, mind you. With the parts."
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Wed Jul 29, 2015 - 9:08 pm EST

    BREAKING: Court blocks pro-life group from releasing some new fetal part footage

    The California Superior Court has issued a narrow temporary restraining order preventing the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), a pro-life group, from releasing further undercover video footage taken of three top-level staff of StemExpress.

    CMP is the organization behind the series of three videos released over the past three weeks exposing the alleged harvesting and sale of body parts from aborted babies by Planned Parenthood – body parts that are then purchased by StemExpress.

    CMP has alleged that the fees paid by StemExpress to Planned Parenthood violate federal law prohibiting the sale and trafficking of human tissue.

    While Planned Parenthood has claimed that the fees paid to them by StemExpress merely cover their costs, and fall within the bounds of the law, the video footage released so far has appeared to show Planned Parenthood employees seeking profit as part of the transaction.

    In the most recent video, released Tuesday, a Planned Parenthood affiliate vice president was caught on video describing how the abortion organization can maximize profit. “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it,” Dr. Savita Sinde said of the aborted baby.

    The Associated Press, which broke the news about the court order, reports that the undercover videos of the Stem Express staff were filmed at a restaurant in May.

    It is unclear just how significant an impact the court order will have on the release of subsequent videos in the series. David Daleiden, the lead researcher with CMP, has said that at least nine more videos are slated for release.

    The restraining order reportedly only pertains to the footage of the Stem Express employees, meaning that any other footage, including that featuring Planned Parenthood employees, can still be released as planned.

    In an exclusive comment to LifeSiteNews after the release of the court order, Daleiden said that, at the end of the day, what happened in the courtroom may actually be a victory for the pro-life group.

    "The ruling is very narrow, concerning only one specific meeting, and it is temporary and contingent pending further litigation," he said. "The judge actually threw out completely the part of StemExpress' case where they were asking to suppress the documents on their baby parts sales."

    "It was a much better day for us than it was for them and Planned Parenthood."

    In a statement released after the ruling, StemExpress stated that they sought the restraining order "on the grounds that CMP and Daleiden violated California’s anti-wiretapping law under Penal Code ยง 632 (Invasion of Privacy Act)."

    "We will continue to pursue all available legal remedies against CMP and Daleiden," said the company.

    However, Daleiden told LifeSiteNews that StemExpress' complaints are groundless.

    "The recordings in California complied with the California law," he said. "The California law only applies to 'confidential communications' and does not include conversations held in public that anyone can overhear. There is significant case law on this point as well."

    In a separate statement released after the court ruling, CMP accused Stem Express of using “meritless litigation” to "cover-up this illegal baby parts trade, suppress free speech, and silence the citizen press reporting on issues of burning concern to the American public.”

    The AP reports that the restraining order will remain in place until a hearing on Aug. 19.

    The videos released by CMP to date have amassed millions of views, and have been featured in countless media nationally and internationally.

    Even more striking, perhaps, than the footage appearing to demonstrate that Planned Parenthood is profiting from the sale of the aborted baby body parts, has been the footage showing the cavalier manner in which the Planned Parenthood employees have spoken about the aborted babies.

    In an interview with LifeSiteNews, Fr. Frank Pavone, one of the pro-life leaders behind the release of the video series, said, "When an abortionist dehumanizes the baby that he or she is about to kill, the abortionist also dehumanizes himself. And this is what we are seeing in these people. We see it in Deborah Nucatola sipping the wine and eating the salad and talking about the body parts."

    Pavone said one of the main objectives of the video series was to humanize the unborn baby. “When people see and hear terms like ‘eyes, livers, hearts’ it’s like, ‘What are we talking about here? This is ghoulish disgusting activity.’”

    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    LIVE BIRTH BUTCHERING: Planned Slaughterhouse

    This is a set of photos of an abortionist at work taking apart a complete baby from one of her 'intact' abortions, in the photo is a complete baby at 11.5 weeks' gestation, in a pyrex pie plate as the abortionist and the slaughterhouse assistant identify each tiny part, even the penis, as they show the 'buyers' of body parts how they can remove intact babies for better harvests and bigger profit.

    It is now known that the baby parts were used to implant and to grow 'spare parts' in rats.

    Where are the people outside her office yelling? I don't hear them!
    ‪#‎PlannedParenthood‬ ‪#‎DefundPlannedParenthood‬
    Dr. Savita Y. Ginde
    (303) 321-2458

    Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountain
    7155 E 38th Ave
    Denver, CO 80207
    (720) 388-1027

    7155 E 38th Ave
    Denver, CO 80207
    (720) 388-1027
    Contact Information ›

    Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mtn
    2484 Arapahoe Ave
    Boulder, CO 80302
    (720) 388-1027

    “A society that does not nurture respect the human person—beginning with the child in the womb, and including the mentally and physically impaired and the frail elderly—will sooner or later (probably sooner, rather than later) come to regard human beings as mere cogs in the larger social wheel whose dignity and well-being may legitimately be sacrificed for the sake of the collectivity,” Robert P. George

    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    First came the expected outrage from Planned Parenthood itself and pressure on the media to curtail publicity. Now, a California court has issued a temporary restraining order blocking the release of further videos.

    Nonetheless, the Center for Medical Progress, the group behind the series of videos exposing Planned Parenthood for haggling over the price of aborted baby parts, today went ahead and released a fourth video. While the previous videos had been released a week apart on a Tuesday, this morning’s release — just two days after the last — suggests the group may be reacting to the court ruling and actively asserting its First Amendment right. To me, this may be a small bit of positive news in this evermore gruesome saga.

    As Breitbart reports:

    The latest video released today shows Dr. Savita Ginde of Planned Parenthood talking to buyers from a fictitious company about how to avoid the appearance of violating federal law against selling fetal body parts that are the result of abortion. Ginde talks specifically about how to avoid getting caught.

    “Because if you have someone in a really anti- state that’s going to be doing this for you, they’re probably going to get caught,”
    Ginde talks about how she’s very confident that Planned Parenthood lawyers had worked out the details on how not to get caught. “We talked to him in the beginning, you know, we were like, ‘we don’t want to get called on,’ you know, ‘selling fetal parts across states.’ I’m confident that our legal will make sure that we are not put in that situation.”
    In a previous video Ginde is caught talking about the prices of intact body parts and, looking at the body of a child in a petri dish, concluded that the pieces sold separately would run to $200-$300.

    In this new video there are more scenes in the pathology lab where Planned Parenthood personnel and picking through body parts in a petri dish. At one point there is a cracking sound and a medical assistant says it’s the cracking of the baby’s skull.

    Dr. Ginde laughs and says, “It’s a baby.”

    Referring to the value of an intact heart laying in the dish, a medical assistant is heard to say, “five stars.”

    Looking for legs and finding them, the assistant announces, “Another boy.”

    With this new video it will become increasingly difficult for Planned Parenthood to avoid the suspicion that they knew they were skating close to the line between legal and illegal. Ginde is caught talking about their concerns and how their legal team is working to help them avoid getting caught.

    Today’s new video comes just two days after a California court issued a temporary injunction barring further release of the undercover videos purportedly exposing Planned Parenthood’s illegal practices. As the Washington Times reports:

    The pro-life group behind a series of undercover Planned Parenthood videos accused the bioservice firm Stem Express late Wednesday of trying to “cover up this illegal baby parts trade” after the company obtained a court order blocking the release of footage.

    The Los Angeles Superior Court issued a temporary injunction Tuesday stopping the Center for Medical Progress from releasing any video showing three officials from Stem Express, a company that transfers fetal tissue from abortions performed at Planned Parenthood and other clinics to medical researchers.
    According to Hugh Hewitt — attorney, legal professor and conservative talk show host — this is a rare move by a court, perhaps indicative of how far our present culture and system are willing to go to defend Planned Parenthood:

    It’s a sad state in our nation when we have the media — and, now, our courts — bending over backwards to cover up such barbaric behavior. All while outrage over the killing of a lion — very sad indeed — gets full court press. I applaud the Center for Medical Progress for standing firm on its First Amendment rights in the face of such pressure on all sides. It is only through courageous actions such as these that we can fight to keep our precious freedoms!


    They also spoke of selling the babies accidently DELIVERED before they get to abort them. Live babies, born, killed and cut up for parts.


    We condemned the Nazis for conducting medical experiments on prisoners, yet so many in the media, and on the left, feel this is no big deal. I had no idea the Nazi mentality grew to such an entrenched level in media on with those on the left. I guess the old saying really is true. "History tends to repeat itself". We see once again the mentality we saw with the Nazis, where those who support it rise and defended it as "for the good of all humans". No thank you, I'll pass on this cup of goodness, and stick to my diet of morals and common decency.


    It is hard to believe that our country has become so calloused that this barbaric practice of PP is defended while such an uproar over a lion. These videos bring it all out there and no amount of howling by libs is going to sugar coat it.
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 07-30-2015 at 11:17 AM.
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    Planned Parenthood 'Hacks' Own Website as PR Stunt for Donations?
    Alan Moore | 2 hours ago

    Last Sunday, reports surfaced that Planned Parenthood's website was hacked, exposing website databases and email addresses of employees. Today, their website shows a message indicating they were hacked again.

    However, something is a bit fishy about this supposed breach.

    There appear to be no indications of vandalism or redirections to another site outside of Planned Parenthood's control. In fact, they link to their Facebook page - where a post redirects users to a donation page with language regarding the hack:

    Planned Parenthood has been the target of hackers seeking to intimidate and silence us. Hundreds of thousands of patients who rely on for health information and services have been denied access.

    The attacks on Planned Parenthood are an attempt to cut people off from care, plain and simple. We can't let that happen, and we won't. Please chip in what you can to help make sure patients can get the care they need — and ensure that Planned Parenthood can't be silenced.
    Two days ago, it was reported Planned Parenthood retained the services of a high-priced crisis communications firm, SKDKnickerbocker:

    SKDKnickerbocker is no newbie to working on Planned Parenthood issues. The Democratically aligned firm is run by well-connected operatives, including Anita Dunn and Hilary Rosen. It also worked with the group during the 2012 election cycle, according to SKDKnickerbocker’s website.

    Could this be the communications firm's first attempt to gain sympathy and stem the growing tide of bad publicity Planned Parenthood has faced during the continual release of horrifying fetal-harvesting videos?

    Other bloggers, IT professionals, and experts think so.
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    13 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger
    Kate Scanlon / July 22, 2015

    Planned Parenthood, engulfed in a scandal following the release of two undercover videos, is the largest abortion provider in the United States.

    On its website, the organization compliments Margaret Sanger as one of the pro-choice movement’s “great heroes.” Sanger started the American Birth Control League in 1921; it became part of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942.

    Planned Parenthood praises Sanger for “providing contraception and other health services” and “advancing access to family planning in the United States and around the world.”

    In addition to Planned Parenthood, Sanger also founded the Birth Control Review, a journal about contraception and population control.

    Here are 13 things Sanger said during her lifetime.

    1) She proposed allowing Congress to solve “population problems” by appointing a “Parliament of Population.”

    “Directors representing the various branches of science [in the Parliament would] … direct and control the population through birth rates and immigration, and direct its distribution over the country according to national needs consistent with taste, fitness and interest of the individuals.” —“A Plan for Peace,” Birth Control Review, April 1932, pages 107-108
    2) Sanger called the various methods of population control, including abortion, “defending the unborn against their own disabilities.” —“A Plan for Peace,” Birth Control Review, April 1932, pages 107-108

    3) Sanger believed that the United States should “keep the doors of immigration closed to the entrance of certain aliens whose condition is known to be detrimental to the stamina of the race, such as feebleminded, idiots, morons, Insane, syphilitic, epileptic, criminal, professional prostitutes, and others in this class barred by the immigration laws of 1924.” —“A Plan for Peace,” Birth Control Review, April 1932, pages 107-108

    4) Sanger advocated “a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is already tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.” —“A Plan for Peace,” Birth Control Review, April 1932, pages 107-108

    5) People whom Sanger considered unfit, she wrote, should be sent to “farm lands and homesteads” where “they would be taught to work under competent instructors for the period of their entire lives.” —“A Plan for Peace,” Birth Control Review, April 1932, pages 107-108

    6) She was an advocate of a proposal called the “American Baby Code.”

    “The results desired are obviously selective births,” she wrote.
    According to Sanger, the code would “protect society against the propagation and increase of the unfit.” —“America Needs a Code for Babies,” March 27, 1934, Margaret Sanger Papers, Library of Congress, 128:0312B

    7) While advocating for the American Baby Code, she argued that marriage licenses should provide couples with the right to only “a common household” but not parenthood. In fact, couples should have to obtain a permit to become parents:

    Article 3. A marriage license shall in itself give husband and wife only the right to a common household and not the right to parenthood.

    Article 4. No woman shall have the legal right to bear a child, and no man shall have the right to become a father, without a permit for parenthood.

    Article 5. Permits for parenthood shall be issued upon application by city, county, or state authorities to married couples, providing they are financially able to support the expected child, have the qualifications needed for proper rearing of the child, have no transmissible diseases, and, on the woman’s part, no medical indication that maternity is likely to result in death or permanent injury to health.

    Article 6. No permit for parenthood shall be valid for more than one birth.
    “All that sounds highly revolutionary, and it might be impossible to put the scheme into practice,” Sanger wrote.

    She added: “What is social planning without a quota?” —“America Needs a Code for Babies,” March 27, 1934, Margaret Sanger Papers, Library of Congress, 128:0312B

    8) She believed that large families were detrimental to society.

    “The most serious evil of our times is that of encouraging the bringing into the world of large families. The most immoral practice of the day is breeding too many children,” she wrote.

    “The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it,” she continued. —“Woman and the New Race,” 1920, Chapter 5: The Wickedness of Creating Large Families

    9) She argued that motherhood must be “efficient.”

    “Birth control itself, often denounced as a violation of natural law, is nothing more or less than the facilitation of the process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defectives,” Sanger wrote. —“Woman and the New Race,” 1920, Chapter 18: The Goal

    10) Population control, she wrote, would bring about the “materials of a new race.”

    “If we are to develop in America a new race with a racial soul, we must keep the birth rate within the scope of our ability to understand as well as to educate. We must not encourage reproduction beyond our capacity to assimilate our numbers so as to make the coming generation into such physically fit, mentally capable, socially alert individuals as are the ideal of a democracy,” Sanger wrote. —“Woman and the New Race,” 1920, Chapter 3: The Materials of the New Race

    11) Sanger wrote that an excess in population must be reduced.

    “War, famine, poverty and oppression of the workers will continue while woman makes life cheap,” she wrote.

    Mothers, “at whatever cost, she must emerge from her ignorance and assume her responsibility.” —“Woman and the New Race,” 1920, Chapter 1: Woman’s Error and Her Debt

    12) “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population,” Sanger wrote. —Letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble on Dec., 10, 1939

    13) In an interview with Mike Wallace in 1957, Sanger said, “I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world, that have disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically.”

    “Delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things just marked when they’re born. That to me is the greatest sin—that people can—can commit,” she said.
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    If Planned Parenthood Did Nothing Wrong, Then Why are They Doing THIS?

    July 30, 2015 Jennifer Burke

    Planned Parenthood has come under intense public scrutiny after three videos were released by the group Center for Medical Progress. The videos were filmed as part of a 30-month long undercover investigation in which Planned Parenthood, which touts itself as a champion for women’s health, were caught harvesting baby organs, which is illegal, and using ultrasound guided abortion, also illegal, to make sure what they considered the best parts were not harmed so they could get the best price.

    With nine videos still slated to be released in a drip campaign throughout the summer, the baby butcher factory of Planned Parenthood has sought an injunction banning the Center for Medical Progress from releasing a video of a May lunch attended by three Stem Express, one of the buyers of Planned Parenthood’s harvested baby body parts, employees. A Los Angeles federal court granted it.

    In all, three videos have been released. In the first video, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, Senior Director of Medical Services for Planned Parenthood, can be seen callously talking about the harvesting of baby organs using illegal practices as she chomped on a salad and drank red wine.

    In the second video, Dr. Marry Gatter, President of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Director’s Council, laughs and declares that she wants to buy a Lamborghini as she negotiates prices for the body parts of babies butchered at Planned Parenthood. She also admits that the organization is not above lying to the women whose babies they are killing in order to get what they need in the organ harvesting.

    As expected, the videos got progressively worse. The third video showed Dr. Savita Ginde, Vice President and Medical Director of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains discussing how a flat rate for the body parts isn’t the best way to go because if they sold them individually they could get more money. This came after Planned Parenthood claimed that they only collected enough money to cover shipping costs. The video also featured a former worker who detailed how they were paid to pick through dead babies with tweezers to find body parts to sell.

    It was also announced yesterday that Planned Parenthood was indeed making HUGE amounts of money from their baby organ harvesting business. The Houston center makes $120,000 a month from this illegal practice.

    The Center for Medical Progress’s David Daleiden told Dana Loesch that the videos get worse.

    So, it’s no wonder that Planned Parenthood is trying to run for cover and shut them up amid increased cries ranging for demands of investigation, and ending to taxpayer funding, and shutting down the clinics completely.
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    What White House Just Said About Planned Parenthood Should Have Us All VERY Afraid

    Written by Michelle Jesse, Associate Editor on July 30, 2015

    As you may have heard by now, the White House has come out in defense of Planned Parenthood, going so far as to call the undercover videos showing haggling over baby parts “fraudulent.” This, despite spokesperson Josh Earnest’s own admission that he was “merely repeating” Planned Parenthood’s own talking points, as reported by the Washington Free Beacon.

    Of course, none of this should surprise us, though it’s quite concerning on a number of fronts.

    Certainly the fact that our White House is now nothing more than an uninformed parrot for Planned Parenthood is indeed very troubling. Earnest even admits that he thinks someone in the White House has watched the undercover videos at the center of the storm, but is unsure if President Obama has seen any of the videos himself, though “he’s been following this story in the news.” Pretty par for the course for this president to learn about big issues “from the news” — which means, of course, that the president is absorbing the one-sided liberal media bias. It’s no surprise at all that the White House maintains it will not support a congressional effort to defund Planned Parenthood, despite the increasingly damning evidence of what’s going on there.

    But what should be even more troubling, in my opinion, is the language being bandied about to describe the makers of the video, the Center for Medical Progress. As The Washington Times reports:

    “There’s ample reason to think that this is merely the tried-and-true tactic we’ve seen from some extremists on the right … that grossly distorts the position of people who are speaking on the video,” Mr. Earnest said.

    Asked how he knows the videos are fraudulent, Mr. Earnest said he was taking Planned Parenthood’s explanation at face value.
    As we wrote here, just earlier this week, about a bill being pushed in Congress to combat “violent extremism” — and, in particular, the dangers of targeting such a vague term as “extremism.” As the White House statement on Planned Parenthood illustrates, “extremism” is in the eye of the beholder. Without a clear definition of what is really means, those of us who hold perspectives differing from the dominant (read: vocal and media-owning) liberal views, are at risk of being targeted and silenced. In fact, the story we shared earlier today of the California court who order the videos blocked is an chilling example of this already happening.

    Today’s White House statement labeling the pro-life Center for Medical Progress as “extremists” should send chills down the spines of all of us who find ourselves in what so often feels like the minority these days in our uber politically correct and mixed-up culture — where the outrage over a lion drowns out that over the slicing and selling of unborn babies.

    That’s why I repeat Allen West’s urge here to take action now to stop the legislation currently being considered: U.S. House of Representatives Bill 2899 (HB 2899). As West writes:

    The is the last week for the House to be in session before recess adjournment in August. My recommendation is that you contact the House Homeland Security Committee and the House GOP leadership and share your concerns about this legislation. My issue is that “violent extremism” is just too vague. Consider this: the actions of Nidal Hasan — as well as the beheading of a woman in Moore, Oklahoma — wouldn’t even fit into this categorization, since the administration declared it “workplace violence.” Matter of fact, the Obama administration is even struggling to condemn the Islamic terrorist attack in Chattanooga as “violent extremism” — certainly President Obama has not said so.

    Ladies and Gents, U.S. House of Representatives Bill 2899 (HB 2899) should not see the light of day; it must be killed.
    And meanwhile, the makers of the Planned Parenthood undercover videos are also being labeled “extremists” — and our White House is taking this cue from Planned Parenthood itself labeling its opponents as such!

    And I hate to say it, but I have no doubt that the left will find a way to deem them “violent” as well, to fit their agenda and further their own cause.

    I see so many comments on our Facebook page asking for action. This is something you ALL can act on now that can help not just on the Planned Parenthood issue, but so many others dear to our hearts as well. Do it now — before the House August recess — and tell your conservative friends!

    Under the new Department within Homland Security, these so-called "extremists" would be subject to federal lock-up and 'interrogation." Scary indeed


    The worst part that no one is talking about is that they get money from the government. Then they use the money to buy , thru donations, the politicians with some of that money.


    The USA is ran by a bunch of prostitutes and pimps. They sell themselves and us for money or power or both and then cry about lions being killed as they butcher our babies legally!

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    Ben Carson Shuts Up Planned Parenthood Advocates With Just One Question
    July 29, 2015

    Dr. Ben Carson has been one of the most outspoken critics of Planned Parenthood’s baby chop shop. After all, the man IS a neurosurgeon and knows a thing or two about the human body.

    Carson spoke at the #WomenBetrayed rally in D.C. Tuesday and also appeared on CNN to talk about Planned Parenthood and the organization's total state of moral depravity.

    CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Carson if defunding Planned Parenthood would hurt impoverished women in low-income areas. I mean, where else could they get all these super exclusive health services PP offers? (And I know that sounds dumb, but it’s the argument all the defenders of Planned Parenthood make. Just ask the self-appointed spokesperson for women, Hillary Clinton.

    Carson responded, "I thought that they were supposed to be able to get all those things based on Obamacare. Why do we need Planned Parenthood?"

    I’d love to hear the response to that one.
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