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    Confederate Battle Flag

    Hypocrisy seen in efforts to scrub Confederate battle flag from public view
    On Tuesday, several well-known retailers, including Wal-Mart and eBay, announced they would no longer sell or offer merchandise featuring the Confederate battle flag. But, Twitchy said, a number of people noticed a bit of hypocrisy in the items remaining for sale.

    Walmart, for example, continues to offer Che Guevara posters for a mere $46.55. Guevara, said, "was a Marxist revolutionary allied with Fidel Castro who went on to become an iconic cultural hero." The retail giant also offers at least three Lynyrd Skynrd CDs that prominently feature the battle flag as of this writing. We contacted Walmart to determine if they intend to remove the items but have not received a reply. The retail store, however issued a statement on its decision.

    "We never want to offend anyone with the products that we offer," the company told CNN. "We have taken steps to remove all items promoting the confederate flag from our assortment -- whether in our stores or on our web site. We have a process in place to help lead us to the right decisions when it comes to the merchandise we sell. Still, at times, items make their way into our assortment improperly -- this is one of those instances."

    Another Twitter user discovered Communist-themed t-shirts on Amazon, another company banning sales of the flag. Responding to the discovery, one person said that "genocidal totalitarians are hip." The popular auction site eBay said it was banning the Confederate flag for being a "contemporary symbol of divisiveness and racism."

    The hypocrisy wasn't lost on Twitter users. "Hi, @ebay, I see you're banning Civil War memorabilia, but happily trafficking Che Guevara chic," one person said. "I find that odd."

    Another Twitter user posted a picture of Nazi memorabilia found for sale on eBay. Among the items found was a painted German Nazi coin.

    Sears, Target and Etsy have also banned sales of the flag, according to the Huffington Post. Target, Andrew Lord said, pulled a Confederate soldier costume from its website "after a CNBC reporter questioned a spokesperson about it."

    “Our intention is never to offend. We all recognize the great sensitivity around this and have removed that one item from our website," spokeswoman Molly Snyder told the Huffington Post. "But ... that was the only item.”

    But the effort to scrub the flag from public view is not going to stop or solve real race issues, as Zeba Blay observed at the Huffington Post. "Taking down the Confederate flag is just a band-aid over a gaping wound, and right now, our country is still bleeding," she wrote.

    Mollie Hemingway, a senior editor at The Federalist, said the effort goes far beyond removing the flag from view. Now, she said, media activists are "hopping all over the place" looking for things to rename, change and remove. In addition to state flags that may incorporate features of the battle flag, some, like historian Max Boot, appear ready to erase anything that might recall the Confederacy.

    "Not only should the Confederate flag come down, but I believe it’s also time for Southern states to change place names in honor of traitors such as Jefferson Davis," he wrote at Commentary. "I know, I know: it’s a slippery slope that could eventually result in taking slaveholders such as George Washington off our currency or even renaming our national capital."

    Boot was not the only one to make such a statement. Earlier Tuesday, Don Lemon said the day may come when Americans are forced to consider removing Thomas Jefferson from the U.S. Capitol because he once owned slaves.

    "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it," says a quote attributed to philosopher George Santayana. One can only wonder what he would say about those who seek to forcibly remove history from a nation's memory.

    I Did NOT do the research, my friend April Overman did; but it makes a HUGE point, so I'll share. I'm also a shopper of Amazon and I think they need to read it as well, April - can I send it to them?

    "So Amazon is considering removing all rebel flag merchandise. I thought I'd do a little research and discovered the following.

    There are 2,939 articles for sale that bear the logo "F-ck the Police." Are they thinking of removing those, too?

    How about the 11,988 Che Guevara articles they are selling? Do they know their history, or do they just not care?

    You can also choose from 27 different phone cases with Farrakhan's picture on them. You know, the guy who has incessantly called for a race holy war and refers to the white race as a race of devils. Inciting racism and violence much there?

    Now, talking about inciting violence ... how much violence has been committed in the name of the gangsta lifestyle? Well, Amazon must not be offended by lyrics that encourage violence because there are 14,171 CDs that identify themselves as "hardcore" gangsta. (I guess "hardcore" gangsta is more violent than plain old gangsta.)

    Shouldn't Amazon remove its 74 articles of clothing with Crips logos and gang signs? (Sorry, I couldn't figure out how many articles of clothing they had for Bloods because it kept pulling up stain removers and compression shocks alongside the shirts with Bloods gang signs.)

    Oh, and we need to look hard at expressions of racism, right? So, how about those 13,035 items that use "Nigga" or "Niggas" like it's actually a socially acceptable term of endearment. Isn't that word supposed to be the pinnacle of racist expression?

    And, don't even get me started on all of the clothing and memorabilia for the Hell's Angels, Banditos, and other criminal motorcycle gangs. (Not to be confused with the good bikers, of course.)

    Finally, you can still buy a copy of The Anarchist Cookbook from Amazon Books.

    Now, don't get me wrong. I don't think Amazon should remove any of these things. It's a free market. But, don't target one item that 30% of the population finds offensive while letting all of the other violent, racist, pro-criminal stuff stay."

    Orwell would be proud at the left's efforts to scrub the Confederate battle flag from history. And it's not just the flag. Some want to erase any mention of the Confederacy from public view. "Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it," said George Santayana. This is what you get with political correctness.
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 06-24-2015 at 05:40 AM.
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    Movement pushes for New Orleans historical monuments to come down
    June 24, 2015 4:12 AM CDT by: Ryan Naquin,

    The fight over the confederate flag in South Carolina is inspiring some in New Orleans to try and get rid of local monuments paying tribute to confederate leaders.

    On Tuesday, #LeeCircleReplacement was one of the area's top trending issues on Twitter and the movement is gaining steam.

    "For it to come down, I think that will be fine. I think that it will probably be something positive," New Orleans resident Lonel Simmons said.

    "It's going to continue to upset more and more generations as the years pass on, so I do say take it down," long-time New Orleans resident Tramaine Allen said.

    The monument for Confederate General Robert E. Lee is not the only monument some want torn down.

    Pastor Shawn Anglim of the First Grace United Methodist on Jefferson Davis Parkway wants the monument of the former confederate president gone near his church.

    "I think removing that statute is a real-concrete-symbolic step of where we want to go as New Orleanians," Anglim said.

    But some New Orleanians argue the city will fail to move forward by taking down historical monuments.

    "It's not like this is a center piece for people to come hold some sort of racist gathering sort of speak. I really don't have a problem with it myself, like I said, I think it's an historical landmark that needs to remain part of the city," former New Orleans resident Rob Amason said.

    "It's ridiculous to try and erase a part of our history, just because at this time, there is this controversy going on about those poor people killed in South Carolina," Louisiana's Sons of Confederate Veterans Thomas Taylor said.

    Taylor believes the nation is jumping to judgment.

    "They are saying the confederacy and the monuments and the symbols are creating a hostile environment for tourism, No, in New Orleans, what's creating a hostile environment for tourism is the murder rate," Taylor said.

    UNO Historian Dr. Mary Niall Mitchell feels the monuments create a divide by they give only one side's interpretation of the Civil War.

    "It's a very complicated and difficult question and we're not the only city in the south who have dealt with it," Mitchell said.

    She believes the time for a discussion on whether to take the monuments down is long overdue.

    "I can see certainly that they are very problematic for communities. [Some citizens] didn't have a hand in deciding those monuments would be going up in their cities. I think it has to be a community decision now on what to do with them," she said.
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    The leftists have adamantly maintained that Patriots must abide the burning, stomping, & general trashing of our flag, as well as its removal lest it "offend" anyone. After all, they bleat derisively, "it's just a piece of cloth."

    These same leftists now demand the removal of another piece of cloth: the Confederate flag. They claim THIS piece of cloth has a meaning to THEM that is important. Yes. More hypocrisy. It doesn't matter that they are mostly wrong about what that flag represents, and that they are stifling other people's free speech & erasing history--shall we eliminate the Nazi symbol because it offends rather than teaching about history?

    The Confederate flag represents the principle of States' rights. It is beyond unfortunate that part of that fight was to maintain slavery (only 1% of the South owned slaves), but that very fight is why the leftists want this flag snuffed out--they must erase the historical fact that the Federal gov't was created by the States, that the Senate was originally elected by State legislatures (changed by leftist pressure & propaganda) so that the individual States' interests were represented as an equal voice with the people as a whole in the Congress and on an equal footing with the Executive.

    As Michelleam said, "We must change our history & our traditions." (Did the benighted dem voters ever ask why?) And Rahm Emanuel said, "Never let a crisis go to waste." They are experts at propaganda. So they stand on the corpses of 9 murdered black people in order to achieve their political ends of erasing, in this case, one of the two flags that represent the principles & values they despise.
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 06-24-2015 at 05:37 AM.
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    I may be a lone voice crying in the wilderness but all this outrage over the Confederate flag is disquieting to say the least. It's a part of History for goodness sakes. I see absolutely NOTHING racist about it. When I see one I don't think, " that flag flies just to show how we southerners hate black people". Some nut shows up in a church and goes on a rampage, immediately the flag is condemned. Some conservatives start acting like the loony left, wanting to get rid of it. That is using symbolism over substance. Had that flag not been flying in SC, would that have stopped that nut from killing all those people? No, I think not. There are evil people in this world, always have been, always will be. Why can't people grasp this fact?
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    Perhaps it's just me but anyone else see the hypocrisy of the liberal left progressive response in Charleston and the Dzokhar Tsarnaev terrorist attack? I mean the left is going nuts over this racist sociopath in South Carolina and on a rampage about flags and Civil War memorials and statues. But when it came to the case of Tsarnaev, heck, that little bastard was on the cover of Rolling Stone and the left attempted to portray him as a victim. And come to think of it, has the Obama administration changed its assessment of the 2009 Ft. Hood Islamic jihadist attack from "workplace violence?" Funny, if you speak out against Islamic jihadism you are castigated by the left as an Islamophobe. It just seems to be there's a very distinct hypocrisy -- the left has no problem with releasing unlawful enemy jihadist combatants from GITMO. But a doggone flag sends them into an apoplectic rage. Makes me wonder, what is acceptable evil to them? For me it's easy, but the liberal progressive left looks to me cherry picking based on their politicized agenda.

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    Whoa: this is how the slain pastor felt about the Confederate flag…

    Written by Michele Hickford, Editor-in-Chief on June 24, 2015

    Matthew 5:9 says “Blessed are the peacemakers” and it would appear Pastor Clementa Pinckney was definitely one of those.

    While the mainstream media is decrying the fact that the Charleston shooting victim’s body was carried past a Confederate flag today, the good pastor may not have found it all that offensive.

    In 2000, during his first term in the South Carolina State Senate, Pinckney actually voted in favor of H5028, the May 2000 compromise which placed the flag at its current location.


    You can see here that Pinckney’s name is among the “93 yeas.”

    A reader sent me an email asking:

    Shouldn’t someone ask the cowardly Republicans and the race hustlers how it is they know better than Pinckney? In my mind, the 2000 compromise created good will – but the left can never keep an agreement, so good will only lasts until the next political opportunity arises. Then it becomes a simple matter of intimidation and raw political power.

    Seems to me Pinckney’s vote adds to his reputation as a peacemaker.
    Sage words indeed.

    Again, as Col. West opined today, don’t we have larger issues to worry about?

    And as Rush Limbaugh warned yesterday, is the next big target of the left our American flag itself?

    I am not a daughter of the South, so I have no emotional investment in the flag. But I do find it strange that the actions of one sociopath should mar the reputations of millions, as if the flag itself pulled the trigger.
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    And as Rush Limbaugh warned yesterday, is the next big target of the left our American flag itself?

    American flag challenges leave many desecrating, defending it
    By Matthew T. Hall 11:45 a.m.May 13, 2015

    When other people stomped on the flag as a form of protest, Arizona's Bryce Wagoner started a movement.

    Judging by social shares and media coverage, his has become the more popular form of protest.

    People defending and desecrating the flag in dueling social-media challenges (first the "Eric Sheppard Challenge" and then Wagoner's "American Flag Challenge") are equally emotional, but Wagoner's challenge has amassed millions of views and become so successful he said he had to deactivate his personal Facebook page.

    'I challenge everybody'

    By Sunday, the videos had been shared so many times by TV stations and media outlets that Wagoner said he was feeling overwhelmed.

    Sheppard is laying low, too; The Daily Dot reports authorities allege he brought a firearm into a school zone and have issued an arrest warrant for him, but that he remains at large. His father has asked him to turn himself into authorities. Here he is explaining why he stepped on a flag. [A transcript is below.]

    Since then, his supporters have been stepping and dancing on flags.


    This video [Warning: strong language] has been viewed more than 100,00 time since April 28.

    Meanwhile, emotions have flared on social media. Even this Arizona congressman got involved.

    To many, this story will be as simple as the U.S. flag and the symbolic way it represents the life, liberty, justice and strength of the United States of America. To many, the flag should be revered, period. To others, this story will seem more complex than the 23-second video Wagoner made of him standing outside his house, a cat in his arms and the American flag on his lawn. American flag trampling, after all, is protected by the First Amendment's freedom of expression. Federal law also protects the right of all renters to display U.S. flags.

    "Hey everybody, this is my flag challenge," Wagoner says. "This is for all the videos I’ve seen on the Internet of people stomping on our flag and stuff. Anyways, I challenge everybody I know to go get a flag and put it in your front lawn and put it in your front yard and display it proudly and show that you’re proud to be an American. Anyways, I challenge everybody to go do that."

    On Facebook alone, there are multiple American Flag Challenge pages, many of which have been in place for some time. The latest challenges began in recent weeks and heated up about 10 days ago.

    Last month, Eric Sheppard, described in multiple media reports as a member of the New Black Panthers Party, explained why he had stepped on an American flag as he protested the death of a black man in Georgia.

    "The meaning for the stepping on the flag was that that flag represents white supremacy racism, which is plaguing the entire Earth. You see? So when we step on that flag, we are stepping on racism, white supremacy. We are stepping on those things that mean that, that were erected alongside our genocide and our holocaust. We're stepping, we're releasing those chains from our mental capacity and from our physical capacity."

    'Why we step on that flag.'

    Came the question: "So you're not spitting on people of people who are serving overseas at all?"

    Came another comment: "He's spitting on the idea."

    Replied Sheppard: "And I'm glad you all came and asked because I'm sure the white media put it forth that I am a terrorist. And indeed I am. I'm a terrorist toward lies. I'm a terrorist toward liars. I'm a terrorist toward those who are wicked. So yes I'm a terrorist toward white people, you see? So it needs to be understood."

    The video ends with these words from Sheppard: "That's why we step on that flag. Because that flag represents lies. It represents deceit. It represents the glory of white people that they like to put forth. And here's the thing. You can see the psychosis of Europeans where they value the menial things and not the grander things. Where are we at? We're in Valdosta, Georgia, right? Kendrick Johnson's death was covered up. So you care more about a cloth on the ground and me stepping on it with a boot than a black man's death? You out your f------ mind. White people have been out of their f------ mind ever since they stepped out of Europe, so that's what it is."

    In San Diego, Facebook user Haviland Landy Franck wrote this to Wagoner about his challenge: Sharing in San Diego!! On behalf of my Grandfather Isaac J Haviland. and his entire crew that went down July 4 1945, and were MIA for 25 years. I thank you so much for doing this. AMERICAN PRIDE

    Will you take one of the U.S. flag challenges?

    I'll step on a flag for the Eric Sheppard Challenge. 5% (8)

    I'll plant a flag for the American Flag Challenge. 48% (75)

    I'm so over social-media challenges. 46% (72)

    155 total votes.
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    Since then, his supporters have been stepping and dancing on flags.
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    Get educated. If the war was to free the slaves, why did it begin in April 1861 and the Amancipation Proclaimation issued in 1863, 21 months later? A shortage of ink, quill or paper? Why did the proclamation allow the border states to keep their slaves? The war was seen by the south a Northern Aggression, by the North as Preservation of the Union. The Proclamation was issued after the Confederates were driven out of Maryland in an attempt to ensure that Britain and France did not enter the war on behalf of the south.
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    Ben Jones: Confederate Flag Is A Symbol Of ‘Heritage, Not Hate’ — Does He Have A Point?

    Ben Jones: Confederate flag attacked by political correctness

    There are two sides to every story, and the recent criticism of the Confederate flag that has followed the racially motivated shooting deaths at a church in South Carolina are no different. Representing that other side is a man known to most as “Cooter,” actor Ben Jones from the Dukes of Hazzard.

    Ben’s opinions illuminate the contentious argument against the stars and bars, which many — quite understandably — see as a symbol of hate, racism, and slavery. However, Jones pointed out that as a Civil War battle flag, it was meant to symbolize independence and non-racist southern spirit.

    Unfortunately, it has been adopted and its meaning mutated by racists, Jones — also a former U.S. Congressman for Georgia — noted, according to People.

    “That flag on top of the General Lee made a statement that the values of the rural South were the values of courage and family and good times. Our beloved symbol is now being attacked in a wave of political correctness that is unprecedented in our nation of free speech and free expression. Activists and politicians are vilifying Southern culture and our heritage as being bigoted and racist. We know that this is not the case. And we know that in Hazzard County there was never any racism.”
    Jones’ defense has followed widespread outrage directed at the South Carolina capitol grounds, where the controversial symbol still flies amid criticism that followed the atrocity committed by Dylann Roof, 21. He is one of many who have appropriated the flag to represent offensive and violent beliefs.

    Calls to remove it were swift and extremely vocal, and many governments and companies have responded. South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has called for it to be removed, the Alabama governor has ordered the same from a Confederate Memorial in his capitol, and Amazon, Wal-Mart, and Target won’t sell merchandise featuring the controversial stars and bars. Politicians have also united on the issue — Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, and Jeb Bush, included.

    But Ben Jones, in an op-ed in Friday’s New York Times, made a critical point worth recognizing — that slavery wasn’t “the Southern sin, but the national sin.” Further, the flag honors the deaths of thousands who died in the Civil War for “what they thought was right in their time,” and whose “valor became legendary in military history,” Ben wrote.

    “This is not nostalgia. It is our legacy. The current attacks on that legacy, 150 years after the event, are to us an insult.”
    And as a symbol, Ben Jones wrote, the Confederate flag takes on many meanings depending on where it’s seen: a historical symbol at a national cemetery or battlefield, a theater piece in a film like Gettysburg, and in the Dukes of Hazzard — “a symbol of non-racist Southern spirit.”

    According to the New York Daily News, Ben Jones, owner of Hazzard-themed stores in Tennessee and Virginia, will keep flying and selling it

    Ben promises to “fight these people until hell freezes over, and then I will fight them on the ice.”

    “We are all the same good people today that we were last week and last year and we are not going to be shamed into turning our backs on our heritage and our convictions. We are not racists. We despise racism and bigotry. And we think the people who are creating this ‘cultural cleansing’ are the real bigots in this story.”
    Do you agree with Ben Jones? What does the Confederate flag symbolize to you? Let us know what you think in the comments.
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    The ‘Confederate Flag’ Never Called Me a N-gger: But Blacks and Liberals Have

    By Mychal Massie on June 24, 2015

    It’s interesting that liberals and Obama-lefties have little to say when the U.S. flag is trampled and burned by anti-American anarchists and Muslims. They call it “free speech” and “freedom of expression.” But they somehow justify condemnation of the Confederate Flag as a ‘hate symbol’.

    For millions, the Confederate Flag is a symbol of their love for the New South, which has risen out of the ashes of the Old South.

    The homosexual flag flies wherever it is wanted without a thought pursuant to how people who oppose homosexuality may feel or what they may think about it. Muslims are now flying their flags in America but it is the Confederate Flag that is worthy of condemnation.

    Mychal Massie riding a Harley with a Confederate Flag on his head
    Mychal Massie + Harley Davidson + Confederate Flag Bandana = Crazed Liberals

    From time to time I wear a confederate bandana on my head when I’m riding the Harley Davidson. My friends do the same.

    I add to that I have never feared the Confederate Flag. I have always been ambivalent about it. The Confederate Flag has never called me a nigger but white liberals have. The Confederate Flag has never threatened me with physical harm and called me sellout, Uncle Tom, or any of a host of other vitriolic racial pejoratives, but white liberals, Muslims, and blacks have.

    The attention to the Confederate Flag is much ado about nothing. It is intended to do nothing more than foment unrest amongst “led through the nose” blacks.

    When John Kerry, Eric Holder, Bill Ayers, Hillary Clinton, the Obamas, et al, were burning and protesting the American Flag and defending those who decried our American Flag, their actions were viewed as noble.

    But now because some big pharma sick wacko punk who draped himself in the Confederate Flag was smart enough to go into a gun-free zone to carry out his hate-filled attack – pusillanimous little sissies craving brownie points have determined the Confederate Flag must be punished. The real debt of thanks for the successful attack in Charleston goes to those like Obama, Karl Rove, Eric Holder, and all of the other fools who clamor an anti-gun message. Because as every reasonable-minded person knows, had that church not been a gun free zone, the shooter would have in fact come to the right place to meet his maker.

    But now craven whites seeking to kiss the dirty end of those blacks who will milk this unimaginable tragedy for all they can extort, the Confederate Flag once again comes under attack. And of course, there are the garden variety of liberal dimwits who are convinced that the Confederate Flag goes “bump in the night”.

    If it were me, I would fly the Confederate Flag on my property just to shove it in their faces. I further think that the people of South Carolina should put Confederate Flags on the dashboard of their cars whenever parking on government property. I would also put my bible and my Gun Owners of America resources one the dash.

    I’d see just how far these cowards are willing to go to infringe on our rights. Let’s see if these race-mongers then insist our automobiles be disallowed from parking on government property if they have Confederate Flags, bibles, and gun magazines on our dashboards.

    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 07-10-2015 at 06:07 PM.
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