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    Obama And Hillary Both Had No Problem Using Confederate Flag During Presidential Campaigns
    Now, suddenly the flag 'belongs in a museum'

    by Steve Watson | InfoWars | June 24, 2015

    Walmart and other retailers have jumped on the bandwagon to ban a flag, as if this will make any difference to racial tensions currently playing out across the nation.

    As Deborah Simmons wrote in her column for The Washington Times yesterday, “I ask, what happens after the flag comes down? Are racism and bigotry supposed to go poof?”

    “It’s undeniable that the history and the heritage of South Carolina, rebel U.S. state of the first order, are intertwined. Period.” Simmons added, urging that the flag represents heritage.

    “You cannot give true due to South Carolina and its history and heritage without marking the roles that blacks have played, as well as their history and heritage.” Simmons added.

    The fact is that racism and bigotry will not disappear overnight just because a flag is hidden from view, especially given that the establishment and its corporate media mouthpieces are continually intent on fanning the flames of racial division.
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    Mark your calendar's folks. Remember THIS DAY.
    It was the day a majority of this nation's elected representatives in Congress turned their backs on American Sovereignty and on us, the people who voted them into office. I predict sad, bitter days lie ahead just because these lawmakers did not heed the warnings from Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions.

    (And it all happened while much of the nation was distracted... debating over a Confederate Battle Flag.)

    ‘Fast track’ trade measure sought by Obama wins final approval in Senate
    Published June 24, 2015

    A key plank of President Obama’s trade agenda won final approval in the U.S. Senate on Wednesday, capping a dramatic few weeks that saw the legislation nearly collapse amid Democratic infighting.

    The Senate voted 60-38 for a bill giving Obama so-called “fast track” authority to negotiate trade deals. The bill, already approved by the House, now goes to Obama’s desk.

    The vote marks a remarkable turnaround for an initiative that House Democrats nearly killed earlier this month.

    Though both parties have been divided on the issue, it was particularly problematic in the Democratic caucus – in the end, Obama’s biggest allies were Republican congressional leaders.

    Opening Senate debate on Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., a frequent Obama antagonist, credited the president and Democrats who joined the GOP on the bipartisan measure.

    "We were really pleased to see President Obama pursue an idea we've long believed in," McConnell said. "We thank him for his efforts to help us pass a bill to advance it."

    The “fast track" authority would let Obama negotiate deals that Congress can ratify or reject, but not change.

    He wants that power to advance the so-called Trans-Pacific Partnership with Japan, Mexico, Canada and several other countries.

    Unions and most congressional Democrats say free-trade deals cost U.S. jobs and reward countries that pollute and mistreat workers. But Obama and most Republican leaders say U.S. products must reach broader markets.

    The Senate later also passed as bill extending a job retraining program for workers displaced by international trade. That program would require House approval, too.

    Some anti-trade groups say they will strongly oppose the Pacific pact. Others seem more resigned to the likelihood of new U.S. trade agreements in Obama's final months in office.
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    Liberal Host Has a HISSY FIT When This Black Man Tells Her Why He Supports The Confederate Flag

    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Former Black Panther head: 'Finish' the mission to 'kill slave masters'
    June 24, 2015

    While speaking at a "Save the Black Church" rally Tuesday night in Charleston's Marian Square, close to the Mother Emanuel AME Church where nine black churchgoers were gunned down, former New Black Panther head Malik Zulu Shabazz told a group of some 200 African Americans they need to “finish the mission” of killing “slave masters” and their families, reported Wednesday. Shabazz started by telling the story of Denmark Vesey, an abolitionist and former slave who helped found the church and led a failed slave revolt in 1822.

    According to USA Today, "Vesey reportedly preached in meetings in his home, telling members of the congregation that they were the New Israelites and that God would punish their enslavers with death." His plan, PBS said, was to "seize Charleston's arsenals and guard houses, kill the Governor, set fire to the city, and kill every white man they saw." Vesey, however, was arrested before carrying out the plot after nervous slaves informed their owners of the planned rebellion.

    “Denmark Vesey had a plan to kill all the slave masters in the state,” Shabazz told those assembled. “Denmark Vesey had a plan to kill every last one of them and kill all of their (expletive deleted) families.”

    "We’re out of Denmark Veseys," he added. "And we need some new Denmark Veseys today.” He also had sharp words for black leaders expressing Christian love and forgiveness after the shooting.

    “That which we saw in that church does not represent the spirit of Denmark Vesey,” he said. “They have betrayed Denmark Vesey.”

    "We got to complete what Denmark didn’t finish,” he declared. “Denmark didn’t finish his mission.” And, he said, "somebody's got to come here to fire up the field slaves."

    He also led the crowd in a “Black power” chant and appeared to call for an open rebellion He continued with another chant: “What do we want? Justice, When do we want it? Now.”

    “We came to change the order here,” he said. “We don’t forgive nobody.”

    This isn't the first time black leaders like Shabazz have advocated violence. Recently, Nation of Islam head Louis Farrakhan was caught on audio issuing a blunt warning to those who might physically come up against his group: “We will kill you all."

    Leaders of the New Black Panthers have also advocated killing white people. One leader suggested killing white babies by bombing nurseries.

    So far, leaders in Charleston have rejected what many call the "professional race-baiters" attempts to stir racial hate and strife. Instead of reacting with hate, Kirsten Powers said, family members of those killed told shooting suspect Dylann Roof, "I forgive you," at his recent bond hearing.

    The contrast could not be more stark. While Shabazz demonstrates hate and apparently seeks violence and death, the people of Charleston continue to demonstrate a love Powers said caused the nation to gasp "in awe."
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 06-25-2015 at 08:48 AM.
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    And as Rush Limbaugh warned yesterday, is the next big target of the left our American flag itself?
    Posted: 8:19 a.m. Thursday, June 25, 2015
    Louis Farrakhan: 'We need to put the American flag down'
    By Joe Kelley WDBO – Orlando, Fla.

    WASHINGTON — Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan wants more than just the Confederate flag pulled down; he wants the American flag pulled down, too.

    Farrakhan made the comments Wednesday at the Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, D.C. “We need to put the American flag down because we’ve caught as much h-ll under that as the Confederate flag," he said.

    “White folks march with you because they don’t want you upsetting the city; they don’t give a d-mn about them nine.” (WMAL)

    He added that when the police took suspected shooter Dylann Roof to Burger King, they were saying, “You did a good job. Kill all them [expletive].”

    Video of speech :
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    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Reposting a Facebook comment made by another person elsewhere on the Confederate Flag issue. Wanted to share it...

    "This is not about a flag. Flags don't kill people, people kill people. This (1) crazy person does not define the entire Southern Culture. The families of the slain and the people of Charleston have shown the rest of the World what forgiveness and Grace are. He stated he wanted to start a race war that was his goal. Reverse Racism is just as bad. We cannot allow mob rule by any race. The South is being invaded all over again. Black people fought and died for the South to keep their land and way of life. The facts are that the South was flush with money and power and the North wanted some. Now the flag is not enough----the reverse racists want to take down all Confederate monuments and statues of Confederate Soldiers like Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and others. This is a full frontal assault on History and Southern Culture. What next? will the racist Muslim brotherhood be able to take away the American Flag because it's offensive to Muslims. Be careful for what you support because government can come for your symbols and your way of life no matter what you believe. This was a horrific crime committed by ONE person not an entire region or Race. I don't fly this flag but I still would like the right to if I chose to.!!!"

    AMEN, Sister!
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    Four Lessons From The Flag Debate

    Empty flagpole mast near Marinemuseum in Karlskrona, Sweden.It’s been a chaotic and interesting week.

    We witnessed the senseless slaughter of nine Americans at a worship service in South Carolina. We watched as their families and community showed us how to come together and push through unspeakable sorrow with dignity, class, and faith. I watched as churches in my community responded in different ways to threats they received to “shoot them up!” in retaliation for what occurred in South Carolina.

    This violence spurred the ongoing debate about whether or not the flag incorrectly referred to as the Confederate flag should be banned. From all the back-and-forth, I’ve noted a few things that, for leaders, are worth remembering.

    1. If you are going to insist on expressing your opinion, get your facts straight. In this case, the Confederate States of American had three flags. The one we are arguing about was never one of them. It was one of hundreds of flags carried in battle, and is often called the Confederate Battle Flag. There are really two versions of the flag being debated. One is known as the Southern Cross, the other is the Confederate Navy Jack. Most folks can’t tell them apart.

    As a leader, lead from truth: not emotion. Build trust. Go to the trouble of checking the facts before you open your mouth. A leader cannot afford the luxury of emotion-driven debate. It is the truth, and only the truth, that sets free.

    2. Leaders empower with liberty. Read again the text of Martin Luther King’s I Have A Dream. The future he envisioned would come, not by taking away from others, but by bringing liberty to everyone. While many of his basic rights were being denied, Dr. King refused to turn his mind and heart over to those who hated him. As a result, he didn’t write about what offended him. He chose not to respond in anger. Instead, he focused on what the world would be when every man walked hand-in-hand as brothers. Though oppressed, he refused to be offended.

    Leaders cannot allow themselves to be motivated by what offends them. A selfless man cannot be offended. That is an emotion-charged fire fueled only by selfishness. That’s probably why the LORD inspired the psalmist to write Psalm 119:165. “Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.” (To be offended also means to stumble, but that is a lesson for another day.)

    The offended don’t lead, they push – and that with no rhyme or reason. They, and those around them, are prisoners of their out-of-control emotions. When the offended rule, nobody has any rights. It’s only a matter of time until you become the offender and are forced to surrender to the whims of the angry mob.

    Leaders must be able to keep their heads above the emotional waves that swell around every important issue and event, and see that ray of light that beckons toward the future. Regardless of how painfully you’ve been wounded, focusing on your hurt or seeking revenge will ensure that you never move beyond this moment. Worse yet, you assign those following you the same fate.

    3. Leaders seek to understand first; then, to be understood. That’s from Stephen Covey. In this flag debate, nobody is really trying to understand. They are all screaming to be heard.

    To those who want the flag down, it represents hatred and bigotry.

    To those who love it, it represents a way of life displayed in a sugar-coated way by the Dukes of Hazzard.

    But the discussion is minus a leader. So all we have are two sides screaming at each other. Unless a leader steps up, when this issue is finally settled, the gulf between black-and-white-skinned Americans will be just a little bit wider.

    4. A leader must know when to speak up – and have the courage to do so. Today’s youth do not understand the huge losses in personal freedoms that we have suffered in recent years. They are seldom understanding and not always kind to the older folks who lament those losses. Their opposition can be intimidating. No one enjoys being thought out-of-touch or out-of-tune. However, a leader must not allow these feelings to silence him.

    Fire up your favorite search engine. Research how recent court rulings and other decisions have ordered crosses removed from public cemeteries, American flag decals removed from private vehicles, Christmas decorations removed from public land, Ten Commandment plaques removed from courthouse hallways, military chaplains punished for praying in Jesus name or declaring that same-sex marriage is wrong. It won’t take you long to see that our nation is being led by the offended, and not by men and women with courage and vision.

    Leaders must speak up!

    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    The poem is familiar, but the author’s story is not. Martin Niemöller was a German pastor when the Nazis were torturing and killing millions. Pastor Miemoller would spend seven years in concentration camps. After the war, he talked about his experiences and these are the words he chose to describe his actions.

    As we watch our own country, having lost its biblical moorings, twist and turn in the wind, may our passion push us beyond our fears and give power to our words so that the people of God hear a voice of hope above the clamor and confusion.
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    I was still half asleep this morning when watching the local news, but I'm pretty sure I heard them say that this year in Gettysburg, they're NOT going to let the reenactors (sp) carry the Confederate Flag, for the Civil War Reenactment.
    LOL........How can you reenact the CIVIL WAR, without the Confederate Flag! :O

    Might as well reenact The Gettysburg Address, and have Abe Lincoln read "Green Eggs and Ham!"

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    3,654 Posts Petitioning President of the United States
    Remove the former slave-holding states from the Union

    Joseph Sosa ~ United States

    The Southern states have a history of racism, bigotry, and oppression against people of color, different religious beliefs, and sexual orientations. Their values are completely incompatible with the modern, progressive world, and many of us feel as if it would be better for them to leave the Union entirely, so that these United States can become more enlightened and prosperous.

    5 hours ago

    250 supporters

    South Carolina has everything it needs to be a free and independent republic; we're the same size population and land area as the Irish Republic, have plenty of resources, are self sufficient in food production, and untapped petroleum resources.

    By the way, if you stick to the "former slave holding states"; Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Delaware will be included.

    We only want Maryland, thank you.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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