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    Jackson Councilman says ; ' Let's throw rocks at police'
    Dec 31, 2015 5:51 PM CST
    Posted by Cheryl Lasseter

    JACKSON, MS (Mississippi News Now) -
    Jackson Ward 3 Councilman Kenneth Stokes wants to send a message to police from other jurisdictions who chase misdemeanor suspects through Jackson.

    He says he wants to send that message with rocks, bricks and bottles.

    Today the councilman told reporters that police from surrounding cities put Jackson children in danger when they chase people on neighborhood streets. He says he'd like black leadership to team up and use force.

    "What I suggest is we get the black leadership together, and as these jurisdictions come into Jackson we throw rocks and bricks and bottles at them. That will send a message we don't want you in here," he says.

    Stokes also suggests taking court action against outside police agencies that chase misdemeanor offenders into Jackson.


    What makes this even more insane is that his wife is a county JUDGE!!!


    When are all people going to learn that it is the law violator who is causing police to react like they do...comply and nothing will happen, run and you will be chased....break the law and you will be arrested or suffer consequences if you resist. Throw bricks at city councilman and don't let the police respond...then see how he reacts.


    He's telling people to assault police officers and create a safe-haven for criminals in his city... smh...


    Stokes is typical of the fools and felons that get elected to public office in Jackson. Not since Frank Melton tried in vain to lead the capital of Mississippi out of its self vinflicted dark ages has there been any leadership worthy of any resopect whatsoever. The reason surrounding police forces chase criminal back through Jackson is they live there and are running back home to keep from being caught and arrested.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge View Post
    Jackson Councilman says ; ' Let's throw rocks at police'
    Dec 31, 2015 5:51 PM CST
    Posted by Cheryl Lasseter

    JACKSON, MS (Mississippi News Now) -
    Jackson Ward 3 Councilman Kenneth Stokes wants to send a message to police from other jurisdictions who chase misdemeanor suspects through Jackson.

    He says he wants to send that message with rocks, bricks and bottles.

    Today the councilman told reporters that police from surrounding cities put Jackson children in danger when they chase people on neighborhood streets. He says he'd like black leadership to team up and use force.

    "What I suggest is we get the black leadership together, and as these jurisdictions come into Jackson we throw rocks and bricks and bottles at them. That will send a message we don't want you in here," he says.

    Stokes also suggests taking court action against outside police agencies that chase misdemeanor offenders into Jackson.


    What makes this even more insane is that his wife is a county JUDGE!!!


    When are all people going to learn that it is the law violator who is causing police to react like they do...comply and nothing will happen, run and you will be chased....break the law and you will be arrested or suffer consequences if you resist. Throw bricks at city councilman and don't let the police respond...then see how he reacts.


    He's telling people to assault police officers and create a safe-haven for criminals in his city... smh...


    Stokes is typical of the fools and felons that get elected to public office in Jackson. Not since Frank Melton tried in vain to lead the capital of Mississippi out of its self vinflicted dark ages has there been any leadership worthy of any resopect whatsoever. The reason surrounding police forces chase criminal back through Jackson is they live there and are running back home to keep from being caught and arrested.
    Mississippi law enforcement officials fire back at Stokes
    Jan 01, 2016 10:32 PM CST
    Posted by Mary Grace Eppes

    JACKSON, MS (Mississippi News Now) -
    Jackson City Councilman Kenneth Stokes' comments about violence against police officers from other cities has social media buzzing.

    Here's what he said:

    "What I suggest, we get the black leadership together, and as these jurisdictions come into Jackson, we throw rocks, bricks and bottles at them. That will send a message we don't want you in here."

    A couple of local officials have already expressed their displeasure at Stokes' comments - especially the Madison County Sheriff.

    Madison County Sheriff Randy Tucker took to Facebook to send his own message to Stokes.

    Jackson Mayor Tony Yarber made it clear on Twitter that he does not support Stokes' message of violence against police officers.

    Tony Yarber ‎@TonyYarber

    While there is a need to demand respect of jurisdictional boundaries, I could never condone violence against officers.

    2:42 PM - 1 Jan 2016
    Many of our viewer's have also expressed concern on our Facebook page over Stokes' statement.

    Viewer Lindell Dillon writes: "This statement shows disrespect to the communities he refers to. It insinuates a primitive people that will resort to tasteless behavior against the law."

    Candy Boxwell Hart says: "He sets a poor example for Mississippi in the nation's eyes. Sad."

    Notice how CNN handles this story

    Councilman: Throw rocks at police on chase

    Jackson, Miss., lawmaker fed up with chases through his neighborhood

    By Ben Brumfield CNN Published 01/02 2016 11:59AM

    A city councilman fed up with police from other counties racing after small-time crooks in his neighborhood has called for residents to throw things at officers in pursuit.

    Now, the governor and a county sheriff are threatening to have prosecutors investigate him over the suggestion. Councilman Kenneth Stokes has a reputation of saying what he thinks and stirring controversy.
    "Let's get rocks; let's get bricks, and let's get bottles," Stokes told CNN affiliate WJTV. "And we'll start throwing them, and then they won't come in here anymore."

    It was no one-off quip. Stokes repeated the suggestion to other local news outlets.

    "When you have these police officers coming from other jurisdictions and they will not respect human life, then I said we should use rocks, bricks or bottles to try to get the message over: stop endangering our children," Stokes told Jackson's The Clarion-Ledger newspaper.

    Social storm

    Outrage poured out on social media culminating in vows by a sheriff and the governor to seek an investigation against Stokes.

    "So why hasn't he been arrested. I believe inciting a riot is against the law," a user posted to Twitter.

    "Sad that an elected official in the City of Jackson would try to incite violence against law enforcement. Resign now #kennethstokes," another commented.

    Legal threats

    Sheriff Randy Tucker from neighboring Madison County threatened Stokes with legal consequences in a Facebook post.
    "Law Enforcement will not be intimidated by you. Any Madison county law enforcement that is attacked because of your ignorant statements, I will hold you responsible. I fully intend to contact the (Mississippi) Attorney General and inquire if your statements constitute assaults on officers by threat,"
    Gov. Phil Bryant joined him with a similar statement on Facebook.

    "This is nothing short of an outright assault upon all who wear the badge. I will be asking Attorney General Jim Hood to investigate whether Mr. Stokes' remarks represent criminal threats against law enforcement officers,"
    Jackson Mayor Tony Yarber commiserated over the police chases into his city but distanced himself from Stokes' suggestion.

    "While there is a need to demand respect of jurisdictional boundaries, I could never condone violence against officers," he said.

    Stokes told local media that his comments were not a call to riots.

    He said that he supports police, and that police from surrounding jurisdictions pursuing dangerous criminals such as armed robbers through Jackson is justified. But risking lives to chase people suspected of misdemeanors is not.

    A recent chase appears to have brought Stokes to a boiling point that led to the rocks, bottles and bricks comment. Officers from three towns chased a man who had shoplifted at a Walmart and assaulted people in the parking lot. Multiple police cars raced after the suspect through Jackson.

    "It was a misdemeanor. They could easily break off the chase, get the tag number," Stokes said. "We'll pay for whatever they stole to make sure that our babies are not harmed. We want the same respect that they give to their neighborhoods given to Jackson neighborhoods."
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 01-02-2016 at 07:10 PM.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Chicago Airport Police Instructed to Run and Hide From Active Shooters
    January 3, 2016

    There are almost 300 police officers at the O’Hare and Midway airports, and they are all unarmed. Making things worse, they have now been told to “run and hide” during active shootings.

    Internal aviation department documents gathered by CNN tell officers not “to become part of the response” to an attack.

    CNN reports:

    “If evacuation is not possible, you should find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you. Block entry to your hiding place and lock the door,” but Matt Brandon, secretary-treasurer of the airport officers union, told CNN they have serious issues with the protocol.

    “These men and women are sent to the Chicago police academy, and trained as police officers, and being a former police officer, I know your first instinct is to go to the problem — not run away from the problem.”
    In Chicago airports, citizens can no longer trust the police to protect them. All of the police officers at Chicago airports have successfully passed through the police academy, however are unable to possess a firearm.

    Both O’Hare and Midway serve as primary airports for numerous airline companies. The major policy shift leaves security a question for many civilians.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    There are almost 300 police officers at the O’Hare and Midway airports, and they are all unarmed. Making things worse, they have now been told to “run and hide” during active shootings.

    Internal aviation department documents gathered by CNN tell officers not “to become part of the response” to an attack.
    Now that's once heck of a switch for Gun Control. At least Barney Fife had a gun, no bullets. WTG Democrats!

    Going Off the Grid!

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    Suspect in Pa. cop ambush said he acted 'in the name of Islam,' police confirm
    Published January 08, 2016

    The man caught in surveillance footage ambushing a Philadelphia officer in a squad car, shooting him multiple times, claimed he acted "in the name of Islam," police said at a news conference Friday.

    The suspect's gun, a 9mm Glock 17, had been stolen from police in 2013, Commissioner Richard Ross said.

    The suspect, 30-year-old Edward Archer, told homicide investigators he "pledges his allegiance to Islamic State, he follows Allah, and that is the reason he was called upon to do this," Captain James Clark revealed.

    Archer wore "Muslim garb," a law enforcement source told Fox News. The source would not elaborate.

    Officer Jesse Hartnett was in critical but stable condition at a hospital, police said. The suspect fired a total of 13 shots Thursday night, Ross said. Three bullets struck the officer in his left arm.

    FBI and other law enforcement investigators searched his homes Friday, according to police. They say the suspect has addresses in Philadelphia and the suburb of Yeadon. He did not reveal whether he was engaged in a larger "conspiracy," Ross told reporters.

    Police officials say the gun was reported stolen from an officer's home in October 2013 but they don't know how many people handled the weapon before Thursday's shooting.

    Hartnett returned fire, Ross added. Doctors treated Archer for a gunshot wound.

    "We are working side-by-side with the Philadelphia Police Department. They remain the lead agency as we work together to gather information about the attack on their officer," the FBI announced.

    Hartnett is a four-year veteran of the Philadelphia Police Department.

    "This is absolutely one of the scariest things I've ever seen," Ross said at a news conference a few hours later. "This guy tried to execute the police officer. The police officer had no idea he was coming."

    The suspect ran away, but was quickly apprehended by other officers roughly a block away.

    In a statement, Governor Tom Wolf said, "This alleged intentional act of violence against an officer seeking to help a fellow citizen is horrifying and has no place in Pennsylvania."

    Jim Kenney, who is in his first week as mayor of the nation's fifth largest city, said, "There are just too many guns on the streets and I think our national government needs to do something about that."

    His statement comes on the heels of President Barack Obama announcement on Tuesday of his plan to tighten control and enforcement of firearms in the United States.

    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 01-08-2016 at 06:42 PM.
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    A University of Nebraska-Omaha university professor who used a December 28 Facebook tirade to say “F**k the law,” “F**k police,” and “F**k the NRA” was allowed to meet President Obama after his January 13 speech in Omaha.

    The professor’s name is Amanda Gailey. She is also the director of Nebraskans Against Gun Violence.

    Here is Gailey’s Facebook rant in it’s entirety:

    F**k the society that has allowed itself to become so saturated in guns that it’s plausible a child might have one at a park.

    F**k the laws that allow toy makers to make toys that look like real guns and that allow gun makers to make guns that look like toys.

    F**k racists who think black children look like adults.

    F**k a legal and police system that allows grown white men to pose with sniper rifles on a university campus or in a grocery store and allows insurrectionists to train guns on government agents with no consequences but sounds the alarms when a black child is carrying a toy gun.

    F**k police officers who undertook a job that carries inherent risk but think any perceived threat to them whatsoever justifies instantaneous lethal force.

    F**k police officers who pull up as close as possible to an alleged threat so that they can execute the person as quickly as possible without assessing the situation first.

    F**k prosecutors who can indict a ham sandwich but can’t indict a cop who executed a child.

    And f**k the NRA for greasing this machine every fucking day with the blood of American children.
    On January 14–weeks after the original post was put up–Gailey put up another post in which she attempted to explain that her criticism of police was limited to “bad-apple officers,” not good ones. And she was specifically outraged by the fact that the no charges were filed against officers who shot 195 pound, 12-year-old Tamir Rice after a 911 dispatcher told officers “a young man [was] playing with a weapon and pointing it at people outside of a local recreation center.”

    Gailey wrote:

    I did write a Facebook post that expressed my outrage at the police shooting of a 12-year-old child and the failure to indict the bad-apple police officers involved. My criticism of the police was limited to those officers who engage in that kind of policing, which I believe is clear in my post. I did not malign the police in general, nor did I want to, because I respect the many good officers who serve our communities and have even helped me in the past. I know that most police officers are doing hard work in hard conditions, and they are in the front lines of a society saturated in guns, facing threats that police in our peer nations do not. They are key players in our struggle for safe and fair communities.
    This is Gailey’s explanation for “F**k the police” as well as “F**k the society,” “F**k the laws,” and “F**k the NRA,” among other things.

    Senator Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) has come out and expressed his shock that the administration allowed someone who said these things to meet the President. Sasse wrote, “Hopefully, this was just a vetting mistake by the White House and not a statement of support for her views by the President. Either way, this is troubling.”
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Ohio Cop Shot Dead After Warning of 'Danger' to Police
    Newsweek - Lucy Westcott - 10 hrs ago

    An Ohio police officer shot to death behind a municipal building on Sunday was found with his gun and cruiser missing after an anonymous call that cops in the area “were in danger.”

    Thomas Cottrell of the Danville Police Department was found dead just before midnight, according to the Knox County Sheriff’s department in central Ohio. Cottrell, one of six officers with the Danville Police Department, was reported missing and possibly wounded late Sunday, prompting the Ohio State Highway Patrol to deploy additional ground and aviation units.

    It is not yet clear if Cottrell’s weapon and cruiser have yet been recovered.

    According to the sheriff’s office, a tip-off came from a woman who warned that Danville police “were in danger” because of her disgruntled ex-boyfriend. The man, identified as Herschel Jones, “left with weapons and was looking to kill an officer,” according to the sheriff’s office. Less than 30 minutes after the call, Danville police deputies found Cottrell’s body.

    After he was seen “running from a residence” and a “foot chase” ensued, Jones was taken into custody at around 1:36 a.m., according to the sheriff’s office. It is still unclear if Jones has been charged with a crime.

    Jim Gilbert, chief deputy at the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department in Columbus, tweeted “Prayers for Ohio's first fallen officer for 2016 a Danville PD Officer was shot/killed this evening in Knox County” on Monday morning.

    Danville is located around 60 miles northeast of Columbus. Cottrell was one of six officers with the town’s police department.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    And yet another reason for me to NOT like Beyonce. Can't stand her, or her so-called music.

    Can't she do anything else but SQUAT?? Every freaking time I see a pic of her in concert, she's squatting with her legs apart. (Nice role model for your daughter!). And it seems like she's always wearing the same outfit too.

    Wonder what will happen the next time she needs a police escort??!!

    Super Bowl halftime shows need to go back to be marching bands!!
    Last edited by 3lilpigs; 02-08-2016 at 07:18 PM.

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    Real tough one here, since I bet close to 90% of the players are the same ethnic as Beyoncé. So it would be difficult to say, maybe when looking for entertainers, they should choose someone with REAL talent, like the Oscars have done the last couple of years, geared to a larger crowd. They can forget about Mylie Cyrus too, and other Disney characters. Or just have More commercials, of dogs dressed has hot dogs, and the Shock tap guy. I vote for commercials! No more Snickers, been done already. Been watching them for a week now, and nothing was a surprise or new for the game.

    Going Off the Grid!

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    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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