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Thread: Baltimore Riots

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    Jolie Rouge's Avatar
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    Baltimore Riots

    Here’s The Rap Sheet Of The Dude They’re Destroying Baltimore Over

    Posted on April 27, 2015

    Heavy – Freddie Gray, who died a week after suffering injuries while in Baltimore police custody, had a lengthy criminal record, mainly for drug-related offenses, according to state court records. Police claim he was “involved in criminal activity,” prior to his arrest.

    Gray, 25, died after spending seven days in a coma as a result of injuries he suffered while in the custody of city police, the Baltimore Sun reports.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    FreeBnutt's Avatar
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    Is he another possible son of Obama, that he would be Proud about?

    I'm so lost.

    Going Off the Grid!

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    3lilpigs's Avatar
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    They need to stop saying this is for him. They need to stop calling this the "Freddy Grey" protest.

    What they did AFTER the funeral, had nothing to do with Freddy. It was all about GREED AND VIOLENCE. It was just an excuse to loot stores, injure people, and burn buildings.

    The peaceful protestors are the ones who handled it correctly.

    I don't care about a rap sheet for this guy. I don't care if they're doing this for a guy with NO record. This is NOT the way to handle it!!

    This whole thing sickens me......I'm from Baltimore.

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    Liberals angry at Whole Foods for feeding National Guardsmen in Baltimore
    Posted at 3:37 pm on April 28, 2015
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge View Post
    Liberals angry at Whole Foods for feeding National Guardsmen in Baltimore
    Posted at 3:37 pm on April 28, 2015
    They're not the only ones. There are many, many, places around here taking donations for the police and firemen.

    Not like they can clock out and go to Mc's.

    I donated....
    don't like it?...sue me.

    If the kids are home today...shouldn't parents be feeding them?

    I work in a grocery store, and one of our stores in Baltimore was looted. Everything gone. EVERYTHING. Let the looters feed everyone else.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 3lilpigs View Post
    They need to stop saying this is for him. They need to stop calling this the "Freddy Grey" protest.

    What they did AFTER the funeral, had nothing to do with Freddy. It was all about GREED AND VIOLENCE. It was just an excuse to loot stores, injure people, and burn buildings.

    The peaceful protestors are the ones who handled it correctly.

    I don't care about a rap sheet for this guy. I don't care if they're doing this for a guy with NO record. This is NOT the way to handle it!!
    I agree. But just as the MSM tried to portray Michael Brown and Treyvon as "sweet innocent boys" ... they are neglecting to look at the whole picture.

    I don't understand WHY they think that all this violence & destruction is going to help in ANY situation.
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 04-28-2015 at 03:50 PM.
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    These Liberal Media Headlines PROVE They’re Responsible for Fanning the Flames in Baltimore
    Michael Cantrell
    April 28, 2015

    If you don’t think left-wing media is partially to blame for the madness taking place in Baltimore over the death of Freddie Gray, these two headlines will definitely change your mind.

    This is truly insane and completely irresponsible on behalf of both of these “publications.”

    Courtesy of Weasel Zippers:


    This is the perfect response to anyone calling for nonviolence in Baltimore

    10:16 PM - 27 Apr 2015
    Despicable. Totally despicable.

    Now, some are saying the Vox story doesn’t actually promote further use of violence, but does that really matter? Look at the picture and headline, which is what most people will see. A huge chunk of the folks who come across that post won’t click the link, and the headline is all they’ll go by.

    Sure, it’s meant to be provocative to get more clicks, but this goes way too far by actually seeming to promote violence.

    The media’s job is to provide people with the facts so they can make sound decisions and judgment calls about important topics. Encouraging violence and rioting is nowhere in the job description and these publications should totally be ashamed of themselves for engaging in this kind of agenda pushing.

    Responsible journalists would condemn the actions of rioters and would encourage everyone to keep a cool head, to wait until all the facts were obtained before taking any kind of action.

    Unfortunately, being responsible doesn’t draw people in to read the tripe publications like Vox and Salon put out, so they opt to go the sleazy path for a paycheck.

    Hopefully some common sense will prevail in Baltimore, and the riots will stop before more people are hurt by lawless thugs.
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 04-28-2015 at 03:56 PM.
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    Obama criticizes black deaths by police, rioters and society
    by NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press - 1 hr ago

    WASHINGTON — Urging Americans to "do some soul-searching," President Barack Obama expressed deep frustration Tuesday over recurring black deaths at the hands of police, rioters responding with senseless violence and a society that will only "feign concern" without addressing the root causes.

    "This is not new. It's been going on for decades," Obama said from the White House a day after rioting erupted 40 miles north in Baltimore following the funeral for Freddie Gray, who died of a spinal cord injury after being arrested.

    Gray is the latest black man to die at the hands of police, prompting protests and calls for criminal justice reform. Some have criticized America's first black president for not speaking out forcefully enough as he tries to avoid criticism of law enforcement, and he responded by calling the deaths "a slow-rolling crisis."

    "We have seen too many instances of what appears to be police officers interacting with individuals, primarily African-American, often poor, in ways that raise troubling questions. It comes up, it seems like, once a week now," Obama said. He said although such cases aren't unprecedented, there's new awareness as a result of cameras and social media. "We shouldn't pretend that it's new."

    Still, Obama showed no sympathy for rioters, saying those who stole from businesses and burned buildings and cars should be treated as criminals. Obama said they distracted from days of peaceful protests focused on legitimate concerns "over the possibility that our laws were not applied evenly in the case of Mr. Gray and that accountability needs to exist."

    "There's no excuse for the kind of violence that we saw yesterday," Obama said. "It is counterproductive. When individuals get crowbars and start prying open doors to loot, they're not protesting, they're not making a statement, they're stealing."

    But he also criticized a society that doesn't do enough to uplift poor minority communities. He said the solution to deep-seeded problems that spur violence include early education, criminal justice reform and job training, while suggesting that kind of a response is out of reach with a Republican Congress. "I'm under no illusion that out of this Congress we're going to get massive investments in urban communities," Obama said.

    "It's too easy to ignore those problems or to treat them just as a law-and-order issue as opposed to a broader social issue," Obama said.

    The president spoke during a state visit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, at one point apologizing to his guest for taking nearly 15 minutes of their news conference to discuss it. "I felt pretty strongly about it," he said.

    Obama said America should not just pay attention to these communities "when a CVS burns" or when "a young man gets shot or has his spine snapped." He said he can't force police departments across the country to retrain their officers, but he can work with them and help pay for body cameras to improve accountability.

    "In those environments, if we think that we're just going to send the police to do the dirty work of containing the problems that arise there, without as a nation and as a society saying what can we do to change those communities, to help lift up those communities and give those kids opportunity, then we're not going to solve this problem," he said. "And we'll go through the same cycles of periodic conflicts between the police and communities and the occasional riots in the streets. And everybody will feign concern until it goes away and then we go about our business as usual."

    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Woman called ‘mom of the year’ after beating a young man out of Baltimore riots

    By Abby Ohlheiser April 28 at 8:22 AM

    A mystery woman seen berating and hitting a black-clad teenager, who reportedly is her son, has been hailed as “mom of the year” after her intervention on the Baltimore streets was caught on video. As violence flared up across the city Monday, the woman, who hasn’t been identified, was captured telling the teenager, who also hasn’t been identified, to “take that f—— mask off.”

    [I was knocked to the ground by Freddie Gray rioters, then helped to my feet]

    Fox Business contributor Charles Payne drew attention to the video in a tweet on Monday. (Fair warning, basically every video in this article will contain profanity.)

    By late Monday, videos of the incident were so widespread that Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts brought it up in an overnight news conference.

    “And if you saw in one scene, you had a mother who grabbed their child who had a hood on his head and she started smacking him on the head because she was so embarrassed,” Batts told reporters. “I wish I had more parents who took charge of their kids tonight. I think these were youth coming out of the high school and they thought it was cute to throw cinder blocks at the police department and address it that way.”

    MOM OF THE YEAR : Mom who beat her son off the streets of Baltimore during the riot speaks out. That kid doesn't know how fortunate he is. And someday I hope he thanks her. Watch The CBS Interview Here

    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 04-29-2015 at 09:17 AM.
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    It didn’t take long after the death of Freddie Gray for people in Baltimore to completely and utterly lose their dang minds and start rioting and looting, stealing anything and everything they could get their hands on, including toilet paper.

    The media like to portray a lot of these people as “angry protesters,” but is that really why they’re out there burning their city to the ground? Are they really fighting against the injustice Freddie Gray allegedly suffered at the hands of police?

    That’s what the media wants you to believe, but this cartoon shows you the reality beneath the progressive narrative.


    Yes, it’s true.

    Most of those “protesting” don’t actually have a clue who Freddie Gray even is.

    From BizPac Review:

    Outspoken Milwaukee Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr. blasted Baltimore rioters and the left-wing agenda he says created the powder keg that blew up into violence.

    “These individuals that are rioting and looting right now and throwing rocks and bottles do not know Freddie Gray, do not care about Freddie Gray,” he said. “If they were in a nightclub in Baltimore [they] would shoot and kill him for bumping into them on the dance floor.”
    Sheriff Clark brings up some excellent points.

    It seems these individuals have no issue when a black man murders another black man in cold blood, but if it’s a white cop who uses force against the same guy, all of a sudden there’s solidarity and everyone’s “in it together” like “family.”

    Why might that be?

    Because acting angry and incensed over a man’s death which is believed to be racially motivated gives looters and rioters justification to act like animals and steal what they want, actions they normally would be sent to prison over.

    Sad, but true.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Guy Combats Baltimore Riots by Doing an EPIC Dance to ‘Beat It’
    Michael Cantrell
    April 28, 2015 3:24 pm

    As riots and violence continue to erupt in Baltimore, and it seems as if the mayor isn’t going to jack or squat about it, Dimitri Reeves, an ordinary citizen who calls the city home decided to take things into his own hands.

    Or feet rather.

    Reeves was caught on video dancing in the street to Michael Jackson’s smash hit from the 1980s, “Beat It.”

    Obviously the song choice is super appropriate given the single’s music video featured Jackson breaking up a fight between two gangs.

    Reeves’ message seems pretty dang clear. Stop the nonsense.

    Check it out.

    From Mashable:

    As violence in Baltimore swelled on Monday night, one man channeled his inner Michael Jackson to tell everyone to “beat it.”

    NBC reporter Shomari Stone captured footage of Dimitri Reeves dancing in the street, singing along to Jackson’s 1982 hit song

    You just have to respect the guy for trying to do something to stop the violence that is wreaking havoc on his city.

    It’s critical for people in the community to discourage all of the rioting and looting and do what they can to help spread positivity during this time.

    Hopefully, folks will get a grip on their emotions and put a stop to this nonsense before more innocent people pay the price for their uncontrolled rage.
    Have to go to link to watch the vid ...
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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