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    Circuit advertisement Looting After Vigil for Missouri Man
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    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    OMG! so that man believes it is ok to rob.............what will he believe next? I do not believe any police officer should fear for his/her life every time he/she goes to work nor should any fireman fear for their life from arsonists and rioters when responding to a fire. I also do not believe any shop owner should fear for their lives and livelihood because some people decide to loot, burn and destroy because someone either told them to, they had nothing better to do, they needed an excuse to for their own profit or some rabble rouser(s) pushed the crowds buttons to make the news or a name for themselves.

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    Eric Garner protests erupt in New York, Washington

    Demonstrators took to the streets of New York City and Washington, DC on Wednesday, protesting the non-indictment of a police officer who killed unarmed African-American man Eric Garner. The 43-year-old father of six was selling loose cigarettes when confronted by the New York City Police Department and placed in a chokehold that ultimately killed him. RT’s Alexey Yaroshevsky is in on the ground in New York while Manuel Rapalo is in Washington.

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    Last edited by Eddie; 12-04-2014 at 11:42 AM.

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    ‘Hell, No!' : Eric Garner’s Wife Doesn’t Accept NYPD’s Apology, Plans to Smoke the Police in Court
    By Jennifer Van Laar - 7 hours ago

    After a grand jury in New York City declined to press charges against an NYPD officer in the death of Eric Garner, the man’s widow angrily refused to accept the officer’s condolences.

    Appearing with Al Sharpton at a press conference in Harlem, Esaw Garner said:
    “H-ll no! The time for remorse would have been when my husband was yelling to breathe. That would have been the time to show some type of remorse or some type of care for another human being’s life. When he was screaming eleven times that he can’t breathe.

    So there’s nothing for him or his prayers or anything else would make me feel any different. No, I don’t accept his apology. No, I could care less about his condolences.”
    Officer Daniel Pantaleo faced possible charges in the July death of Garner. He was suspected of illegally selling cigarettes. Video of the incident appeared to show the officer applying a chokehold, and Garner is heard repeatedly saying, “I can’t breathe.”

    Though Pantaleo won’t face criminal charges, he can still face departmental discipline, is facing a federal civil rights investigation, and Mrs. Garner is planning a wrongful death suit against the NYPD for $75 million.

    The decision has sparked protests and disagreement from all sides of the political spectrum.

    If you are in a "choke hold" ... you can not breathe, much less speak or yell. Records show this guy was already arrested over 30 times, was on bail for three pending cases, and the autopsy showed he died of a heart attack.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Bill O’Reilly Drops 50-Megaton Truth Bomb on Guest Who Claims It’s ‘Hunting Season on Black Men’
    By Mike Miller - 7 hours ago

    Radio talk show host Tavis Smiley appeared on The O’Reilly Factor on Wednesday to weigh in on a New York grand jury’s refusal to indict police officer Daniel Pantaleo in the death of Eric Garner.

    While O’Reilly agreed with Smiley that the death of Garner (who was illegally selling cigarettes on the street at the time of the confrontation) was controversial, they parted ways when Smiley charged that white police officers indiscriminately target blacks.

    O’Reilly’s response? Facts and statistics.

    Smiley: “There is no respect for the humanity and the dignity for black life in this country.”

    O’Reilly: “Do you know how many blacks were killed by police by gunfire last year?”

    Smiley: “Off the top of my head, I don’t.” (Which begs the question, on what basis did he make the charge?)

    O’Reilly: “The number is 123. Do you know how many whites were killed? 326. There are 43 million-plus black Americans — 123 were killed by police gunfire. There isn’t an epidemic of this. … But when it happens it’s extremely troubling.”
    Regardless of the facts, Smiley persisted, saying it’s “open season, hunting season” on blacks. Speaking of facts, here are a few more:

    •Police killings of blacks are down 70% in last 50 years
    •In 2013, blacks committed 5,375 murders
    •In 2013, whites committed 4,396 murders
    •Whites are 63% of the population, blacks are 13%
    Also, from 1980 through 2008, 93% of black murders were committed by other blacks. And while blacks constitute 13% of the population, they committed 49% of total murders for the same period.

    Following the shooting death of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson, signs proclaiming “black lives matter” have been prominent at protests across the country. Where are those same signs in the streets of Chicago?
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Garner was not a choir boy based on his 30+ arrests. from what i have heard that if the police want to arrest you, you should not resist. Garner resisted. should he have died? no on the news, they keep showing a picture of Garner who was half the size as he appeared in the attempt to arrest him. based on his size he could not imho been east to take down. according to the utopsy has stated above he died of a heart attack. earlier reports did not state that. makes a person wonder which story is correct. the mayor of NYC referred to centuries of race discrimination in this country and i am not too sure how far back he is going. have to remember that black slaves were brought to this country by blacks and also owned by blacks. i would love to poll the people saying they do not trust police and ask them if they would ever dial 911? projects in NY have had trouble for decades and when trouble arises, who do they call? the same people they proclaim to hate. the fact that al sharpton and obama have gotten involved puts a big question mark on what will happen. I would love to know why that unarmed white utah teen killed by a black never even reported in most news media. what about the hammer attack on the white bosnian in St Louis? many questions and no answers

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    The Entire ‘Racism’ Narrative in the Eric Garner Case is Destroyed By One Fact That Changes Everything

    “Racist White cops” “Black Lives Matter”

    #CrimingWhileWhite #AliveWhileBlack

    December 4, 2014 by Jason DeWitt

    For two nights we have once agains seen the Media-Democrat-Activist complex explode about “RACISM” after a Grand Jury refused to indict NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo for choking out Eric Garner, who later died from heart complications.

    As with Ferguson, dozens of media pundits weighed in on race. President Obama declared the justice system “unequal,” and Attorney General Eric Holder pounced on the case as one motivated by race and worthy of “civil rights” prosecution.

    New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio even declared that “hundreds of years of racism have led to this,” and angrily told how he instructed his own Black son to “act differently around police”.

    Twitter hashtags quickly went viral – internationally – expressing the supposed racist nature of the officer’s action, including #CrimingWhileWhite, #AliveWhileBlack, and #BlackLivesMatter.

    There’s only one problem with this racial narrative: it is utterly destroyed by a key piece of information that the Grand Jury knew — but the media would not reveal.

    As reported by the New York Daily News:

    Pantaleo who applied the lethal chokehold on Eric Garner was supervised by an African-American female NYPD sergeant.


    “Having that Black sergeant in charge of that crime scene takes race out of the equation. As awful as Pantaleo’s actions appear on that video, at no time does that Black sergeant order Pantaleo to stop choking Garner.”
    Whoa. Let that sink in for a moment. There’s more. From Kristinn Taylor:

    The Black female police sergeant who was in charge of the arrest is not shown in the countless TV replays in the media of cellphone footage that showed White male police officers confronting and taking down Garner but she is said to be seen in the original video (the Grand Jury saw).
    Why haven’t we seen that unedited video in the countless media showings? Can you guess?

    From a police report reported by PIX11 in July, the sergeant’s name is revealed to be Kizzy Adoni.

    “The female sergeant, Kizzy Adoni, made a similar statement in the report. She “believed she heard” Garner say he was having difficulty breathing. Adoni also said “The perpetrator’s condition did not seem serious and he did not appear to get worse.”

    The national media’s rush to push its divisive racial agenda has once again blown up in their collective faces. Just like it did with the Duke Lacrosse case. And the Trayvon Martin case. And the Ferguson case. And now, the Eric Garner case.

    Call it excessive force. Call it involuntary manslaughter. Call it justified force against a resisting suspect who had 31 prior arrests, who died from his substantial health problems rather than a chokehold. These are all legitimate arguments to bring to the table for discussion.

    But not race. This case has nothing to do with it. And the continued media-Democrat focus on it is clear political manipulation to distract from Obama’s recent shellacking in the midterm elections and deeply unpopular executive action amnesty for illegal aliens.

    And I find it interesting that the media isn’t asking this question: why was Eric Garner even bothered to begin with? Why did Pantaleo’s Black female supervisor decide to arrest Garner for the nonsensical “crime” of selling cigarettes on the street?

    Because New York City has the highest taxes on cigarettes in the world. And Because the same Bill DeBlasio who hysterically blamed racism for Garner’s death himself has dramatically ramped up enforcement of such petty crimes in order to increase taxes, while cancelling the successful “stop and frisk” program that reduced crime to record low levels in the decimated Black communities.

    Those cops were there harassing Garner because of Democrat tax greed, not because he was Black. Where is the outrage over that?

    UPDATE: Radio host Mark Levin confirmed this story, and discussed this matter in an excellent commentary tonight:
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    the definition of racism
    : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
    : racial prejudice or discrimination
    — rac·ist noun or adjective
    See racism defined for English-language learners »
    See racism defined for kids »
    Examples of RACISM

    the racism that was the basis of apartheid
    <Hitler's declaration of his belief in a “master race” was an indication of the inherent racism of the Nazi movement.>
    The recording career of the Henderson band was brief … due partly to the racism of booking agencies that didn't take on black acts until the mid-'30s, when Henderson's career was on the downswing. —Greg Tate, Vibe, April 1995

    from the above there is no mention that the charge of racism is one sided. therefore racism is not just whites against blacks as this administration wants you to believe. how many blacks who have sided with republicans against this administration have been called racists? too many. the fact that in the garner case, a black sgt oversaw the attempted arrest and take down, proclaimed she did not see a problem with garner and add in the fact that she was given along with any other sgts protection from prosecution makes me wonder if this was racism against a white who had taken orders from his boss in this case. Personally I am tired of the race card being thrown out any time there are 2 races involved especially if one is white and the media and administrations want to condemn anyone who is white. this administration has imho caused a greater divide between blacks and whites and i know this opinion is the same from friends who are black and they are angry with this administration who are enabling blacks...and not because he likes them.

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    Is this disrespect happening because of the so called leaders who refuse to follow laws and spew hatred?

    Denver student protesters cheered when car struck officer, union official says
    Denver high school students protesting recent civilian deaths involving police chanted "Hit him again!" after a car struck four bicycle officers - injuring one critically - Wednesday night, the city's police union charged.

    Officer John Adsit underwent six hours of surgery Thursday for injuries sustained in the accident and was in critical, but stable condition. But the reaction of young students, reported by the Denver Post, left residents stunned and members of the Denver Police Protection Association angry. Students were heard chanting and cheering after the officers were hit. Teachers looked on and did not intervene while the students chanted, Fox31 Denver reports.

    “The Denver Police Protective Association has learned that immediately after the horrible accident yesterday injuring four Denver Police Officers, several parties in the protesting group cheered and chanted “hit him again.” These actions are not only reprehensible but quite possibly the most disturbing thing this Association has ever heard,” a statement released by the police officers’ union Thursday night said.

    The students were mainly marching in support of people protesting the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, who was killed by officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Mo. Wilson was not indicted on any charges by a Ferguson grand jury last week.

    “This group of high school students not only broke DPS rules by leaving school without authorization, but broke laws of the City and County of Denver and State of Colorado regarding traffic regulations and the right to assemble with a permit. The DPPA recognizes citizens’ rights to assemble lawfully. This, however, was not a lawful assembly, which ultimately cost four Denver Police Officers a trip to the hospital. One of which is in critical condition,” the statement continued.

    “We have no knowledge of the alleged comments,” the Denver Public Schools said in a statement. “We would deplore any such comments and will look into the allegation, and would welcome any evidence that would assist us in an investigation. All afternoon yesterday and all day today, students at East expressed their deep concern for Officer Adsit and his family and their appreciation for the police assistance in ensuring student safety during the march.”

    In a statement of its own, the Denver Police said it could not confirm the claims made by the union that students cheered when the officers were struck.

    Denver Public Schools said they have no plan to stop the protests after the second day of massive student walk outs from high schools in the area.

    Students told Fox31 Denver certain teachers tried to discourage students from walking out.

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    Berkeley Protester With a ‘Stop Killing Black Men’ T-Shirt Knocked Out with a Hammer

    By Brian Hayes on December 10, 2014

    "Peaceful protest!”

    That’s what people were chanting in Berkeley, California last night during the ubiquitous Mike Brown/Eric Garner anti-police rally/riot.

    But it sure didn’t turn out that way for one local White liberal. An “elderly man” wearing a ‘Stop Killing Black Men‘ t-shirt was knocked out with a hammer as he tried to persuade a Black mob of looters to abort their smash and grab at the Berkeley Radio Shack.

    Silly hippie, “protests” are for looting.

    You can hear the ironic chanting as he is assaulted and knocked unconscious. He was treated at the scene and is now hospitalized in uncertain condition.

    My FOX LA reported:

    Sunday’s protest began peacefully on the University of California, Berkeley campus. But as protesters marched through downtown Berkeley toward the neighboring city of Oakland, someone smashed the window of a Radio Shack. When a protester tried to stop the vandalism, he was hit with a hammer, Officer Jennifer Coats said.

    Some of the protesters made their way to a freeway in Oakland and blocked traffic. The California Highway Patrol said some tried to light a patrol vehicle on fire and threw rocks, bottles and an explosive at officers. Highway patrol officers responded with tear gas.
    corey @oncontour

    an elderly man was struck in the head w/ a hammer tonight by a smashy kid.
    this is a crisis of ethics in protest. I am beyond disillusioned.

    2:41 AM - 8 Dec 2014
    Crisis of ethics? Did he not see Ferguson, and the endless liberal justification for looting, rioting and arson?

    The poor Berkeley liberal learned the hard way that the true mob behind these protests wants nothing to do with the rule of law, but want revolution instead.

    The poor Berkeley liberal learned the hard way that the true mob behind these protests wants nothing to do with the rule of law, but want revolution instead.
    What the PTB want is an excuse to declare "Martial Law". Currently the Commander in Chief has began the downsizing and disemboweling of our Military. He is also well orchestrating the war on Law Enforcement. If you don't see what is happening, you are behind the curve.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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