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    Obama Secretly Met With Ferguson Protesters – What He Told Them is Truly Disturbing

    By Brian Hayes on November 17, 2014

    Tensions are running high in Ferguson, Missouri, ahead of an expect Grand Jury decision on whether or not to indict Officer Darren Wilson on criminal charges for the death of Michael Brown, a 18-year old Black man, on August 9th.

    And Barack Obama may have just made things worse, after a very disturbing secret meeting with those who rioted after Brown’s death.

    Obama met with Ferguson protest leaders on November 5th, the day after the midterm elections. The meeting was left off his daily schedule. In that meeting, he said was concerned that the protesters “stay on course.”

    What does that mean? And why is the President of the United States meeting with protesters — who have vandalized, robbed or destroyed over 100 businesses — before a verdict is reached in the court case?

    The New York Times did their best to hide this meeting in the 21st paragraph of their report:

    But leaders here say that is the nature of a movement that has taken place, in part, on social media and that does not match an earlier-era protest structure where a single, outspoken leader might have led the way. “This is not your momma’s civil rights movement,” said Ashley Yates, a leader of Millennial Activists United. “This is a movement where you have several difference voices, different people. The person in charge is really — the people. But the message from everyone is the same: Stop killing us.”

    At times, there has been a split between national civil rights leaders and the younger leaders on the ground here, who see their efforts as more immediate, less passive than an older generation’s. But some here said relations have improved in recent weeks.

    Some of the national leaders met with President Obama on Nov. 5 for a gathering that included a conversation about Ferguson.

    According to the Rev. Al Sharpton, who has appeared frequently in St. Louis with the Brown family and delivered a speech at Mr. Brown’s funeral, Mr. Obama “was concerned about Ferguson staying on course in terms of pursuing what it was that he knew we were advocating.”
    Obama meeting with a race baiter like Sharpton ahead of the verdict, and encouraging proven felons to “stay the course”?

    God help this nation in the next week.
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    Missouri governor declares state of emergency ahead of ruling on Ferguson shooting
    Reuters - By Scott Malone - 6 mins ago

    FERGUSON Mo. (Reuters) - Missouri's governor declared a state of emergency on Monday and authorized the state's National Guard to support police in case of violence after a grand jury decides whether to indict a white police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black teenager.

    "Our goal here is to keep the peace and allow folks' voices to be heard," Governor Jay Nixon told reporters on a teleconference. "People need to feel safe and to achieve those goals, we need to be prepared."

    The order also puts the St. Louis County Police Department, rather than police in Ferguson, Missouri, in charge of policing protests.

    Residents of Ferguson, which saw weeks of sometimes violent protests following the Aug. 9 shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, are braced for the possibility of more unrest, particularly if the grand jury decides not to criminally charge Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.

    Officials have said the grand jury's decision is likely to come this month.

    The past two days have seen peaceful protests around the area in anticipation of the grand jury's report. Several dozen demonstrators took to the streets on Monday in Clayton, Missouri, where the grand jury is meeting.

    "We want an indictment. The cops don't like it," the protesters chanted as they marched in below-freezing temperatures.

    "Something about the way Mike Brown was killed started a fire in me that I can't ignore," said one of the protest organizers, Dhorbua Shakur, 24.

    He said he had little sympathy for area residents who are tired of the demonstrations, which left some businesses in Ferguson burned out.

    "They can turn this off and on with a TV screen. But this is my reality. This is my life," Shakur said.


    Some area schools have told parents they will dismiss students early when the decision comes and many businesses near the stretch of downtown that saw the worst rioting after Brown's killing have boarded up their windows as a protective move.

    ABC News reported that an FBI bulletin sent to police forces across the United States warned that the grand jury's decision "will likely" lead to some violence. An FBI spokesman declined to comment on the report.

    Video and audio published over the weekend by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch showed Wilson leaving the police station and returning to it hours after the shooting.

    There are conflicting accounts of what happened, with some witnesses saying Brown had his hands up in surrender when he was shot and others describing a physical altercation between Brown and Wilson.

    Many protesters expressed anger at word over the weekend that Wilson may be able to return to his job if he is not indicted, although local police said he would be fired immediately if charges are brought.

    Protest organizers planned to demonstrate at the Ferguson Police Department when the grand jury's decision comes back, and later at the county courthouse in Clayton.

    Ferguson Mayor James Knowles expressed confidence on Monday in the city's police department and its chief, Thomas Jackson.

    "Right now, what we need is continuity in the police department and the chief has made tremendous relationships with a number of protesters and so I think that's what those protesters want," Knowles said. "The conversations we have been able to have with people have been very productive. ... We need to have a mutual understanding before we can move forward."
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Ferguson Activists Planning to Target White Areas, Police and their ‘Children’

    By Brian Hayes on November 17, 2014

    The Ferguson protesters who looted, vandalized or destroyed over 100 business in August and September, are gearing up for their biggest “outburst” ever after the Grand Jury fails to indict Officer Dennis Wilson in the coming hours or days, as is widely expected.

    And this time, they are making plans to focus on White areas — and are threatening to target police officers, and even their families.

    As Progressives Today reported, Anarchist leader Lisa Fithian held several training sessions this month for Ferguson activists.

    At least 600 “activists” have already been trained. Fithian was a key organizer of the violent demonstrations that caused the shutdown of the 1999 World Trade Organization meetings in Seattle, Washington. She is a self-described “anti-capitalist revolutionary.”

    On Saturday one of her trainers told the attendees that they were going to target white areas.

    “Personally, I think we DONT need to be on West Florissant. I wanna advocate that we go on South Florissant because the people on South Florissant don’t look like me. The people on West Florissant look like me and they’re with it. So… I really don’t have anything to protest on West Florissant. So if I’m in the area I’m going to Ferguson Police Department.”

    And she is not alone in targeting police.

    Here is Palestinian Muslim agitator Bassem Masri threatening police officers and their families directly:

    “You will never be safe, never in your life. None of you. Not you, not your children – none of you will be safe.”

    How is this not a terroristic threat? Why isn’t Masri put in jail for this?

    Where is Obama and Holder to speak out against this clear, race-based plans of Ferguson activists? Can you imagine what would be their response if White neo-Nazis were caught on tape planning to target Black families?
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    Diane Sori

    Craig and I are doing Breaking News over at CPR radio on the events in Ferguson as we have 'someone' in the crowds. Beating FOX to major updates like two man are being apprehended for putting 'something' into the Ferguson Water System that serves Ferguson and parts of St. Louis as well as the fact that 4 white people have been found dead (all shot in the head) in their homes in Ferguson within the past half hour.

    Also a Ferguson fire station is being attacked. Lastly, Obama might just get his wish of starting a race war as the KKK is en-route to Ferguson to put their hand into the mix. It's going to be a long night folks and I'll try to keep everyone here on FB updated as the reports come in. and in between Crag and I on the air.

    BREAKING NOW...Hamas is in St. Louis...visible sightings have been confirmed.
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    Milwaukee Police Chief Speaks the Hard Truth About Crime That Black Activists DON’T Want to Hear

    By Gina Cassini on November 20, 2014

    In the wake of the Ferguson, Missouri controversy, activists in Milwaukee have been attacking its police department as racist after a White officer shot Black man Dontre Hamilton.

    Black activists have attacked the officer as having used excessive force against an “emotionally disturbed person” just because he was Black, while defenders say the officer, Christopher Manney, was merely defending himself against a violent Hamilton who took away his baton and started beating him.

    That’s where Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn comes in, and has inspired millions of Americans with a powerful, emotional rant — one which the rabble rousers of Ferguson, and Barack Obama himself, need to hear.

    And Flynn has sparked a critical debate that the media and Black “leaders” refuse to allow to be discussed: the staggering rates of violent crime committed by Blacks, with Black victims who are forgotten by race-baiting activists because it doesn’t fit their radical agenda.

    In this video, Flynn is clearly upset, after dealing with the white hot Hamilton controversy — but also because a 5-year old Black girl had just been shot to death in a drive-by shooting.

    What follows is a truly EPIC rant that a sincerely hope you share including the links above.

    “Well I was on my phone, and yes, that’s true. I was following developments with a 5-year-old little girl sitting on her dad’s lap who just got shot in the head by a drive-by shooting. And if some of the people here gave a good g*dd*mn about the victimization of the people in this community by crime, I’d take some of their invective more seriously.

    The greatest racial disparity in the city of Milwaukee is getting shot and killed. Hello! Eighty percent of my homicide victims every year are African-American. Eighty percent of our aggravated assault victims are African-American. Eighty percent of our shooting victims, who survive their shooting are African-American….”
    Nationally, a staggering 77% of all violent crime is committed by about 8% of the population: Black males — with 80% of their victims of the same race, according to 2010 FBI statistics.

    Until we stop focusing on the few White-on-Black police killings, and turn the focus on the tragic disaster in the Black community — which is covered up by the Sharptons of the world — we will never come close to solving this crisis.

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    Ferguson officer Darren Wilson in talks to resign from police force, sources say
    By Evan Perez and Shimon Prokupecz, CNN

    updated 11:21 PM EST, Thu November 20, 2014

    Ferguson, Missouri (CNN) -- Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, who shot and killed teenager Michael Brown on August 9, is in the final stages of negotiations with city officials to resign, according to people close to the talks.

    Wilson maintains he hasn't done anything wrong, and the resignation talks have hinged on whether a grand jury returns an indictment against him in the death of Brown, people close to the talks said.

    Wilson has told associates he would resign as a way to help ease pressure and protect his fellow officers. Wilson has expressed concern about resigning while the grand jury was hearing evidence for fear it would appear he was admitting fault.

    Wilson could announce as soon as Friday his plans to resign, the same day a St. Louis County grand jury meets to deliberate and possibly decide on an indictment.

    The talks could still collapse, these people said. Wilson doesn't know what the grand jury will do and if they return charges he could change his mind.
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    Ferguson Grand Jury Fails to Reach Decision on Indictment

    November 22, 2014 By Greg Campbell

    In a move that appears to be calculated to pacify rioters who have promised violence if Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson is not indicted for his role in the shooting death of Michael Brown, the Ferguson Grand Jury has announced that they have been unable to come to an agreement on the indictment.

    The grand jury left the justice center in St. Louis, Missouri, late Friday without having reached a decision on whether to indict Wilson who reportedly shot a robbery suspect, Michael Brown, when Brown attacked the officer.

    Since the shooting, the St. Louis suburb has endured mass riots and looting. Many groups, including the Black Panthers, have promised violence if Wilson is not indicted for having shot the black teenager in August.

    Autopsy reports support Wilson’s account and Ferguson has been bracing for mass violence in recent days as the grand jury has been expected to hand down a refusal to indict. However, with the near-constant threat of mass violence looming, it may be that the grand jury has bowed to the threats of violence and property damage that would devastate their community and have been unable to come to an agreement.

    President Obama spoke on Friday about the escalating situation in Ferguson:

    “This is a country that allows everybody to express their views, allows them to peacefully assemble, to protest actions that they think are unjust,” Obama told ABC News. “But using any event as an excuse for violence is contrary to rule of law and contrary to who we are.”

    Obama was apparently unaware of the irony of his lecturing on the value of the rule of law on the same day that he signed an executive order granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants without Congressional approval.
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    Ferguson grand jury has reached decision
    By DAVID A. LIEB and ANDALE GROSS, Associated Press 1 hr ago

    FERGUSON, Mo. — A grand jury has reached a decision about whether to indict a Ferguson police officer in the shooting death of Michael Brown, a spokesman for St. Louis County's top prosecutor said Monday.

    The panel has been considering charges against Darren Wilson, the white suburban St. Louis officer who fatally shot the black 18-year-old after a confrontation in August.

    In a brief email to reporters, spokesman Ed Magee said the decision would be announced later Monday. He offered no immediate details.

    The prosecutor's office has told Brown's relatives that the decision will be made public after 5 p.m., family attorney Benjamin Crump told The Associated Press.

    The Aug. 9 shooting inflamed tensions in the predominantly black St. Louis suburb that is patrolled by an overwhelmingly white police force. As Brown's body lay for hours in the center of a residential street, an angry crowd of onlookers gathered. Rioting and looting occurred the following night, and police responded with armored vehicles and tear gas.

    Protests have continued since then — often peacefully, but sometimes turning violent, with demonstrators throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails and police firing smoke canisters, tear gas and rubber bullets.

    Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon traveled to St. Louis from the Capitol on Monday in advance of the grand jury announcement. He was to speak with St. Louis-area clergy on a conference call and then hold a news conference at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.

    Pastors were planning a rally and prayer service later Monday at the West Side Missionary Baptist Church in St. Louis.

    "There's a lot of hurt, a lot of brokenness. There's anger and frustration on every side," said the Rev. Ronald Bobo Sr., the church's pastor. "We need the hand of God to lead us and guide us."

    The 12-person grand jury has been meeting in secret for months, hearing evidence from a wide variety of witnesses as it decides whether Wilson's should face charges that could range from involuntary manslaughter to murder. The grand jurors could decide not to charge Wilson at all.

    At the lower end of the possible charges is second-degree involuntary manslaughter, which is defined as acting with criminal negligence to cause a death. It is punishable by up to four years in prison. The most serious charge, first-degree murder, can be used only when someone knowingly causes a death after deliberation and is punishable by either life in prison or lethal injection.

    As residents waited for the grand jury announcement, police visibly increased their presence Monday.

    In the St. Louis County seat of Clayton, officers from at least three different municipal departments patrolled the streets surrounding the downtown courthouse.

    Inside, an Associated Press reporter saw more than 20 Missouri State Highway Patrol officers equipped with rifles, 3-foot batons, riot shields and other equipment as they silently assembled. Some businesses had boarded up their windows in Clayton, just as many shops already had done near the site of Brown's shooting in Ferguson.
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    Watch Eric Holder Warns Law Enforcement To Keep Their Hands Off Ferguson Protesters.
    21 November 2014 ~ Amy Elizabeth

    Ahead of the grand jury in Ferguson announcing whether it will indict a police officer for killing a man in Ferguson, Missouri, Attorney General Eric Holder has released a video announcement telling law enforcement to behave.

    “The Justice Department encourages law enforcement officials, in every jurisdiction, to work with the communities they serve to minimize needless confrontation,” Holder says.

    “Over the past few months, we’ve seen demonstrations and protests that have sought to bring attention to real and significant underlying issues involving police practices, implicit bias, and pervasive community distrust. And in most cases, these demonstrations have been both meaningful and responsible, and have brought vital issues to the attention of the public at large,” the top cop says in a video.

    “I know, from first-hand experience, that demonstrations like these have the potential to spark a sustained and positive national dialogue, to provide momentum to a necessary conversation, and to bring about critical reform"
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    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Ferguson reacts to grand jury decision LIVE UPDATES

    A Ferguson grand jury decided it will not bring criminal charges against officer Darren Wilson, who shot and killed unarmed black teenager Michael Brown. The city is bracing for potentially huge demonstrations in the wake of the decision.

    06:15 GMT:

    The transmission from Anon Cop Watch showed angry citizens of Ferguson asking a local policeman questions and commenting on the situation.

    “I mean, you have no compassion. You’re like, ‘We killed him. So what?’” one of the demonstrators told the policeman. “I can accept it if there is some accountability.”

    “Nobody has lost their jobs, nobody has been held accountable,” another protester shouted out.

    The policeman replied that he “does have a right to protect himself.”

    In the background, cars were heard beeping, and people shouting.

    06:10 GMT:

    Protesters have reportedly shut down the Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Tri-Boro Bridges in New York City.

    05:33 GMT:

    05:33 GMT: St. Louis county police have reported heavy automatic gunfire in one area of Ferguson. Meanwhile, shops have been looted and a number of fires have sprung up around the area.

    05:22 GMT:

    President Barack Obama has called for calm in Ferguson following the grand jury’s decision. Appearing at the White House, he said that a lot of work needed to be done to improve race relations between black American’s and the police.

    "We need to accept that this decision was the grand jury's to make. There are Americans who agree with it and there are Americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. It's an understandable reaction," Obama said.

    05:09 GMT:

    Riot police have moved in near Ferguson's police department, RT's Aleksey Yaroshevsky reports.

    LIVE stream -
    Missouri state Highway Patrol Audio Feed -

    It is unfortunate that this has turned to violence. I wonder what would have happened if he was convicted. Would the supporters of Darren Wilson protest the decision? One of popular slogans in these protest is "No Justice No Peace" but what if there was justice. This would not change the fact that similar accidents like this one are likely to occur elsewhere.

    "Looking for justice will kill you. There's no such thing. Whatever happens is real. What you think should have happened is not real. You're disappointed, not in the world, but in your value system."- Jacque Fresco
    Last edited by Eddie; 11-25-2014 at 12:21 AM. Reason: Pictures

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