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    ALERT: Black Panthers Are Planning a “Civil War” if Officer Wilson Isn’t Arrested

    A former head of the New Black Panther Party called for a “rebellion” against the United States government if Ferguson, Mo., Police Officer Darren Wilson is not indicted by a grand jury for the murder of Michael Brown.

    Malik Zulu Shabazz, head of Black Lawyers for Justice, appeared on Fox News Radio this week with John Gibson to make the remarks, according to Breitbart.

    Gibson asked him if police were justified in their use of force when protesters threw rocks and bottles at them.

    Shabazz said that he had witnessed the police making up stories about violent protesters to justify their own violence, but admitted that “a few” protesters had thrown rocks and bottles.

    Click here to watch video of Michael Brown supporters protesting at a St. Louis Cardinals game — and the response they got from fans.

    He then tried to compare the throwing of bottles and rocks at law enforcement to American colonists throwing tea into Boston Harbor in 1773.

    (As far as we can tell, the only thing the two incidents had in common is the use of the word “throwing,” which, in the case of the tea, which was transported in heavy barrels, was probably poetic license.)

    While Shabazz allowed that he would not specifically call for violence, he also refused to condemn it. “The authority of the white man and white America is illegitimate,” he said. “You have been killing us for 400 years.”

    Shabazz also distinguished between illegal “riots” and what he called constitutionally-mandated “rebellion” against a tyrannical government.

    You can listen to his full comments here:

    Shabazz and all those who promote racial division and violence for their own personal gain are abhorrent to any thinking American — or any thinking person, for that matter.

    The idea of a rebellion against a tyrannical government that no longer listens to its citizens, though? That might have some merit.

    See also
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    rebellion against the government? last I heard those words could be interpreted as a threat to the US government which is against the law. let's see what holder and obama are willing to do..............but i won't hold my breath

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    Hercules Actor: ‘Ferguson Rioters I Called Animals and Losers – And They Are’
    October 21, 2014 - 2:09 PM - By Michael W. Chapman

    Kevin Sorbo, star of the 1990s TV series Hercules: the Legendary Journeys, as well as the 2011 movie Soul Surfer and this year’s hugely successful God’s Not Dead, said the people rioting and looting – not peacefully protesting -- in Ferguson, Mo., in the wake of the Michael Brown shooting are “animals and losers,” stressing that no one has a right to “burn people’s property or attack other people when something like this happens.”

    Sorbo, a Christian and conservative in Hollywood, was criticized by some liberal media, such as The Huffington Post, when he wrote against the Ferguson rioters back on Aug. 20 on his Facebook page. Sorbo had written, “Ferguson riots have very little to do with the shooting of the young man. It is an excuse to be the losers these animals truly are.”

    The Huffington Post, however, ran a headline that read, “’Hercules’ Actor Kevin Sorbo Calls Ferguson Protestors ‘Animals,’ ‘Losers.’”

    But as Sorbo explained, he did not label the protestors that way; he wrote of the “Ferguson riots.”

    In an interview with, Sorbo said, “You know, people like to sensationalize all that stuff. I had the same thing happen to me when I made a comment about the Ferguson rioters and the Ferguson rioters I called animals and losers -- and they are.”

    Critics said “Kevin Sorbo is racist, he called the protesters losers and animals, [but] I never called the protesters that,” said the actor/director. “We have a total right to protest in this country. But then, you know, you look at three days later there were two African American officers up in Utah that shot a white man, an unarmed white man, killed him. No news story on that, no rioters on that.”

    Michael Brown, an 18-year-old African American, was shot by a white police officer in Ferguson on Aug. 9. On Aug. 11, an unarmed 20-year-old white/Hispanic man, Dillon Taylor, was shot and killed by a police officer, described as not white, in Salt Lake City, Utah.

    “We don’t have a right to riot, to loot, to vandal, to burn people’s property or attack other people when something like this happens," said Sorbo. "I mean it's just, Martin Luther King's turning over in his grave. I mean the whole thing Martin Luther King was, you know, his dream was one day to have everybody judge the character of a person not by the color of their skin."

    Sorbo went on to say, "And if you look at people, most of the people that were rioting and stealing and looting, destroying people’s businesses [in Ferguson] that have nothing to do with the murder of this young kid. It’s just, it’s amazing to me, and we sit there and we support that?”

    “Oh that’s fine, that’s wonderful?” he said. “And then you look at what’s going on overseas right now. My God, the beheading of children and it’s going on every single day right now and we sit around and go la,la,la,la,la like nothing’s going on. I mean, it’s sad to me where we have our priorities in this country, it’s just sad to me.”

    In one of his latest projects, Kevin Sorbo plays Protestant theologian John Calvin in the recently released book and Blu-ray/DVD combo Let The Lion Roar, which explores how the Bible was re-written over the centuries by anti-Jewish writers and explains how Israel and the Jewish people are vital to God’s plan for salvation.

    Earlier this year, Sorbo played an atheist professor in the movie God’s Not Dead. The film, made with a budget of $2 million, has generated $64 million in the United States and an additional $25 million overseas. “Dollar-for-dollar return, I think it is the number one movie in Hollywood this year,” said Sorbo.


    Vigil : Good

    Peaceful Protests : Good

    Riots, pillaging, destruction of property : BAD'

    Critics said “Kevin Sorbo is racist, he called the protesters losers and animals...

    The race card - a card for every occasion whenever the facts don't favour selected minorities.

    - What Sorbo said was the RIOTERS were "losers" and "animals"
    Last edited by Jolie Rouge; 10-21-2014 at 03:14 PM.
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    Michael Brown’s mom taking son’s case to the UN Committee Against Torture

    Written by Allen West on November 3, 2014

    I just have to put this one down in the “no, this can’t be really happening” category. However, I did everything to examine if this was a hoax but it appears not.

    According to Vice News, “Lesley McSpadden, the mother of the 18-year-old boy (Michael Brown) whose death at the hands of a Ferguson police officer in August sparked weeks of protests, is going to Geneva, Switzerland next month to speak about her son and other victims of police brutality in front of the United Nations. Mike Brown’s killing is still under investigation by federal officials, while a local grand jury tasked with deciding whether to charge officer Darren Wilson for his death is supposed to make an announcement any day — with few in Ferguson believing that an indictment is likely. But with little faith in the justice her son will receive, McSpadden, accompanied by one of the family’s lawyers and a handful of local activists and human rights advocates, is taking her son’s case — and that of other victims of racial profiling and police violence — straight to the UN Committee Against Torture, the body tasked with preventing torture and cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment and punishment around the world.”

    Yes ladies and gentlemen, Michael Brown’s mother is taking her case to the United Nations Committee Against Torture — such an august and astute body that did so very much to condemn Sudan and secure the release of Meriam Ibrahim from a death sentence. Not. The same UN Committee that has certainly rallied international support against the menace we know as ISIS. Not.

    Now, I have to wonder if the widows of those two California law enforcement officers whose husbands were gunned down by an illegal immigrant wanted to take their case to the United Nations — would all these local activists and human rights advocates support them?

    Of course that is a seriously rhetorical question — but quite revealing. Where were the rallies, protests, activists and advocates for the U.S. Border Patrol agent who was gunned down by two illegal immigrants — who also had been previously deported — right before his family on an outing?

    I for one am sick of the politicized cherry picking by these bogus activists and advocates who are just looking for another faux cause — what happened to freeing Tibet or Darfur? And shame on the Democrat Party as well for using images of Ferguson in mailers to fear monger and intimidate black voters into believing that voting for Republicans would result in more “Fergusons.” I just returned from my home state of Georgia where the Georgia Democrat party did just that and was unapologetic. Typical.

    Vice says “The trip — which was recently made public by organizers and promoted under the tagline “Ferguson to Geneva” — is meant to make a case, to as wide an audience as possible, that both Brown’s killing and the militarized police response to protesters demanding justice for him, are a matter of human rights. “It’s actually covered by article one of the convention against torture,” Justin Hansford, a law professor at Saint Louis University and co-author of a brief to the UN body filed by Brown’s family and local activists, told Vice News. “When the government has all the guns, all the force, and when they can kill people with impunity and without fear of being found guilty of a crime, that’s a classic example of state violence.” “You see this in dictatorships and regimes where they do this to their own citizens and they get away with it,” he added.”

    I’d like to know where Professor Hansford was when the Iranian regime was gunning down the Green Movement reformers? And does Professor Hansford support the looting and attacks on local businesses that occurred, or does he feel there’s no need for police actions to protect law-abiding citizens and their property? What about the rights of a Ferguson police officer who was recently shot? Nah, they just don’t matter I suppose. And what is this sham UN Committee Against Torture supposed to actually do? Open up a case and investigate the Ferguson Police Department? Well, take a number and fall in behind Eric Holder’s FBI – because that’s going nowhere.

    And one thing you can always count on white liberal progressive socialist apologists to do is invoke horrific images from the past. Professor Hansford compared Brown’s killing to that of Emmet Till in the 1950s — a pivotal moment behind the civil rights movement of the following years.

    “The murder of Michael Brown was a fresh cut in an old wound in the sense that it played on the legacy of lynching, when black people’s bodies were on display for people as a form of intimidation,” Hansford said, referring to Brown’s body, which laid on the streets for more than four hours. Brown’s death, he added, “wasn’t just a violation of people’s civil rights, it was a violation of their human rights.”

    But I suppose the good professor cares little for the validity of the forensic evidence that may just prove Officer Darren Brown’s account to be accurate. What if Michael Brown assaulted a law enforcement officer — after he had assaulted a local store owner? What if Michael Brown — 6’4″ and 300 pounds — had reached for the officer’s gun and had powder residue on his hands? Then does Professor Hansford make a case for the rights of the law enforcement officer? Uh, no.

    Vice reports, “Framing both as human rights issues is an attempt to speak to people’s empathy — Charles Wade, a protester and one of the organizers of the Ferguson to Geneva initiative, told VICE News. “People are starting to understand that people of color often feel that they don’t have the same rights as humans, that their humanity isn’t being respected,” he said. “A person may not have ever seen it that way so they may now think, ‘Yeah, all lives do matter, I do care. How can I help?”

    Pathetic. I am sick of white liberal progressives seeking out black victims in order to make themselves feel good. I wish these caucasian progressive socialists were as adamant about the decimation of the black family or the extreme level of abortions in the black community.

    Why don’t they care about greater educational opportunities in the black community through school choice, vouchers, charter schools, and home schooling — instead of trapping black children in their failing public schools run by their teachers’ union cronies? Where was the cry for human rights with the chronic and genocidal black-on-black murders in inner cities such as Chicago — or the insidiously high black teenager unemployment rate?

    You see, the real issues plaguing the black community are caused by white progressive socialists and their complicit liberal black cronies and sycophants. However, when an issue like the shooting of Michael Brown comes up — tragic indeed – the fact that it is symptomatic of greater ills which the progressive socialists dismiss in order to foment the grievance industry and victimization of the black community is of course completely ignored.

    As Wall Street Journal editorial board member Jason Riley — a black man — insists, “please stop helping us.”
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    Mike Brown’s Mother Caught in Armed Robbery ?

    Michael Brown’s mother, Lesley McSpadden, is in hot water this week after it was revealed she led a group that beat and robbed vendors selling “Justice For Michael Brown” T-Shirts.

    On October 18, McSpadden allegedly led the group to rob the vendors of their Michael Brown merchandise. One of the vendors was McSpadden’s former mother-in-law Pearlie Gordon, Michael Brown’s grandmother, who was hospitalized after being beaten with a pipe during the incident.

    Gordon, 54, later recounted that she and her coworkers were beaten by “a large group of about 20-30 subjects” who “jumped out of and rushed” the vendors.

    Gordon said she was approached by McSpadden, who got in her face and yelled, “You can’t sell this s**t!”

    Gordon replied that, “unless McSpadden could produce documentation stating that she had a patent on her son’s name (Gordon) was going to continue to sell her merchandise.”

    In the end, $1,500 in merchandise and $400 in cash were stolen during the robbery. Police are staying quiet about their investigation of McSpadden, but they have classified the case as “felony armed robbery.”

    If she is convicted of felony armed robbery charges, McSpadden could be facing some serious time behind bars…

    H/T: New York Daily News
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    Million Mask March in Ferguson Results in Vandalism, Arrests
    Friday, 07 Nov 2014 12:42 PM By Clyde Hughes

    A protest "Million Mask March" held in Ferguson, Missouri, in advance of a grand jury decision in the death of Michael Brown, resulted in the arrest of three people and a news vehicle being vandalized.

    The Internet activists group Anonymous claimed the worldwide protest was conducted Wednesday in 481 cities, including Ferguson where protestors closed off the intersection of South Florissant Road and Airport Road for several minutes and then went to the police department after law enforcement officers ordered them off the street, according to KTVI-TV.

    Elsewhere, activists gathered at Pioneer Square and other locations in Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday, according to The Oregonian.

    In Denver, police arrested 10 people at the Colorado State Capitol after it was vandalized with spray paint Wednesday night at the end of a march there, according to the Los Angeles Times.

    One person was arrested for felony assault charges on an officer, Denver police said. "Absolutely no violence will be tolerated," Denver's Million Mask March organizers said on its Facebook page, noted the Times. "Please be respectful as there may be children present and or in the area no drugs, no alcohol out of respect for the kids..."

    Denver Police Dept. @DenverPolice
    UPDATE: Grafitti on the Capitol

    Actor Russell Brand joined protestors in the streets of central London during the march there and where at least 10 people were arrested, according to The Independent. Police and protestors squabbled in Trafalgar Square before heading towards Parliament Square.

    There were Million Mask March gatherings throughout Europe, including Berlin.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Ferguson Protesters Give Police Ridiculous List of Pre-Riot Demands
    By Monica Sanchez | November 11, 2014

    In anticipation for the impending decision in the Ferguson grand jury investigation concerning the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown by police officer Darren Wilson, protesters have released a list of demands essentially ordering authorities, “Don’t interfere as we do what we please.”

    Compiled by the Don't Shoot Coalition -- an alliance of approximately 50 local activist organizations formed in the wake of the police shooting of Michael Brown -- the list entitled “Proposed Rules of Engagement” consists of 19 points dictating the conduct of police in the event of a riot.

    Curiously, the coalition's official website is now offline.

    Ridiculous demands such as “police will wear only the attire minimally required for their safety,” “specialized riot gear will be avoided except as a last resort," and "police will be instructed to be tolerant of more minor lawbreaking" make the cut.

    Word of the demands have spread across social media, with Twitter hashtags such as #FergusonProtestorsDemands and #RecipeForARiot specially made to showcase the list’s absurdity.

    D L F @DLF_2012

    #Ferguson protesters issue a list of demands to law enforcement.
    You mean the way criminals & terrorists issue demands?

    12:06 AM - 10 Nov 2014
    Skip Clarke @SkipClarke

    Given #Ferguson protestors demands of police, why doesn’t @stlcountypd stay home & let protestors police themselves?

    4:09 PM - 8 Nov 2014
    Virgil Edwards @IrvinePatriot
    #FergusonProtestorsDemands Watercoolers and Benches like at Ball games!

    8:57 PM - 7 Nov 2014
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jolie Rouge View Post
    Ferguson Protesters Give Police Ridiculous List of Pre-Riot Demands
    By Monica Sanchez | November 11, 2014

    Will the protestors follow the same rules ??

    If you behave like an "enemy combatant" -- expect to be treated as same.
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    lOMG! why didn't they just say things like they have the right to kill anyone who they do not like; no whites allowed within 50 miles of them; booths must be set up with free lawyers and bondmen; any crowd control must be ok'd by them 48 hours in advance, looting is not a crime; arson is not a crime; all injuries to non protesters will be the responsibility of themselves; each protestor who arrives from out of town shall get free room and board paid for by the non-black members of the town; only the protestors have a right to determine who can come into the town and the protestors have the right to profile, arrest, torture, and rob anyone they so desire. the town will be rebuilt and paid for by white police officers and the law will be changed that gives the town the right to not allow whites to set foot in their town unless permitted by the vigilante protestor panel. any person who is not 100% black will not be considered one of them unless they apply and are granted that status.

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    Missouri KKK: We will use ‘lethal force’ against Ferguson protesters

    The Missouri chapter of the Ku Klux Klan is threatening to use “lethal force” against protesters in Ferguson who threaten their safety, equating some demonstrators to “terrorists.”

    Frank Ancona, leader of the KKK’s Missouri operations, has been distributing fliers in the metropolitan St. Louis area warning protesters in Ferguson that those who have threatened police officers and their families will be met with violence themselves.

    The flier, obtained by Vice News, is addressed to “the terrorists masquerading as peaceful protesters.” It also states that they have “awakened a sleeping giant.”

    “You have been warned by the Klu Klux Klan!” it continues. “There will be consequences for your actions against the peaceful, law abiding citizens of Missouri.”

    READ MORE: Fundraiser for killer Ferguson cop triggers rift within KKK

    This kind of behavior is not exactly unusual for the KKK, which has circulated similar letters in various cities across the United States. But the delivery of these fliers comes at a particularly sensitive time in Ferguson and the surrounding St. Louis area.

    Residents are currently waiting to hear whether or not a grand jury will bring criminal charges against Officer Darren Wilson, the white officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teenager named Michael Brown. The 18-year-old’s death sparked massive, weeks-long protests, which made headlines around the country after police deployed a number of controversial crowd-control tactics – the use of tear gas and the establishment of a no-fly zone over the city, for example.

    No one knows exactly when the decision will be reached, but reports suggest the process is coming to a close and it could be any day now. Gun sales have spiked in the area, and some businesses have boarded up their storefronts in an attempt to preempt looting. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon announced earlier this week that the National Guard would be on standby to respond to any reports of violence.

    Speaking with the Riverfront Times, Ancona said: “Missouri is definitely on fire right now.” He also stated that the Ferguson protests were a boon for KKK recruiting.

    "These Ferguson protesters are the best recruiters since Obama," he said, noting that 50 people joined the group in November alone. "Normally we might hear from 10 people a week in Missouri, and now we're hearing from more like 50 people a week. Sometimes, depending on these news stories, we get 100, 200 calls in a day."

    Soon after the new KKK fliers came to the public's attention, Ancona appeared on MSNBC, where he was asked if he was inciting violence.

    “No, actually it’s addressing the people who are making these terroristic threats and letting them know that the people of Missouri have rights too,” Ancona said. “There are remedies under the law. The flier, if you read it, it says ‘defend’, it talks about defense. So, in order to defend yourself, that means you’re being attacked.”

    READ MORE: KKK rebrand: Blacks, Hispanics, gays & Jews now welcomed by Ku Klux Klan

    Activist Bassem Masri has been called out specifically by the KKK, which claims he threatened police while live-streaming one of the protests. Masri dismissed the accusation to Vice News.

    "If they want to perpetuate hate, we can't stop them, but we can surely let them know we ain't going for it," he said. "They are using the KKK to change the narrative to something they want, which is a race war which we are not advocating for, taking the story off [Missouri Governor Jay] Nixon, [St. Louis Country prosecutor Bob] McCulluch, and Darren Wilson."

    "It's ok for the KKK to hate folks but God forbid a minority speaks up.”

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    i feel bad for all those businesses, no matter what race they belong to, who have and could suffer more losses at the hands of looters, arsonists, unruly protestors. if everyone reacted like these mobs every time things did not go the way we wanted or expected, we would not have a lawful country. yes i question our laws or the enforcement of those laws but I do not go out and harm maliciously what is not mine. I have a right to speak out just like any citizen in this country but speaking and physically causing destruction are 2 different things.

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